Glacial Hammer range/radius/aoe (PvP)

Ran past someone who had a tribal maul, I crossed just outside of his melee range (he did not have the master of arena passive). He initiates his attack and as he pulls back and swings I get even further away. Suddenly he hits (the air, not me) and a large cold explosion happens behind me as I lose the battle.

Tested several times.

I think what's happening is that, when he attacks, it takes into account where I'm standing when he clicks but doesn't care that I have increased movement speed and have moved out of the way of his attack before it completes.

It's a significant amount of distance away.

Intended or problem?
Last edited by TheGreatDivider#0075 on Mar 21, 2014, 3:55:18 AM
It's just PoE's shitty netcode.

The server doesn't trust the client, so whatever happens on your screen isn't actually what's happening on the server.

I just recently experienced a situation where this was dead obvious, I was attacking a few mobs in melee range and then moved out of range to get some life back, but on the server mobs were still hitting me (must have been a lag spike, wasn't just "desync") so rather than not having the mobs hit me because on my client I was clearly out of range, the server corrects this conflict of information by simply beamin me 3 to 4 screens back.

It couldn't care less about what is actually happening on your client, if the server thinks mobs are hitting you (or other players) even though on your screen they are miles away it will simply correct that information, not by not having the mobs hit you (trust client) but by teleporting you back to where the mobs are.

Don't really see a way for them to fix this problem. It's just the way the game is, it sucks but what can you realistically do. GGG have made it very obvious that, even though they are trying to improve "desync" and network problems within the current framework of the game, drastic changes to how client-information is processed by the server is not even up for debate.

Their "excuse" for this was that it could open up possibilities for players to cheat if the game was client-based and not server-based, but given that people are cheating anyway that to me seems like a bit of a moot point.
#1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
There is something particularly wrong when it comes to glacial hammer. It feels like the way it is coded, the point of impact occurs before the animation point of impact, or something about it just causes more desync than whirling blades and leap slam's illegitimate love child.
I don't think I've ever, ever been hit by glacial hammer in cutthroats where it made sense for me to be hit, unless I was facetanking the opponent, and even then the animation would never be synced with the impacts.
The non-cutthroat example of this is one of the game's most infamous desyncers, (at least to racers) Chatters.

I really think they need to do something, clean up the code, tighten up how it works... something. My vote is to cast the skill back into the frozen pits of Tartarus where they found it, at least for cutthroat events.
Like seriously, how long do you have to keep receiving feedback about this skill being terrible for pvp before you do something about it? People that get killed by it hate it and people that use it hate having to use it.
Chatters only has got long reach the Lightning Strike Chatters is pretty much the same.

GH suffers from massive accuracy and sync problems.

Best example is the Hillockkill you will always miss some, it won't be in sync and then your client is out of mana or server ate mana for an unfinished attack.

The Templar is the only class which aside from the Duelist which needs normal hits to kill Hillock.
>Thread about glacial hammer range
>Hilbert posts about how annoying it is to kill Hillock with Templar
IGN: Hybris_the_StormHerald - Nemesis
Season 3 - #3 Marauder - #15 overall points
Season 4 - #2 Marauder - #2 Duelist - #9 overall points
Season 5 - #1 Marauder - #2 Duelist - #20 overall points
If the client and the server are out of sync with mana. The client will prevent you from using potions/skills because they aren't full enough while on the server flasks and mana are full enough.

The opposite will also happen resulting in phantom hits.

This isn't a range issue, since melee ranged for 1h and 2h weapons is defined.
Sounds like you're just talking about standard desync...
Glacial Hammer is bugged. It has a huge delay, and it is extremely noticeable compared to Heavy Strike, with Multistrike it can get rly stupid in PvP, but sometimes PvE aswell.

Also... bring back the old sound for Glacial Hammer... I,ve allways hated this one compared to the old sound.

This delay does not ruin the balance in normal PvP, but in Cutthroat (early on), where people have a hard time engaging and catching up to players 100 percent of the time, it proves extremely op. I felt forced into using Glacial at a point where Heavy Strike was BETTER FOR MY CHAR, only because of this huge commando range hit that freezes or chills players out of no where. Glacial Hammer is already the best skill early on, but when combined with this bug it just gets retarded. This bug also saved my life like... 5 times?

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