2H flicker DPS BOMB!
how i come up with this build
This is a build i wanted to try since the open beta, thanks to adding multi-strike in a patch, and + frenzy charge on boots and necklace by vaal orbs, this build is more viable then ever, i started playing this build on ambush and is working very well so far i will begin with explaining the mechanism of this build Current in Ambush stats, lv84 25k dps splash flicker 4.6k hp, 12% hp regen /sec all res capped and about 60% phys reduction new passives PROS: ------------------------- extremely fast map clear speed (i full clear a lv 70 bog within 5 mins ) lots of hp to deal with reflect will dodge spell attacks like Dominus lightning stream easy to build and reach decent dps with moderate gear pvp viable Cons: --------------------------- will flicker to far far away from where u started and will have to run back for loot sometimes you flicker into vaal construct's slam attack and die if you're not careful Build Mech this build is focused on maximizing the damage each flicker strike does, so you can make sure every 4 strikes(3.9) kills an enemy which gives you another frenzy charge. for that, i go crit and increased 2H damage, I also grab a lot of hp nodes and some armour if i can to deal with reflect my passives after around 4 more level (lv 88)
normal-help aok, cruel- kill all, merciless- help kraityn
my gear
ignore the gems on weapon, which is an old setup, i now run flicker with manna and manna leech with hatred + purity of elements on now my crit chance has reached 33%, i will replace rimora with a diamond ring with defensive atts the quill rain is also very important, before u run into any mobs you can charge up 8 frenzy charges in 2 seconds and you can also leap slam away from boss and get more frenzy charges if you somehow run out of them for gems,
go flicker + multistrike + melee phys dmg + power charge on crit + splash or added fire damage depends on ae or single target
if you have 6L, just get them both and use increased crit dmg instead of splash if u want more single target dmg (or blood magic, if you dont have enough manna gain on kill from rings and gloves) and if you dont have very high crit chance yet, get rimora and dont use power charge on crit just yet weapon of choice,
marohi is always a good choice if u dont have a lot more currencies,
when you have some more, try to find something that has 450+ damage per "hit" and some attack speed is always nice Damage ------------------------------------------------ splash DPS= 25k splash, / 40k single target (lv 84, 496 dps 2h low crit hammer) for my gears i do 4k damage per hit(splash) and i have 8 frenzy charges (2 from passive 1 from bandit and 2 from gear) and the initial flicker doesn't consume any frenzy charges, so i can hit 9* 3 = 27 times before my frenzy charge runs out which is 108k damage, sufficient to kill a lv 75 map boss so far will improve a lot if i have a staff with similar dps and more crit if the map has reduced dmg mobs, i will simply leap slam away and charge up frenzy charge with quill and also thanks to + 10% attack speed per frenzy charge by flicker strike i have around 500% increased attack speed, which gives me 0.16 second per hit which gives me roughly 25k splash dps will be almost 50k if i have a higher crit weapon and finished taking some crit nodes additional accuracy + flicker + splash + multistrike + melee phys dmg is my current gem setup, will have around 35k dps when i sub accuracy with added fire dmg but will need manna gain on kill on rings or gloves to support the manna spent and will need to be using hybrid flask when i'm working on boss this build can have have over 250k splash dps around lv 85 if you have an end-game level staves with 6L + high crit chance ----------------------------------------------------- defense stats: can easily get 250% life from passives and 300ish when lv 90+ so life is not a problem, will have 4% life regen + 8% from blood dance = 12% life regen can easily support blood magic, and will have good life regen if u have decent chaos resis also can get diamond skin for more cap res Damage was a lot better, this vid is running a 4L 379 dps 2h i found in stash dps in these vids is around 16k, with my previous weapon i do twice the damage
if you have any questions, feel free to ask me in this thread Last edited by dimenrush#2942 on Sep 7, 2014, 6:00:14 PM
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Interesting build, I might roll one myself.
But before that, here are some things I'd like to know: 1) Is Kaoms Primacy viable? Because it is probably the best 2h I have. 2) Are extra charges from corrupted items necessary, don't think I am able to get one soon since I'm a self-founder. 3) 38% increased Armour seems a bit lack when there is no aura or shield, how do you handle physical damage from monsters, kill them before they hit you? 4) Could use some videos if possible. Another thing is it could be hard to overcap resists, I might take some resist nodes below scion. You won't have my gear. Last edited by NameIsDon#7467 on Mar 19, 2014, 8:31:53 AM
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1. Kaom's primacy is totally viable, even in 75+ maps
2. they are very very good for this build, not necessary but very good, i was running this build smoothly without them, but was doing even better with them, consider each frenzy charge as 13% atk speed+1% hp regen + 6% dmg vs enemy with 35% or less those items are not very expensive, usually 10c or 1 exa at most 3. i have granite flask with + 88% armour, and 4 endurance charge, and also 12% hp regen, so this build is actually a lot more tankier than u think, also, as a flicker, u constantly move around in a very fast pace. you seldom gets surrounded by mobs, even when u do the granite, endurance charge , big hp pool and high hp regen will keep u alive easily even in vulnerability maps. also note that 12% life regen + 20% life leech / sec, means u can recover 32% of you max hp per second. 4.resis are easily capped since all u need from 2 rings, necklace, belt, gloves, helmet and body armor are hp armour, life and res life leech is easily capped because of blood rage. so cap elemental res + almost capped chaos res is not so hard 5. might need a while before i can make a vid since i sold my mace and transfer most of my currencies into regrets, want to wait a while to come back and buy a high crit high pdps staff, i can run a map with a 370ish dps mace if you insist still pretty much one shot most mobs in a lv 70 area |
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here are some vids, im running with a 370ish dps 2h mace i found in my stash and only 4L
so dps was half what i did with my previous weapon here's a vid of killing lv 69 map boss and running docks, with my previous weapon, lv 72 maps are as easy as i do docks with this weapon Damage was a lot better, this vid is running a 4L low dps 2h i found in stash 69 map boss killing http://youtu.be/1Ib5NcvpTIs docks http://youtu.be/J1J7a0M5zW0 Last edited by dimenrush#2942 on Mar 19, 2014, 9:04:02 AM
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Thanks man you told me about the build when I was inquiring about buying your mace then we go to chatting about our dps and this was far superior to my ground slammer who just hit lvl 81 and has a 20 HS and a 10 ground slam this is buy far the fastest re roll i have done yet Great OP build man cheers:)
will be interested to see the dps |
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np, gl and have fun :)
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Ok thanks, I think my eyes are gonna suffer.
You won't have my gear.
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im used to it, i have a flicker/ double strike shadow on sc,
will post a guide on that char also when i have time very end game viable |
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Hi guys, i started scion flicker build. What weapons/armour do you recommend between lvl20-40? I am 23 now.
I will wait till lvl 50ish to get a decent 6socket weapon/armour, I'm saving chaos for it :) Flicker sucks without supports :/ |
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nice build, i made one and make some modifications to it. this is my current gear:
Phyisical reflection is no longer a problem thanks to immortal call. (it gives u enough seconds to kill the beast first) Now im looking for a high dps staff, thinking about taking acrobatics and phase acrobatics, dont know yet, what do u think? Last edited by dabiotti#6837 on Jun 26, 2014, 5:37:50 PM
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