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[2.2] Fyndel´s LL BM or Mana Spectralthrow - UPDATED FOR ASCENDANCY

I would rate this build to the best builds in poe currently with spark and blade vortex thread for spark and blade are here : spark BV : spark fastest clear speed blade best single target spectral throw mix of both

Ascendancy classes : ranger(deadeye) or templar(inquisitor) i prefer ranger while templar is super good higherend maps and for bosses scion with berserk and deadeye works too but far less dmg pick w/e u like

bandits :passiv/passiv/powercharge


my gear (far from optimal) :

you would want WED on BOTH rings but its nearly impossible to get try res rings with wed,
i use skyforth for the reserve and the power charge gain , about the life u get enogh sustain throw potion and assasins mark life gain on kill

(the last 2 jewels only for bm version insane dps boost)

Bm passiv tree ranger

templar bm tree

bm gem setup:
dagger: whirling blades -faster attacks -fortify
shield: bloodrage-vaalhaste-increased duration
helm:enlighten -wrath-anger-disci
gloves-enlighten -hatred-herald of thunder-herald of ice
boots: enlighten-blashpehmy-assmark-haste
chest:st-weaponele-critchance-critdmg-gmp-phys to lightning(added lightning is better if u dont have a mirrored dagger

DPS screenshot 3 power 3 frenzy nothing else:(should be 4 power normaly just character wrong bandit)

fully selfbuffed dps :

video showcasing it:

mana based tree:

mana gem setup:
dagger: whirling blades -faster attacks -fortify
shield: bloodrage-vaalhaste-increased duration
helm:enlighten -bloodmagic-anger-disci
gloves-enlighten -hatred-vaal disci-wrath
boots: enlighten-blashpehmy-assmark-ice golem
chest:st-weaponele-critchance-critdmg-gmp-phys to lightning(added lightning is better if u dont have a mirrored dagger

mana screenshots selfbufffed :

mana fullyselfbuffed :

Before u ask what build is better , BM has alot more dmg and more es and can do more mods has less leech tough and needs more lvls and gear its up to you what u prefer i like bm more can carry groups harder

for uber atziri i would prefer lowlife blade vortex or bladefall alot lot saver in 2.2!

IF U GOT ANY QUESTIONS ASK IN THE FORUM OF PM ME @FYNDEL i tried to min max as much as possible something i was thinking about was 2 curse poachers mark for the lack of accuracy

if u read this far heres a nice screenshot of whats possible if u get fullybuffed


1.3 build

Fastes Map clear build in Poe
Fastest Uber Atziri clear build in Poe
Best build in Poe

Needs abit game knowledge

So for 1.3 Patch we go Mana oldschool only the tree got nerfed hard on the left side but the right side is unchanged and rly strong , we use Lioneys Paws again rest stays the same colours are gonna be

dagger : lvl 21 reduced mana -lvl 21 bloodmagic-hatred 2r1g
shield : whirling blades - faster attacks - vaal disci OR light warp 2g1b
chest : Spectralthrow-Fasterproj - weapon ele dmg-crit dmg- power charge on crit- gmp
helmet : lvl 21 reduced mana -lvl 21 bloodmagic -herald of ash - herald of thunder 3r1b
gloves : bloodrage-enhance-vaal haste- increased duration 3g1r
boots : recuded mana - anger -wrath-disci 2b2r
(be aware that the colour between dagger and helmet can be like you want it for example you can swap hatred with herald of ash or herald of thunder or other way around like your mirrored colours are its just important that the dagger has 2 red for reduced mana and bloodmagic)

Normal: passiv
Cruel: passiv
Merciless: power charge (Alira)

witch > witch > witch > scion > ranger witch op

dagger=Loath bane
shield= spell dmg - legacy flat es - %es , light res - cold res - fire res ( not crafted yet with legacy flat es )
helmet=crown of eyes
gloves= acuity
boots=lioneys paws with atleast 47-48 strenght roll
ring(diamond ring)= flat phys dmg - flat es- wed , accuracy - fire res - %es
2nd ring(diamond ring)= flat phys dmg - flat es- wed , fire res - cold res - %es ( dont think anyone crafted such a ring )
amulet(onyx) = flat phys dmg - %es -spell dmg(or phys leech) , crit chance , crit multi , accuracy
belt(rustic sash)wed - flat es - 5%MS or armour , light - cold- fire res
This combination of gear will make you deal the most dmg while having the highest defense and capped res.

you can use
ring(diamond ring)= flat phys dmg - flat es- wed , accuracy - allres - %es
2nd ring(diamond ring)= flat phys dmg - flat es- wed , fire res - allres- %es (2nd hardest to cap)
ring(diamond ring)= flat phys dmg - flat es- wed , accuracy - cold res - %es
2nd ring(diamond ring)= flat phys dmg - flat es- wed , fire res - allres - %es aswell but then you need perfect divined fire res on belt and shield and close to perfect on ring this is the least optimal one (hardest to cap)

passiv tree :

1.2 build old
Videos:Uber atziri deathless 1.2 Forsaken Masters :

Budget section below guide

If you wanna see my build in action check out my stream


at lvl 100 the wich has a better passiv tree then scion and ranger by 25% crit multi
in early lvls the witch suffers from going throw es only eventhough aura nodes and crit nodes are needed first

witch :

scion :

ranger :

gear :

for shrine maps you can use light warp and reduced duration instead of vaal disci and increased duration for double reflect or any scatchy shit use lifeleech instead of wed and for BM maps use lgoh instead of wed

for shield colours go for red red blue and replace herald of ice with herald of thunder
whats the diffrence between this and the BM version?

gains :
1. You get 9 passiv points that EXTREMLY good (big crit dmg wheals or 16% spelldmg nodes insane ones)
2.dont have to press the flask to sustain the attack the whole time (mostly needed for vaal haste and boss fights) can burn out people fast after got my scion to 100 it dmged 1 side of my brain to press a life flask 24/7 gain MORE dps then a BM build on a witch cause her point minmax is insane with the passiv tree at lvl 100 + thats not included when you stay next to someone who empowerd there auras or a COC guy that runs haste aura anways + you have 400 es more (bis gear)
4.Has Vaal disci with increased duration everbody who maps alot (evenyouatziri fuckers) realised that
icenova boxes are fucking unbalanced piece of shit (even with 10max cold res from flask) and without vaal disci your eather 1 shot rip or you es based friend is dead and the increased duration helps it from 3secs to 5

loses: have less dps then a BM user that skipps carnage hard wheel and tryhard presses his flask 24/7 ( i did the same burned out after my scion was done) if you do uber atziri mostly i recommend the
bm build


Bloodmagic VERSION:

Passiv trees
if you ask me what class is the best , take the class what you got highest if you have it on same lvl pm me ingame

witch tree

ranger tree (yes the projectile dmg gives more then the attackspeed)

scion tree

Bandits:8%allres(Kraityn) / passiv point / power charge (Alira) [only take krailyn when you have EXACT the same gear as me just check your res before you get it important!]

Gear+Gem setup

in helmet use gems : haste , hatred , anger , reduced mana and for shield herald of ice , herald of thunder , herald of fire not what i linked here and empower instead of bloodmagic in boots
for uber atziri remove the cold flask and use a fire flask , and about if you need +1 boots you DONT RLYNEED IT is just a rich guy thing it will incread you dps BY ALOT so try to get it if you somehow can.
[This are the Best in Slot items you can have there are no better , dont believe anyone who has a mirror service i am one of the few people with a guide that actually has 0 mirror orignal items making me neutral of what the best is.] When my gear is unverify its most likely that i skintranmogged it. pm ingame if you need help where to find the original items so you can mirror them

A little explanation :
with 1.2 a lot of things changed we now would need a 22blood magic and a 22 reduced mana to be able to run 2x60 auras on life and have only like 120 mana unreserved making it not efficient at all to use , so what do we do? we get mortal conviction! this is the node behind blood magic and gives us 60% less mana reserved making us able to run 7 auras ( Discipline , hatred , haste , herald of ice , herald of fire , lvl 26 wrath , lvl 26 anger making our dmg great. We now have to get a life flask instead of a mana flask and if we shot blanks you always have your life flask to recover.( we dont need ANY mana reg or mana on any gear)[you could use vitality instead empower in the boots for lowlvl that will hape you to lvl 94+where you base hp is alot higher and can dropp vitality for empower]

reflect maps: I tested reflect maps and with 1.2 elemental reflect got rly hard making it danger to run. Phys reflect is no problem at all , with clever flask usage you can still run double reflect ( i would no suggest you to do it ) if you have rly big problems with any reflect because of lack or gear you can always remove the weapon ele dmg gem and put lifeleech in for those kind of maps.

screenshots of my current dps with

Wrath fang :
Loath Bane :
this screens were made with 3 frenzy 5 power charges no flask no vaal haste just the normal dps without any modifications

I got 8,3k es with 100% perfect gear with mediocre gear you will have around 6-7k (thats rly good with the new es changes) all the items got es reduction
screenshot from my es

Budget Gear First of all the lvl of the character is more important then the gear you use because of your base life and the needed passiv points so if your below 90 dont even start , about budget gear its not rly budget in anyway, its just not 500ex its around base items and what to use
here are examples and gem setups for it:
dagger:crit chance > physical dmg (IF you cant find anything use a Binos)
shield:spell dmg > es ( if you cant afford a spell dmg shield dont use a crown of eyes its not worth it)
helmet: crown of eyes IF YOU HAVE A GOOD SHIELD if not use a good es only shield and a good ES helmet there are alot of cheap gg es helmets and shields (good option is a vertex that has +1lvl of gems make your auras even better its not a huge problem to not have a crown of eyes the ES matters way more we do enogh dmg based around our auras we run!!!)
chest : shavrones if your es is enogh try a solaris lorica (dont use it only if there is no other way)
gloves: ACUITYS!! first item after you bought a shavs those gloves are insane and mendatory if you cant find them get maligaros BUT the defense you loose not using actuiys is insane!
boots:cheap rainbows with good stats dont need to be legacy can be anyroll mana doesnt matter (1-2ex)
belt:any belt with good res and % wed or a atziri belt if you can find one that fits to you helps alot with bad gear cause of the leech try to get the one what gives you the right res.
rings : 1 diamond ring with %wed and % es IMPORTANT!! % es is insane if you can afford even add flat es
2nd ring : use a shavrones ring those are ARLY good budget option and will allow you to farm for better stuff always put the shavs ring on the right side
amulet: %es > crit multi > crit chance

as a round up if you cant afford acuity gloves or a shavrones chest your probably dont rly wanna play this build . If you need help for budget setup ask me ingame or in the forums i will try to help you asmuch as possible if i am busy try to avoid me

if you dont know the unqiue items we use here is a list in the wiki :
shavs chest
rainbows boots
actuiy gloves
coe helmet
vertex helmet
shavs ring
atziri belt
Every Class 100
Discord Alex22#8812 if u cant catch me online in Poe
Last edited by Fyndel#2106 on Apr 20, 2016, 4:34:35 PM
Last bumped on Mar 23, 2017, 10:26:45 PM
Spectral Throw is not a spell so your starting nodes are going to waste, that isn't even the beginning of it but with that kind of gear your build doesn't matter I guess....
that's why hes using crown of eyes
ign: Yearling
BudRoaster wrote:
Spectral Throw is not a spell so your starting nodes are going to waste, that isn't even the beginning of it but with that kind of gear your build doesn't matter I guess....
i like the comment alot , read crown of eyes wont be rude to you cause your the first comment :P
Every Class 100
Discord Alex22#8812 if u cant catch me online in Poe
Spectral Throw is not a spell so your starting nodes are going to waste, that isn't even the beginning of it but with that kind of gear your build doesn't matter I guess....

*Hint* Crown of Eyes...

It takes the same amount of planning to optimize a build for expensive gear vs cheap gear. OP has put in work optimizing his gear and shared it with us, it's unfair to insinuate his gear is covering up for deficiencies (I see no major issues with his build) in his build without first understanding the core mechanics of it (Crown of eyes).
Beaten to the punch lol
I think you win the game.

This is incredible.
ign sweetumss
I haven't ever seen more powerful build than this one, when I get a mirror drop (or more realistically, when I get enough currency to buy one), I will mirror Loath Bane and try this!

btw I think that COC in title should be CoE, at first I was like "wtf lowlife cast on crit?"
phoenix4dota wrote:
I haven't ever seen more powerful build than this one, when I get a mirror drop (or more realistically, when I get enough currency to buy one), I will mirror Loath Bane and try this!

btw I think that COC in title should be CoE, at first I was like "wtf lowlife cast on crit?"
ups updated! thx i am glad that you like it
Every Class 100
Discord Alex22#8812 if u cant catch me online in Poe

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