General CheeZeVicious Firestorm Scion

"Some people just want to see the world burn!"

**Latest Update**
After playing this build to late game, I would now recommend doing this build with crit, and running with the Witch.
Here is the tree:

Full video explanation and gameplay

Note: Searing Touch is NOT required for this build. I just happened to have one, so I used it. I am still looking for a good wand + shield combo which would raise my DPS over Searing

My damage rotation :
1. I triple shock stack packs of mobs with Trap > Multi Trap > 20% Shock Nova > Ele Prolif

2. I throw down my Fire Trap combo - Fire Trap > Conc > Inc Area > Multi Trap > Inc Burning > Fire Pen will be 6th link

3. Spam Firestorrrrrm! 20% Firestorm > Fire Pen > Conc > Faster Cast > Life Leech > Inc Duration
Was using a 6L Searing which I have sold so cannot link that. Eventually I will place fire trap on a wand / shield and cast my firestorm from a 6L Chest.

My other items:

Build as of 85

Build at 90
IGN : ColbyCheeZe
Last edited by ColbyCheeZe#4316 on Mar 31, 2014, 2:12:49 PM
Since you are close to Static Blows and Mind Over Matter, is there any particular reason not to take them? Same to Inner Force.

PS: Builds looks really fun.

Ok I did my reasearch in shock mechanics and Static Blows is not worth taking, what about Mind Over Matter and Inner Force?

Now I realized that you have already Mind Over Matter in your chest so... is Inner Force worth taking?
Last edited by Zombie_Addict#0273 on Feb 28, 2014, 8:39:03 PM
how much dps u have? i tried this build with my 62 level templar and dps was sucks.
he said in the video that he had about 20k dps
Can you update de skill tree pls? Thanks!

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