Can we get a 1.06c patch to test improved CT for bugs before it's too late?
I highly doubt that it will remove major issues and it would be better to find out exploits before the league starts.
What if there are such flaws as. Level 1 parties with level 70 sends a TP. Level 1 gets invaded by level one and level 70 is loading and kills level 1 once loaded. What about leaving party outside of town? While this isn't a problem in private parties public parties were wrecked because of this. What about unfair TP invasions? Will there be a 5 sec delay for in Town TPs too so solo players won't be overpowered instantly? What about the Eternal Lab? Will players be able to invade maps for free or the lab for free aka just set mines at the WP/TP once somebody finished the map or do we get some kind of Autoinvade mode where you can genereate a let's say red TP for your party if you put a white map with an alch/chance/tranmute in and you invade another parties map with another set of six portals. Is server evading fixed? What about Freeze mechanics? You can still chainfreeze everybody forever? There are so many issues with CT I doubt every issue got fixed. |
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