Skills that make bow ranger, templar and melee viable against ST and overall ranged builds

Right now, in my opinion, bow ranger is so weak (in solo races and in most parts of nemesis) compared to ST ranger that this is absolutely unplayable and should be fixed. So i thinking that some new skills might make bow ranger at least CLOSE as powerful as ST, so players no longer need to mule ST every time in solo races to compete with st rangers.

Power shot
Piercing attack that can be charged to gain 60% more damage per 0.5 second of charge. One second charge damage with crude bow will equal dps of ground slam with driftwood maul. With this skill and with iron ring you can group up mobs and almost one shot them after one second. Give this skill as reward for hillock and i think ranger will no longer need to mule st and actually become ranger, not a char that required ST to be playable in racing (like shadow, that needs some new skills too).

Melee vs ranged = melee sucks 100% of times. In most cases you don't even got hit when play as ST character, but melee leap slamming char is very dangerous, and ground slam isn't viable at all. Change this with new skills that allow melee to tank and do some deeps.

Become enraged to gain 30% increased attack speed and 20% reduced all incoming damage. Skill lasts for 10 seconds and gain 0.5 second with every enemy killed.

Templar now is only viable as caster because he doesn't got any attack speed at all. Make changes into passive tree upper than his start position (if you make it lower then marauder will get insane buff) to make him popular again, like it was when kripp does his cleave action. He will probably need to mule st as well, but with attack speed he will me much playable and popular in racing than now. Some of his melee physical nodes can be changed as just physical damage buffs as well.

Shadow's tree is total garbage now (at least for races). You need to waste 6 levels to get to RANGER area, dump another 3 levels and start gain some buffs to... muled SPECTRAL THROW of course. Brutal blade is also total garbage compared to duelists Wicked blade, that with Cruel blade even makes swords more optimal and safe to do leap slam action than with axes for duelist.
So shadow needs:
a) some sword damage around him or that 6 levels of crap stats should be reduced to 1 or 2. You can check signature ladder to see how weak ST shadow against other classes - 32 vs 35 for ranger, which just simply starts closer to good sword passives, and of course mule ST as well. And non-st shadow doesn't viable at all (in solo races).
b) some new dagger skills and dagger damage passives (stabber comeback is located behind 4 stat nodes)

Of course option b is better. I cant figure out a new skill for shadow that will make him to be able to compete with ST with dual wield daggers or claws. Maybe some whirling-blades-like skill that does MUCH more damage to compete with damage output of one throw or one leap/ground slam. Which is also will be used as movement ability like ground slam. With high attack speed it should be better than QS.

And the last thing - RNG in races. Such thing as that one player gets ms off vendor or as lucky drop before brutus, and also got QS or even two or three (I've often experienced that if I got qs dropped, there is a lot a chance that I'll got second QS dropped in this race) to upgrade ms on boots, and second player simply got nothing and logs out because he got no chance against that first player, should not exist. I think we need a QS vendor recipe (for example - 1x medium life flask + 1x medium mana flask + 1x transmute orb + 1x scroll of wisdom) and an 100% drop of ms boots from hillock.
What are you think about this rng aspects and how this should be fixed?

I'm done.
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