Turbo races should be renamed desync races

At least everyone would know what exactly that type of race mod is about :-/

Come on. Cannibals chasing you in another dimension, Missile rhoas remotely hitting you at a place you actually left 2 seconds ago, "flickering invisible chain strike" Brutus, etc.

I would expect this race mod be fun because mobs are faster, not because they desync faster.

No fun any more. Will just skip turbo races.

Sorry for the rant.
I'm sort of glad this race exists, finally makes it a pain for those spectral throw ez-moders when they are forced to kite turbo mobs. I've always just grabbed a shield and evade gear and have never had a problem with turbo brutus at all. Just got to adapt to having to deal with a lot of desync.
+2 for me, unplayable. almost everyone finds its pretty bad(turbo), its not even a question of if you dsync GGG knows its horribly bad and almost unplayable they just dont care its how convinced they are that dsync isint as bad as it is lol. turbo = small% of people who live close to servers only will be able to compete. you could still very slowly gain the points tho even in turbo its just teedeous i personaly cant do almost anything in poe due to dsync, but i can still slowly grind points in the rewards.

its actually all i can do. i usualy die too. very boring but im already pretty close to my goal. no point stoping now. your lucky Chris use to have a serious ishue with loving turbo or someshit XD there use to be turbo races almost evryday, he seemed very happy about it if i recall xD was cute.
hit me up @sarrow lets have fun :D
Last edited by Sawm#7368 on Feb 4, 2014, 3:24:49 PM
Sawm wrote:
GGG knows its horribly bad and almost unplayable they just dont care its how convinced they are that dsync isint as bad as it is lol.

They don't seem to know. They say that yes desync is one of the biggest problems and yes that it does effect everyone but even in Chris's interview with Athene he said himself that it doesn't effect everyone all of the time and the degree to which it does is worth the tradeoff to however they would gimp the game to get rid of it. Yes I know this isn't turbo specific, but its undeniable proof that desync effects you 99% of the time in a perfect latency environment just go find a pack of roahs and type /oos and at least half of them will be in different positions 99% of the time. Any skills that impact in an aoe or are melee single targeted will either have 0% accuracy against some mobs or have to walk up to them in another spot and this happens at least every 3 seconds of your gameplay, not rarely as was stated by the developers, and its a major problem in races where I spend half the time cleaving / leap slamming NOTHING. And then turbo comes along and makes that even worse, while also making the only desync proof skill, ST, unusable against some mobs and bosses like Brutus.
Stlan wrote:
Cannibals chasing you in another dimension

I lol'd!

Stlan wrote:
"flickering invisible chain strike" Brutus, etc.

I've changed the way i play the Brutus fight recently. I used to just live with the fact i didn't know where he actually was. Now, every time a chain hits me, i /oos. It's interesting. This is in regular races though, haven't had the chance to play any Turbo ones to see how useful/useless this new tech is there.

NeoRussia wrote:
while also making the only desync proof skill, ST, unusable against some mobs and bosses like Brutus.

How exactly is ST the only desync proof skill? Ice Nova, Flameblast, etc., and anything used with shift+click (Cleave, etc.) will not desync you.
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unsane wrote:

NeoRussia wrote:
while also making the only desync proof skill, ST, unusable against some mobs and bosses like Brutus.

How exactly is ST the only desync proof skill? Ice Nova, Flameblast, etc., and anything used with shift+click (Cleave, etc.) will not desync you.

Any targetted aoe skills (like cleave, flameblast etc) is prone to desync because it assumes both your position and the enemy's is correct locally. in a turbo environment this is not true most of the time so you will find yourself not hitting mobs with it even when you cast it right on top of yourself. These skills don't seem to be viable in turbo anyway, I don't see how you can survive into act 2 with them or even beat turbo merveil even in 25 minutes. Maybe I'm wrong and somebody made it work, but I haven't gotten even close to that with those skills.

ST is desync proof because you can kite and throw it behind you, where mobs would be on the server so even if they are not dying on your screen they would be getting hit consistently unlike using any other skill. If you try this with cleave you will get stunned once due to having to be in melee range and your character will warp all over the place as you try to run away and will not be able to hit anything back with cleave. Similar deal with leapslam although it has a larger aoe.
Last edited by NeoRussia#7007 on Feb 5, 2014, 5:53:25 AM
NeoRussia wrote:

ST is desync proof

CT should be around the art of PKing and not griefing lower levels.
turbo can be manageable, if they remove the "can only /oos every 10s restriction".

but people still have their instant logout at first sign of trouble so theres the "balance"

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