Altered effects thread (taking suggestions)

I recently started to alter some poe effects for fun and have been posting them to reddit so I figure this may be a good place to put some as well and maybe get some feedback. I create these using Photoshop and layering multiple screenshots together to create the image I want. So far there are three, here they are:
Ghostly flames

Blade Reave:

Storm Call
Red, Green and Blue stormcall.
I prefer the Red and put some extra work into it but I felt the others were worth showing off.

Poison arrow
I based this off of the necrotic weapon effect with all the green skulls dancing around the weapon. I thought poison arrow would be cool with some of the same flavor. I am not 100% happy with the skulls as they are.

Lightning Arrow
This was the first one I made, mostly sparked by the idea that I like the skill but do not like the effect so each arrow was replaced by altered lightning strike columns.

If you have a suggestion about an Effect you want to see altered let me know.

Upcoming suggested effects:
Last edited by alkkine#1180 on Mar 20, 2014, 1:46:38 PM
Updated with Blade Reave image.
Good job. :) I really like the Reave one.
IGN: Scordalia_

Cool effects,1+ for continuing this thread:)

Poison arrow skull cloud effect? Or maybe Poison arrows effect could be more liquidlike, like a puddle effect instead of gas effect?

Conan: Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their women.
Never dance with the Devil because a dance with the Devil could last you forever...
-I thought what I'd do was,I'd Pretend I was one of those deaf mutes-
Nullus Anxietas:)
Updated with three 3 images to do with Flameblast, mostly reddit inspired concepts.
Wish I could just alter effects in photoshop : P

Sadly there's multiple textures, rigging , animation , shaders and blend modes. Wish I could make reeve look like that though.
I like all the fluffy animals[img][\img]
y im slept?
I would buy any of these deep blue Flameblast effects immediately. They look awesome :)
Russell wrote:
Wish I could just alter effects in photoshop : P

Sadly there's multiple textures, rigging , animation , shaders and blend modes. Wish I could make reeve look like that though.

I wish you could make reave look like that too!
When I first started making it in my head I sort of just imagined it coming out similar to the saw cyclone but the image started going another direction. Would it be possible to make the saw blade effect from the cyclone mtx or a similar go one on reave? Or is it something about reave that keeps it from getting a new effect?

I really need to take some design classes I prolly sound dumb lol.
alkkine wrote:
Russell wrote:
Wish I could just alter effects in photoshop : P

Sadly there's multiple textures, rigging , animation , shaders and blend modes. Wish I could make reeve look like that though.

I wish you could make reave look like that too!
When I first started making it in my head I sort of just imagined it coming out similar to the saw cyclone but the image started going another direction. Would it be possible to make the saw blade effect from the cyclone mtx or a similar go one on reave? Or is it something about reave that keeps it from getting a new effect?

I really need to take some design classes I prolly sound dumb lol.

Well its easy enough to slap these things on. The thing is you have to think of how itll fade in and fade out. Itll look stupid if a physical saw blade pops in then pops out once its huge. You have to have somthings to cover that transition. Which with huge effects like reave that have to work at multiple sizes is a crazy hard thing to do. Look at cold snap mtx for example. We had to cover that huge hand coming out of the ground that lasted for the hands duration and was the same size as the aoe. We then had to get the right animation speed and shape for that hand. I was actually asked to do a presentation or something on this but I don't like talking infront of lots of people so I declined haha. Either way there is a crazy amount that goes into effects. There is a reason a lot of people dont do this profession : P . Well actually thats probably because there's no tutorials out there so you have to teach yourself everything.
I like all the fluffy animals[img][\img]
y im slept?
Russell wrote:
alkkine wrote:
Russell wrote:
Wish I could just alter effects in photoshop : P

Sadly there's multiple textures, rigging , animation , shaders and blend modes. Wish I could make reeve look like that though.

I wish you could make reave look like that too!
When I first started making it in my head I sort of just imagined it coming out similar to the saw cyclone but the image started going another direction. Would it be possible to make the saw blade effect from the cyclone mtx or a similar go one on reave? Or is it something about reave that keeps it from getting a new effect?

I really need to take some design classes I prolly sound dumb lol.

Well its easy enough to slap these things on. The thing is you have to think of how itll fade in and fade out. Itll look stupid if a physical saw blade pops in then pops out once its huge. You have to have somthings to cover that transition. Which with huge effects like reave that have to work at multiple sizes is a crazy hard thing to do. Look at cold snap mtx for example. We had to cover that huge hand coming out of the ground that lasted for the hands duration and was the same size as the aoe. We then had to get the right animation speed and shape for that hand. I was actually asked to do a presentation or something on this but I don't like talking infront of lots of people so I declined haha. Either way there is a crazy amount that goes into effects. There is a reason a lot of people dont do this profession : P . Well actually thats probably because there's no tutorials out there so you have to teach yourself everything.

If only there were people who would do presentations and explain some of this stuff. :P
“Demons run when a good man goes to war"
Last edited by Sneakypaw#3052 on Mar 21, 2014, 9:34:30 PM

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