Updated: Idea for a Tough, Memorable Act 4 Main Boss (with constructive criticism on current bosses)
Note: The example images, voice, music, ideas, etc. are for inspiration purposes only for the developers. The sources provided here do not imply nor suggest copying anything 100%.
I also provided some boss quotes I wrote, and if ever they're be used, that's fine with me. ///////////////////////////////////////// IF we are never (if ever) going to have cutscenes in Path of Exile --- among other developer-heavy content equivalent to the time it takes to make cutscenes --- please give players a memorable, tough, and fun boss to clash destructive forces with. Besides Piety (I'm iffy about Dominus at this time,) other main bosses are lackluster.
Boss Name
Name: Animus [an-uh-muhs]
His name is Latin for “temper” (usually in a hostile sense,) “animosity, soul, mind, courage, desire, anger...”
Boss Attacks
Note: Animus would say certain quotes indicating what powerful attacks he will perform next, that which is the player's cue to move away. ANIMUS, FORM 1: Melee: Animus’ regular attacks (with some extended range.) Stomp: Briefly stuns and damages players within range. Spectral Throw (modified) Many signature, smaller versions of Animus’ Ax are thrown everywhere at players. Mark of Animus: The armor of players briefly becomes heavier, significantly slowing them down. Forked Slam: Animus performs a slamming Ax attack that sends out four wide streaks of shocking force toward players (with the ability to knock back players.) It would look something like this http://lvlt.bioware.cdn.ea.com/bioware/u/f/eagames/bioware/dragonage2/announce/concept-03-o.jpg (except 4 wider waves at once) Ax Charge: Animus charges through players with his Ax. Leaping Slam: Animus leaps forward with his Ax, then slams the ground (followed by a dust cloud,) dealing heavy damage to players. Wraeclasts Wrath! (a power-up) Moving outward, Animus emits a powerful electrical sphere from his body that deals lightning damage to nearby players. Animus is also granted 20% more physical damage to his melee attacks. Sweeping Spin: Animus performs a fast ‘one-time around’ spinning Ax attack that deals damage to multiple players. If the attack misses and players are considerably close by, they will be knocked back and briefly stunned due to a ‘close call’ experience.’ (Omit the second half of this if it’s not possible to code.) The second half of that just said means players need to be well away from this attack. /////////////////////////////////////////////// ANIMUS, FORM 2 (not much different, but he’s enameled in heavier armor) Melee: Animus’ regular attacks (with some extended range.) Teleporting Face Kick: Animus performs a knee first, upward kick to the face, dealing damage and knocking back players. Piercing Chains (Spell) Raises a lethal thicket of chains up out of the floor, dealing massive damage to players in a very large area. Greater Fire Traps (without delay & uninterruptible) Animus throws greater Fire Traps while running that have no delay, and cannot be interrupted. Off My Heels! Increases Animus’ movement speed by 40%. This would be useful to use while Animus throws his greater Fire Traps at players. Fire Wave (Spell) Animus slams his foot to the ground, whereupon causing a high-rising, fast-moving fire wave bending outward in a line of sight toward players in its wake. Skeleton Frost Walls (modified): Animus summons destructible skeleton ice walls to ward off players, notably melee players. Animus’ Servant: Summons 1 powerful beast to fight by Animus’ side. Ax Barrage: Countless small-sized axes emerge from the ground damaging players in a large area, they are raised up high, then come spiraling down from the sky dealing great damage to players in a large area. Just before this attack is performed, Animus briefly stands in place, raises his arm & fist to the sky (axes coming up from the ground,) then quickly he brings his arm & fist down (axes spiraling down to the ground, damaging players in an area.) Think of Ax Barrage like a 5x cooler version of Firestorm coming up from the ground, then back down, except it's axes, not fire balls.
Battle Characteristics
Animus would be a fast-hitting, fast-moving, column-smashing, ax-wielding boss who interacts with his surroundings, occasionally teleports, duplicates himself, and has the ability to occasionally use devastating spells with his left hand when briefly standing in place during battle.
When using his gigantic ax, he would switch between one-handedly swinging his ax at players, and two-handedly swinging his ax at players. When running around normally, he carries his ax with two hands. When upping his running speed (boosted by a spell,) he carries his ax with only one hand.
Boss Quotes - some funny, others more aggressive
Note: If Animus were to be a main boss, perhaps he could also include quotes regarding PoE's storyline. "Give me an Ax handle long enough to thrust through the ground, and I will move the world of Wraeclast!" "Haha, what have we here, a fool and his fear?" "Ah, I love the ringing sound of battle through the bloody scars in my Ax!" "Spoils from the bravest dead enameled in the steels of war, like you, will be forged to my Ax like a great many before!" "My Ax is hacks!" (followed by a strong attack) "Ax my Ax a question, and the answer will be death!" "For good or bad, your tracks won't matter when met with death by my Ax!" "You're not bad for a dustmite!" "I got a joke..." (laughter ensues) "What? That was the joke!" (greater laughter follows) "One by one, I Ax away the faces of fears, those faces of no longer heres." ""O' well" goes well, until "O' well" goes to Hell! Then you die." "I'm feeling Axy!" (followed by another very powerful attack) "Like you I was good, until I smiled at all the things I could!" "Haha, you're more forsaken than death forsakes a rotting corpse!" "I have an itch, that which is you; arm your fears with 10,000 spears and I shall scratch you off!" "Fool, don't kill me! I'll laugh because it happened." (said at 10% health, followed by evil laughter upon death) "You want me dead, don't you?!" followed by... "Did I Ax you?!" (SLAM! the ground, a player's face, or whatever it is) "What's the matter?" 4 seconds later... "I axed you a question!" (BAM! against the ground, a player's face, or whatever it is)
Boss Qualities
Words that define Animus are:
1. Importance (at least, somewhat, storyline-wise [optional or IF possible]) 1. Intimidating (in appearance) 2. Clever / Adroit (in attitude and appearance) 3. Daring 4. Deep-voiced (example at 2:37 of this video regarding the voice only http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tki5y2Llyp8) 5. Unpredictable (during battle) 6. Destructive / Imperiling (during battle) 7. Mysterious (in personality/character) 8. Interactive (specifically with surroundings [IF possible]) 9. Smug (to a degree in attitude) 10. Impulsive / Desperate (notably when low on life by performing devastating attacks) 11. Worthy of many a whoa! (time and time again during and well after battle) 12. Envied (at least, somewhat, after the battle) 13. Memorable (well after the battle) Those are 13 qualities that truly define a boss, especially a main boss. In this case, this is what specifically defines a type of boss I am hoping will come to PoE, at least, a boss close to the type of boss I am describing.
Brief Constructive Criticism for Current PoE Bosses / Things They Lack
In short, the things current PoE bosses lack is anything they don't have within the 13 listed qualities in the Boss Qualities spoiler above.
The overall criticism here is current bosses in PoE already have some of the qualities in the 13 listed qualities within the spoiler above, but that's all they have. They really don't leave players in complete awe on a scale of 1 to 10 when it comes to bosses, especially main bosses. The bosses in PoE now have a "Yeah, you're dead, thank you for the gear!" feel about them and nothing more. There needs to be a boss that makes things more exciting, and leaves a lasting impression on all players well after the battle is over. Piety, if any current boss (I'm sure others agree,) is the only boss that comes close to what makes a boss a boss, but she still misses the mark in some areas. So before it's too late, please make bosses more exciting in Act 4 and onward, especially any newly emerging main bosses. Conclusively, I hope something (if anything) is taken away from this OP since the bosses in acts 1, 2 and 3 are already the way they are. I would like to see better bosses in Act 4, and beyond. Inspiring example image of the boss I am suggesting for PoE (at least, something like it) http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/340/5/9/anima__god_of_darkness_by_wen_m-d4ie8gu.jpg Except more detailed and with a little more muscle/mass, wielding an Ax instead of a sword (there are already too many sword-wielding bosses in PoE.) Example of boss size compared to the player (without the wings [refer to the other image. This one's only an example of size.]) http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2010/082/3/e/Awakeing_monster_by_derrickSong.jpg Example of weapon size (an Ax) http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-p58Y02dCF3I/T5N-_svkolI/AAAAAAAAFAE/SB-l8JLrS9Y/s1600/ Example of weapon design (an elongated Ax) http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-HNF2ieISu0c/T5OHVxwPVcI/AAAAAAAAFDc/HiukZ79hFNs/s1600/ Example of area music for where this boss dwells: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tjNeaU-xFk Note: The reason I am using two music examples from the same source is because in some areas, FF12 is a great example of what lively and strong music is all about. It's by no means dull, and it gets you pumped up for what comes next. I could have cited a thousand other cliche sources, but I thought something like in these two tracks would be fitting for a PoE area of this magnitude to catch players by surprise when experiencing it first-hand. Anyway . . . Example of Battle Theme Music for a boss like this (with that 'Ohh... [insert expletive statement(s) here]' feel about it) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COG3R3Km-Zk But before players approach this boss within his realm, the currently playing music would fade out, and there would be dead silence with only the ambiance and sound effects being heard via footsteps, the wind, the gear rattling on your character, etc. The boss would give a very brief speech, then battle music equivalent to the quality (or better like in the above linked) would begin to play throughout the battle. Upon death he would enter his phase 2 form, the boss (consult the above example image) would be enameled in heavier armor, and his Ax, raging with the power of Chaos, damage-wise, and in physical appearance (a purplish color.) The boss could even have 3 forms, but that depends on how tough the developers want to make it for players, especially players who think they're the greatest awesomesauce that ever walked the grounds of PoE. Thank you for viewing. HeavyMetalGear When game developers ignore the criticism that would improve their game, the game fails. Just because a game receives a great amount of praise vs. only a small amount of criticism does not mean to call it a day and make a foolish misplaced assumption that it is perfect. (me) Last edited by HeavyMetalGear#2712 on Jan 22, 2014, 3:55:35 AM
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