Damage over time -> Any effect from Daresso's Salute and Deidbell?

So my understanding is that (and correct me if i'm wrong) spells and attacks fall under 3 categories in terms of delivery (as opposed to damage type): Area / Projectile / Melee, which are not mutually exclusive.

It's clear from developer responses that Area and Projectile damage affixes and nodes boost their respective DoTs.

My question: Will melee damage affixes boost DoTs? I know it's more common to have melee phys affixes and these clearly boost puncture (I think), but I'm wondering if the few items that have melee damage affixes (namely Deidbell and Daresso's Salute) would boost burn damage for an CI Flicker Oro's Sacrifice build I've been theory crafting...

Any dev related feedback or source would be good too.

No. Melee damage is implicitly attack damage, so damage over time is not affected (damage over time is neither attack damage nor spell damage). Also, projectile and melee are mutually exclusive.
got it. yes, the non-mutually exclusive part was in reference to area (only). it's a little incongruent to me that projectile damage affects DOT but melee does not. anyway, thanks!

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