why does the race system seem to do everything to be unattractive?
I gotta say , no offense to ggg , but the racing system has got to be one of the most infuriating , unattractive , unintuitive messes of a system i have ever seen.
1 longer races reward the same points as shorter races? want an easy way to wast alot of time? run ANY race other than a 1hour race. i swear to god there is absolutely no incentive to do any race longer than 1 hour. and why should we ? every extra hour is a multiplicative increase in the chance of player death. Why would i risk my ass running a 3 hour or 12 hour race for 7 points? when i can just run a 1 hour descent for ... 7 points. say good buy to any working stiff you might have wanted to include in your races. it makes no sense. on the topic of risk? why do we not get points for level thresholds if we die? did we not survive long enough to hit the threshold? is that not an achievement in of its self? No its not the thrill of risk , there is plenty of punishment for dying in that any higher reward tiers opportunities are gone. a huge portion of poes community doesn't like hardcore for a reason, so why the fuck would you expect people to like your races when you are shoving such an unnecessary punishment on them? any why do races with insane difficulty multipliers reward the same points for races that dont? again , where is the incentive, why would i run a 2 hour turbo race for 5 points with 500% increased chance of bullshit death , when the very next race is a 1 hour normal blah safe race. damn right im angry , this has been going on for 5 seasons , not one not two FIVE. it is completely ludicrous. It baffles me that ggg would think deliberately wasting the time of its player base would be an attractive attribute for give my tone , but this is just beyond rediculous edit ( as for people who argue because its fun , racing once is a novel thing , but poe is a game about incentives , to GRIND for , and playing what amounts to the first 1- 3 hours of the game over and over with bad gear is not endearing to anyone but the most masochistic of people) Last edited by Saltychipmunk#1430 on Dec 19, 2013, 11:01:05 PM
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you sound like a whiny baby who's upset that he's not winning enough races
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" and you sound like a troll , begone ill admit im more than a bit upset. but I must say of all the things in path of exile that has gotten my blood to boil needlessly , racing is winning by far Last edited by Saltychipmunk#1430 on Dec 19, 2013, 11:02:42 PM
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so salty
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Everyone knows that the point system has many flaws and people share alot of constructive criticism in this forum specifically. But GGG never really directly responds to any of it really. That's why there are so many problems with the race schedule and reward system that even a pre-schooler can identify but GGG won't ever do anything about.
I've kinda of accepted the fact that racing will never be very popular because GGG refuses to make it more appealing to the masses and fix some of the obvious problems with the scheduling and point system. It might just be the case that racing has a very low priority on GGG's list of "things we care about". And many people have told me in the past that GGG really care about racing, but to me personally it really doesn't feel like it. And honestly it frustrates me when I see reddit circlejerk posts about "lol look at that funny dev reply to a troll post" like here http://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1qb356/ggg_i_love_your_community_interaction_please_dont/, because what type of message does that send? GGG are more likely to respond to obvious troll posts (because they are easy to ridicule) than genuine and good feedback. I can honestly say that it baffles me, it really does. Like think about this for a second, GGG devs have enough time to respond to a troll post, but they don't have enough time to post in the racing forum and say something like "hey guys we read your feedback and we are discussing it internally" or something similar. Nothing, silence. It honestly feels like posting in this sub-forum is a waste of time because nobody in GGG's development team actually reads any of it, I don't know if that's true, but that's what it feels like. We could be having this great dialogue with devs in this sub forum about the race schedule, the point system, class balance, race mods, etc... but instead we get dead silence. Or for example, instead of kneejerk nerfing skills like cleave, a dev could make a thread on this forum and ask players "what do you think, should we nerf cleave?". I mean just ignoring the fact that leap slam (on duelist and scion) is way more overpowered than cleave or spectral throw in normal races, people never wanted cleave nerfed, but other skills buffed so there would be more alternatives. #1 Victim of Murphy's Law. Last edited by SlixSC#6287 on Dec 19, 2013, 11:30:41 PM
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its tragic really, ill still probably hit my target goal, but at this point i might have to resort to cheese tactics .
like stopping at level thresholds and playing as many descent champions events as i can. |
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Races began as 3 hour events for several reasons Id think.
1. Servers would go down. 2. Took that long to complete act 1 or act 2. 3. One race a week, made it long enough if you died you still had time to remake and have fun. The race meta has evolved a lot since then, but only just recently was brutus made a notable kill instead of hillock, so it'll take awhile before there are substantive changes. "When I close my eyes, I see this thing, a sign, I see this name in bright blue neon lights with a purple outline. And this name is so bright and so sharp that the sign - it just blows up because the name is so powerful... It says, "Diamond Supporter."
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" Masochistic? Do you mean competitive? You could perhaps award points for level brackets to dead characters but restrict class rank points to living characters. Level brackets have nothing to do with competition within a given race; it is just a race against time. Can you reach level X in time Y or can you not? Class rank, however, is about doing better than others in the given event and therefore, decisions regarding whether to push it or play safe are much more relevant when competing for class rank. Are you close to the guy above you? The guy right behind you? Or do you have no competitors around you so you can choose to play it safe? Suggestion: Consider points for reaching certain level brackets both for dead and living characters while keeping class rank points for survivors. Last edited by Hassefar60#0882 on Dec 20, 2013, 2:53:50 AM
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competitiveness can be seen as a form of masochism as it often comes at the price of damaging oneself mentally and sometimes physically .
regardless , i agree with your suggestion , i dont care about getting top in a class points. i just don't want to have my time wasted. Im a 40 hour a week working guy , my time is reasonably precious to me. if ggg wants me to take part in races and the like and enjoy my self , then i dont want the game to actively try and wast my time. if i put my free time into something , i want to get something back from it , even if its only a token of what could have been. most races are not all that different from the main game, so the only major incentives to a races are the points or winning , as one can always just roll a new hardcore character and play them instead of just racing. Last edited by Saltychipmunk#1430 on Dec 20, 2013, 9:22:42 AM
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I think dead players should get points for level bracket and other 'achievements', but not for ranking scores. It should always be the top X 'alive players' who get points for that. I think this should happen in 'void league' races too like descent.
Playing to stay alive is great, and it's stupid that in the last minute or two you can just go crazy and take risks to earn a bit more exp, and not care if you die. Face it, all of your suggestions are worse than this idea:
http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/657756 |
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