[1.0.3] K3V1NBP's Ultimate Invincible Tank

My Other Builds :

Hey Im Looking For People To Join My Guild Its Named: Rulers Of Wraeclast, if you want to join PM me in game my IGN is : II_KEVINBP_II

Hey ive seen a lot of tank build that have max blox chance and they are pretty tanky but i wanted to see if i could push it a notch further and this is what i came up with:

So with this build you will use a combination of block chance and evasion so here are some numbers:
- 68% Block Chance ( 78% w/ BoR )
- 68% Spell Block Chance ( 78% w/ BoR )
- 30% Chance To Dodge Attacks
- 30% Chance To Dodge Spell
- ~75% Chance To Dodge Projectiles
- ~40% Chance To Evade
- ~4500 Life
- ~220 Life Per Second

*Next To Impossible To Kill
*Does Not Require Any Expensive Gems
*Immune To Reflect
*Easy To Play
*Don't Need Life Leech At EndGame

*Soul Taker ( Or Blood Magic Gem )
*Uses Rathpith Globe Unique Shield ( Or Rainbowstrides, wont be capped on spell block. )
*Doesn't Produce Good Damage Without 6L
*Vulnerable To 1Shot ( Kole, Brutus, Dominus ) Since No Armor


Levelling guide

- So to start out you will use a 2H weapon wince you don't need the extra defense from a shield at low levels.

- Then continue leveling. At this point you should start looking for one handed weapons and buy a Crest of Perandus since its a really good and cheap shield with good stats and very high block chance.

- At this point you should have a solid one handed weapon. And you will start heading towards the axe damage nodes and then going into the duelist's skill tree.

- Then you grab all the remaining block chance nodes along with lava last and a few other life nodes.

Then once you get your hands on a Bringer of Rain you can get rid of some Block Chance nodes since the BoR gives you 15% block chance, you should end up with something like this.


- So Here Are The Gems You Will Be Using.

- 4L: Infernal Blow - Melee Splash - MultiStrike - Life Leech
- 5L: Infernal Blow - Melee Splash - MultiStrike - Life Leech - Weapon Elemental Damage
- 6L: Infernal Blow - Melee Splash - MultiStrike - Life Leech - Weapon Elemental Damage- Faster Attacks

NOTE: Once You Feel Like You Dont Need Life Leech Anymore Just Change It For Melee Physical Damage.

- Gems With Brigner Of Rain:

- Infernal Blow - Melee Splash - MultiStrike - Weapon Elemental Damage

- So Here Are The Other Gems You Will Need ( Auras And Utility )
Off Gems

4L: Grace - Tempest Shield - Vitality - Reduced Mana
2L: Ground Slam - Faster Attacks
4L: Cast On Damage Taken - Enduring Cry - Warlord's Mark - Increased Area Of Effect


Deal with the bandits:
Normal: Help Oak (+40 base life)
Cruel: Kill all (1 passive skill point)
Merciless: Kill all (1 passive skill point)


- Here Is The Uniques You Will Want:

- Soul Taker, I ton't think i need to explain why i chose this unique, even though it got nerfed quite hard it is still very powerful just for the infinite mana.

- The Bringer of Rain, its just an insane helmet.

- Rathpith Globe, This shield is very good because of its very high Spell Block Chance, this along with the Stone Of Lazhwar Amulet, you will have 100% - 110% of block chance applied to spells which will grant you ~74% - 78% chance to block spells.

- Stone Of Lazhwar, Pretty much using only because of the 50% block chance applied to spells. However it does have a bit of mana and intelligence which is always nice.

- Crest Of Perandus, The best leveling shield period.

- Wideswing, Best leveling 2H for infernal blow, high damage, mana on kill, +2 to weapon range, accuracy, and supported by a lvl 20 increased area of effect which is perfect for Infernal Blow.

- Here Are Some Examples Of One Handed Weapons You Can Use To Level Up.


Coming Soon

- Stats Picture
- Video


- Added Gems For Bringer of Rain
- Added Bandit Rewards
- Added Final Skill Tree With The Bringer of Rain.
- Changed Auras, Now Runs 3 Auras.
- Added The Bringer of Rain Unique Helmet / Now The Build Has Capped Block / Spell Block.
- Changed Final Skill Tree For More Life Regen / A Bit Less Damage.
- Changed Skill Trees For More Damage / Less Block Chance.

If you have any question, suggestion, idea or anything feel free to leave them here or PM me!

IGN : TryGettingClose
My Hardcore Shop: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/594403
My Nemesis Shop: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/594358
Last edited by K3V1NBP#5066 on Dec 22, 2013, 1:16:28 PM
You forgot to post the MOST important thing!
What did you accomplish with this build?
Damage output? DPS..
Defences? (mechanics)

All this can be answered by posting your ingame Offence and Defense tabs.
It's really important if you have 2-3k DPS or 10-20k DPS or 50-100k DPS.

I have a tanky build like yours (no OP weapon like SoulTaker) that does 2-3k DPS on 4L. So...

EDIT: I had a look at the skill tree and I can tell by now that the DPS will be pitty full at most. I also have an IB Marauder with a 475DPS 2h Mace that CAN get to 10k DPS on a 5L. So with a 1hander ... it will be very low. My Marauder has about 250% increase physical from passives alone.
Last edited by nebunelux#1236 on Dec 20, 2013, 9:10:10 AM
nebunelux wrote:
You forgot to post the MOST important thing!
What did you accomplish with this build?
Damage output? DPS..
Defences? (mechanics)

All this can be answered by posting your ingame Offence and Defense tabs.
It's really important if you have 2-3k DPS or 10-20k DPS or 50-100k DPS.

I have a tanky build like yours (no OP weapon like SoulTaker) that does 2-3k DPS on 4L. So...

EDIT: I had a look at the skill tree and I can tell by now that the DPS will be pitty full at most. I also have an IB Marauder with a 475DPS 2h Mace that CAN get to 10k DPS on a 5L. So with a 1hander ... it will be very low. My Marauder has about 250% increase physical from passives alone.
i am not high enough level with this build so i cant post screenshots of the stats, as for the damage part i tweaked the skill tree a bit to get more damage ( ~200% Phys + 30% Fire ) and keep in mind you will have very high attack speed.
IGN : TryGettingClose
My Hardcore Shop: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/594403
My Nemesis Shop: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/594358
Last edited by K3V1NBP#5066 on Dec 20, 2013, 10:32:39 AM
I've been running a similar build actually. Evasion/Dodge/Block build. Surprisingly also using Infernal Blow.

Unfortunately your final build link isn't working right (shows 0 points spent). I can take a rough guess from the planned 60 build though.

So far I'm in Act 2 Merciless with...meh gear but not facing any major issues. Some comments/suggestions from my experiences:

Resolute Technique isn't needed. With how much dex you get plodding through the ranger area, I have 0 issues hitting stuff without grabbing any accuracy nodes or going out of my way to get accuracy on my gear. At the moment I have an 85% chance to hit with only +130 accuracy rating on my gear. Everything else is purely from dex. If you're really hurting for accuracy, Scion starts beside 3x12% acc nodes.

I grabbed a Crest of Perandus right off the bat. With the 6% block from the Scion starting area and Tempest shield, that's 50% block at level 10. Along with the life and regen on it, it pretty much trivialized normal for me. When I was able to run Grace, it trivialized Cruel.

A Blinding Flame Totem is EXTREMELY helpful for an evasion based build. A LMP (or GMP) Flame Totem spews a TON of projectiles, pretty much instantly blinding a nice chunk of enemies, making me more or less unhittable. Life leech on my gear plus natural regen is enough to keep me up most of the time due to the fact that I just don't get hit. And if I do? Instant flask.

The only issues I'm having are cold casting mobs because my cold resist sucks.

Stats because everyone loves numbers

For reference my Scion is level 59. Some of my gear is pretty bad, yet I'm still going through Merciless without any major issues.

Infernal Blow + Melee Physical Damage + Melee Splash + Added Fire Damage: 1229 dps

268 dex, 151 str, 108 int
1323 HP, 519 mana

396 Armor (10%)
5932 Evade (56%)
40% Dodge
30$ Spell Dodge
64% Block
32% Spell Block

73% Fire/43% Cold/75% Lightning/-45% Chaos

I also the following skills:
Grace + Clairy + Reduced Mana
Double Stroke + Added Fire (for the odd single target guy and I'm out of mana)
Flame Totem + Blind + Lesser Multiple Projectiles
Last edited by InBobWeTrust#4837 on Dec 21, 2013, 1:27:26 AM
InBobWeTrust wrote:
I've been running a similar build actually. Evasion/Dodge/Block build. Surprisingly also using Infernal Blow.

Unfortunately your final build link isn't working right (shows 0 points spent). I can take a rough guess from the planned 60 build though.

So far I'm in Act 2 Merciless with...meh gear but not facing any major issues. Some comments/suggestions from my experiences:

Resolute Technique isn't needed. With how much dex you get plodding through the ranger area, I have 0 issues hitting stuff without grabbing any accuracy nodes or going out of my way to get accuracy on my gear. At the moment I have an 85% chance to hit with only +130 accuracy rating on my gear. Everything else is purely from dex. If you're really hurting for accuracy, Scion starts beside 3x12% acc nodes.

I grabbed a Crest of Perandus right off the bat. With the 6% block from the Scion starting area and Tempest shield, that's 50% block at level 10. Along with the life and regen on it, it pretty much trivialized normal for me. When I was able to run Grace, it trivialized Cruel.

A Blinding Flame Totem is EXTREMELY helpful for an evasion based build. A LMP (or GMP) Flame Totem spews a TON of projectiles, pretty much instantly blinding a nice chunk of enemies, making me more or less unhittable. Life leech on my gear plus natural regen is enough to keep me up most of the time due to the fact that I just don't get hit. And if I do? Instant flask.

The only issues I'm having are cold casting mobs because my cold resist sucks.

Stats because everyone loves numbers

For reference my Scion is level 59. Some of my gear is pretty bad, yet I'm still going through Merciless without any major issues.

Infernal Blow + Melee Physical Damage + Melee Splash + Added Fire Damage: 1229 dps

268 dex, 151 str, 108 int
1323 HP, 519 mana

396 Armor (10%)
5932 Evade (56%)
40% Dodge
30$ Spell Dodge
64% Block
32% Spell Block

73% Fire/43% Cold/75% Lightning/-45% Chaos

I also the following skills:
Grace + Clairy + Reduced Mana
Double Stroke + Added Fire (for the odd single target guy and I'm out of mana)
Flame Totem + Blind + Lesser Multiple Projectiles

hey ty for telling me about the broken link just fixed it ! and isnt your life pretty low? 1300HP in merci is quite suicidal and i have to get nodes next to resolute technique so its only 1 point and i think its well worth
IGN : TryGettingClose
My Hardcore Shop: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/594403
My Nemesis Shop: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/594358
You'd think that, but I haven't had any issues. Simply put, I do not get hit often and I need just enough life to not get 1 shot. Merciless Brutus hit me once in the entire fight, and that hit didn't kill me. I walk into a pack of blue mobs, and take maybe 2 hits. My energy shield regens while mobs are actively attacking me. The life leech that I have on my gear plus my life regen sees me though the vast majority of fights.

That being said I'm not invincible. Cruel Domi did 1 shot me with his Lightning Fist (I dodged/evaded/blocked about 20 of them though). And I find cold damage in particular to be pretty brutal since I don't have a lot of spell block and crummy cold resist. I have to be a bit more careful around mobs that sling magic, particularly magic that can't be blocked/dodged (Unrighteous Fire guys along the way to Piety for example).

I've soloed everything so far.
Will have too low hp for maps, as always with evasion builds prone to the one shot scenario. Invincible is not the right adjective imo.
theamazingjojo wrote:
Will have too low hp for maps, as always with evasion builds prone to the one shot scenario. Invincible is not the right adjective imo.

That's my worry with this build. Right now my HP is low, but it hasn't been a major issue except on Cruel Domi. Since I have most of my build together, I can focus on grabbing life nodes while heading over to Ranger for the last bit of block. Ideally I'd like to be sitting on 5k life, but I don't think that's possible.
^ Did some updates to skill tree, auras and uniques, and more! you can check out the Changelog for more info.
IGN : TryGettingClose
My Hardcore Shop: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/594403
My Nemesis Shop: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/594358
Last edited by K3V1NBP#5066 on Dec 22, 2013, 1:13:34 PM

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