Mhatrim`s official balanced/surviving blocker build, finally

NOTE: First of all PoE by GGG is item based game. The build depends of items in many cases.
In Example if u have low armour on the gear, better skip the armour nodes. 5% redusing or 10 not working.
I change a lil the main spec and skill.

Currents stats at 83 lvl build:
Armour:6443 (42% reduction)
Evasion:10% (Evasion must be stacked good with the block)
Phusical block:69%
Spell Block:59%
Resists : Elemental +77%, Chaos +8%
DPS: 9941 (17-19 dps gem range)(can improve the Dps with quality gems)(same poor 240pDPS weapon+ Hatred Aura)
DPS Note: With high end good 350+ weapon the dps must be around 15k.
Chance to hit:80%


6L = Heavy Strike, Multistrike, Melee Physical Damage, Melee Splash, Added Fire Damage, Faster Attacks

Im going back to Double Strike, it need 150 dex at last lvl and specific gear with dex, otherwise u can use Heavy strike which is lil more dps, dont need dex , but is lil annoying with that knockback
6L = Double strike, Multistrike, Melee Physical Damage, Melee SPlash, Added Fire Damage, Faster Attacks
5L = Double strike, Multistrike, Melee Physical Damage, Melee SPlash, Added Fire Damage
3/2L = Reduced Mana, Hatred. I use Clarity only to feel comfortable in any casses, it is not essential.
4Ls CwDT = CwDT, Enduring Cry, Molten Shell, Summon Skeletons/ Second one 4L= CwDT, Decoy Totem, Faster Casting and curse by ur choice( i recommended Enfeeble, Warlord`s Mark or Vulnerability)
2/3L for movement = Leap Slam, Faster Attacks and Flicker Strike.

GEAR PRICE: excluding 6L chest, other gear cost abouth few exalted.

Current Build 83lvl (i hope to not link wrong tree)

Optimal 91 lvl Build .... :)

Videos: ALl videos are with the old build and gear, will link the new videos later.

Last new video: 68 lvl map, dont have higher right now:
Maze map with 30% phsy damage reduction mod, lil slow but very safe.
Maps doing, videos are with old build:
AoE demonstration:
Doing Villa Map with MF gear:

Last edited by ashamanbg#2873 on Dec 29, 2013, 3:14:45 PM
Thieldan wrote:
Thanks for sharing.
I notice that the build use 2 skill points under Tetsudo for 2% + 2% additional Chance to Block with Shields while these 2 skill points could be used to take the Aegis node + the 2% passive at the left of it = 6% additional Chance to Block with Shields + 20% increased Defences from equipped Shields.

I was played with 7k armour, then 4,3,2,now play with just 1,4k armour and really cant feel big difference, received hits very rare and my life is enough to survive. I am not died yet by phsysical damage. Died once from chaos damage drain. That chaos debuf is fuking op now.
I am not sure about spending 3 point to increase the block to 75, but thinking about it.
Presonaly dont like aegis, the most good is that cold max resist, it 6% less block that those cheap perandus shield which give life leech, and life and more block. Especially for that build no point to use aegis aurora.
I need to reach one lvl to change a lil the tree. At the Discipline and training area, maybe will regret these 5 poins on armour path to these 2 nodes or elemental damage (for sadness these 2 ele nods are just dead nodes). I need just these two life nodes at that tree, and next is to improve again my dmg and maybe block.
If i am 85Lvl+ no problem and the tree will be fnished.
I think with high end weapon as Soul Taker the damage will up to 14-15k. Now i use 240Dps wep.
Last edited by ashamanbg#2873 on Dec 19, 2013, 12:22:01 PM
And you said my build was expensive :O. You got a 6l 3x res armour and 362pdps 1h, that is quite expensive too

Nice build though
It's hard to remember what you have forgotten
Why are police looking for missing people? None of them were missing last time I saw them
Last edited by Tommie_Sjukskriven#7744 on Dec 24, 2013, 4:15:58 PM
Tommie_Sjukskriven wrote:
And you said my build was expensive :O. You got a 6l 3x res armour and 362pdps 1h, that is quite expensive too

Nice build though

Ur legacy kaom is about 100 ex maybe...
nice build, im currently using a similar build with bringer of rain with about 60% block, 12% life leech 77% all res, 10k armor, 15k dps, 4k hp and smashing all maps solo up to 76.
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kasperbrah wrote:
nice build, im currently using a similar build with bringer of rain with about 60% block, 12% life leech 77% all res, 10k armor, 15k dps, 4k hp and smashing all maps solo up to 76.

I think BoR will stack nicely with Aegis Aurora. But now is expensive yo me and i use perandus.
What Dps is ur weapon?
Post ur noded? I am interested from ur 10 k armour.
Last edited by ashamanbg#2873 on Dec 27, 2013, 5:05:08 AM
Tommie_Sjukskriven wrote:
And you said my build was expensive :O. You got a 6l 3x res armour and 362pdps 1h, that is quite expensive too

Nice build though

LOL no comparison ... you expect ppl to build yours with a legacy kaoms? and can barely hit past 6k hp with it after the life buff
Thieldan wrote:
So I see you dropped Double Strike for Heavy Strike, why though ? Personnaly I would not want to have to deal with that annotying knockback again.
And why do you have 2 Reduced Mana linked to Hatred ? I tested that and apparently it doesn't stack so there is no gain o_o

Just was putten that gem in wrong place:)
I change to Heavy Strike coz as on the str tree path and have not enough dex.It need 150 dex at hight level.And If i can find specific gear can back to DS. Heavy Strike is lil annoying with that knockback its true, but is more dps. And the main reason is the dex.

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