Most Quest Prizes in normal races are silly

I know it's been this way for a long time and people don't like to have the "norm" challenged, but I honestly don't think "first to kill hellrake" should even be a thing.

For two reasons.

First of all I don't think it's good to have class-specific rewards in racing that are not tied to the leaderboards. What I mean by that is we all know that classes that have to mule or don't have good early single target won't ever get first hellrake.

99% of the time it's a Shadow and if you train this routine of killing Hellrake first, you get a guaranteed 2 points for less than a 4 minute time investment. That's 20% of how much a race winner gets for winning a race. It's so disproportionate, it's not even funny.

In a similar sense, I don't think "first to kill Brutus" should reward points either, in theory that reward should always be won by a scion (no mule, spectral throw).

I just don't see the point in having rewards in the game that are clearly not obtainable for several classes and I especially dislike the fact that people get 2 points, 1/5th of the points you get for winning the actual race - which takes alot more effort and time investment, for them.

I think quest point rewards should either not exist at all or be designed in a way so that all classes at least have a chance to win them.

edit: Stuff like this (among others) makes the season ladder largely meaningless. I think ideally we should all want the season ladder to be somewhat representative of who is doing well in races and not who has perfectioned farming side quests and simply has more time to do more races than others (which is a seperate issue but it kinda ties into it).

edit2: I mean think about the absurdity of it, we call it "racing" but imagine a formula 1 race where the first to take a pit stop wins 1/5th of the winner's prize money or the first to complete lap 5 wins 1/5th of the winner's prize money. I'm sure people would see the absurdity in that.
#1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
Last edited by SlixSC#6287 on Dec 15, 2013, 4:59:24 AM
edit3: I give up
Prize for the first of each class instead? Then maybe only 1 point?
The entire race format needs a revamp. It took a year+ of complaining to get Hillock removed, so while I'm with I'm trying to fight a battle we can even win.
"When I close my eyes, I see this thing, a sign, I see this name in bright blue neon lights with a purple outline. And this name is so bright and so sharp that the sign - it just blows up because the name is so powerful... It says, "Diamond Supporter."
Hailrake, dweller and fetid rewards would be fine if the winner werent based mostly on rng. I currently manage about 2/3 hailrake first kill attempts (quick, easy points for races i cant or dont want to fully attend), but this is only due to lack of competition in most events. If there were a large amount of players seriously trying for those points (or racing at all, for that matter), the winner in each event would be determined almost entirely on map seeds, hillock drops and vendor inventory; skill would be the smallest and least influential factor, and across 20 events its extremely unlikely youd see the same winners twice. The same could almost certainly be said for all race challenges and prizes if the racing base was large enough; theres just too much rng in the system for player skill to really matter.

Of course im still that guy whod love half the races to have no rng at all, and the current system seems to be working as intended with no signs of major changes, so insert shrug here.
IGN: KoTao
Well I disagree with Hailrake being Classspecific. Aside from a witch each class has a chance to win it.

It's far more luckspecific->Did a 2h drop? Is the maplayout on the Coast the one with Tidal Island North East and Flats North West(the one when Tidal is about the same distance from Flats and Town)
So if players would attempt it, it would be rather a maphack issue.
Also Hailrake got 3 possible locations and the South East one is the longest one.

So Brutus gives 2 Points now.......
Time to reserve my Hillockname on Brutus. Well I am a terrible Passage runner.
While I got Hillock in 1/3rd of my events I guess Brutus will be 1/5
And yes it will be Scion.....

Why do you hate the Golden Hand so much?!

The only racemode I would award Brutus with points would be Lethal Turbo and in that case I would reward each player killing it!

I strongly disagree that those points should be removed.
Imo those points should motivate players to do Sidequests and progress.

Such as Thicket and Catacombs and possible other Act3 Quests in 1-1,5h races giving more points.(also adding high tier rewards for 2nd half of act3 quests)

Those rewards need to be lucrative in Order to prevent the eternal Sin/Sarn/Dockresetting.
Cruel awarding many points in 2-2,5h races! Some less in 3h solo.
PCruel points for everybody in 3h party races.

Specific points for CT races based on players killed with certain level differences.
I use RP for reward points and points for scoreboard points.

For example:
Such as killing 3+ levels lower -1(and 1 point less for each level more so a level 20 killing a level 1 gets -19 points)
Killing players on -2 till +2 level awards +1 point +3-5 levels +3 points, +4-8 levels 5 points

Then create a scoreboard based on kills:
Add a low 1-3pt kills tier for 1 RP for example and then raise them slowly.

Harder modes such as BLAMT should reward everybody for progressing.
For example Brutus 5 points.

I see it more as strategic Orienteering instead of a "F1 Race"
Especially F1 is a poor example because it's not based on your skills it's based on the car you drive.
The best driver, won't win if he drives a Minardi he will always end on the bottom or drop out.

I currently manage about 2/3 hailrake first kill attempts (quick, easy points for races i cant or dont want to fully attend), but this is only due to lack of competition in most events. If there were a large amount of players seriously trying for those points (or racing at all, for that matter)

If I would aim for the higher tiers I would attempt those quests but since the rewards became bad(Divinarus aside the shedule just sucked) I only attempt them if I feel like doing them.

the winner in each event would be determined almost entirely on map seeds, hillock drops and vendor inventory; skill would be the smallest and least influential factor, and across 20 events its extremely unlikely youd see the same winners twice.

Erm nope?
I when I wasn't doing 3h races in S2 I only tried the Hillock Fetid combination.
Then I had several clashes with Jinsyn.(My season 13 till something page after you don't find anything I didn't attempt it anymore because my first fetidattempt in S2 was my win with a character named NofetidforJinsyn)
There was even a race we managed to die 2 times both and somebody else won Fetid.
Just check Jinsyns second page for example.

Then look at my second page of season 2. I even perfected Hillock over time so once I won Hillock reward 3 times in a row.

Of course im still that guy whod love half the races to have no rng at all, and the current system seems to be working as intended with no signs of major changes, so insert shrug here.

I would like to see a white item, no currency white max linked race fixed seed signature race(only 1 QS from Hailrake or possible avian slippers)
But those luck based Signatures are just frustrating.
Either I lack a weapon at some important progressing point so I get slowed down or I got luck and push too hard and leave an orange message in the Top20.(sometimes Desync is involved) such as in Western Forest somehow getting stunned and a huge exploder pack detonates on you.

Prize for the first of each class instead? Then maybe only 1 point?

In such a case I wouldn't mind Hillock to return and that was one suggestion.
Hillock was bad because a Shadow would win in 99% of all non Lethal Turbo cases.
I think there were only 2 of 260-(lethal turbo) races lethal turbo when a mara/ranger won Hillock. The mara found a second weapon and had almost 100% crits the ranger did crits on correct timings and burnder Hillock.

But well now it's against Brutus and I am fairly sure that I can get brutus in 1/5 attempts as Scion.(horrible passages and garbage can[large chest] passages aside)
That last edit made me LOL.

I agree it should be each class; either 1 each or maybe 2 for the first of each class per boss and 1 to everyone else who completes it. Either way, the current system is based too much on luck to be fun.

They should rethink the whole dropping you to standard upon death thing too. At least until they fix the desync issues.

Just gonna keep raking in them side points while everyone's crying about it here.
Agree with the OP. IMO these should be class-based rewards to even the field. With the sheer number of players now that the game is released, i don't think the extra points would dilute the point pool much. If it does, just make it 1 point per.
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Last edited by unsane#5479 on Dec 17, 2013, 3:40:54 AM

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