[1.0.3b] EK Summoner, optional MoM (defiance), cheap, scalable, highly synergetic

This build shines with:
- using synergy
- being tanky (HC viable)
- resistant to lagg and desync (amazing for HC)
- easy to play
- shines solo and in groups
- runs with cheap gear
- upgradeable with more expensive stuff
- able to run all maps and basically all mod-combinations
- easily one of the most versatile builds in the game

- Etherial Knives
- Zombies / Specters / Skellis
- Arctic Armor + fast 3L Lightning Warp
- Dual curses: Chains/Enfeeble or dmg curses to your groups liking
- Auras: Hatred, Clarity, Vitality

Basic build ideas

With using summons, you want to use certain auras, that are vitality and hatred, these go very well with a life based build and EK, leaving you enough points to get quite high life.

Ethereial Knives (EK) goes perfectly well with Arctic Armor (AA), using Added Fire Damage with EK, your AA will basically absorb all/most of the fire and physical part of your dmg while they still provide leech with the Life Leech gem.

Using Eldritch Battery (EB) provides easy mana to start with, and enables you to use Cloak of Defiance for 40% MoM to become even more tanky.
This is especially good as it reduces elemental and chaos dmg on you as well, something that Armor wont do for you.

Dual curses provides easymode for most bosses, and can be used to make hard maps easy, or to provide significant dps increase in group play on easier maps.

As specters, I prefer Undying Evangelists, their shield provides defence for you and your group, and can make some really hard bosses deal no dmg at all.
Every damage that originates from without the shield will deal NO damage to you/groupmates/minions under the shield, meaning, if Dominus is outside of the shield while you are under it, neither of his attacks, not the lightning, nor his totems, not even his "touch of divinity" can deal any damage to you.

Map viability

Out of all map mods, only half-recovery, no-regen and curse-immune (especially in combination) generate some difficutly, but are managable with the right setup, though depending on your lvl, playerskill and equip, they might make some higher lvl map bosses too hard.
But honestly, there are few builds who can do the really hard bosses with mean map mods and no uber equip. ;)

Most other map mods can be safely ignored, as they mostly wont effect your minions at all, and your meat shield will keep you relatively safe.

Dont forget, that you will probably need certain items/setup for certain bosses.
For example, I do not recommend doing the crematorium map boss without Saffels and purity of fire to start with, though you could be bold and do it with only Evangelists to evade the dmg.

Cheap start and expensive upgrade options

This build already runs great on cheap equip, all you need is enough resists to reach 75%, life, and maybe some spelldmg. Mana can be gained over ES through EB, armor/evasion is not needed at all. (though it helps)

Yet, it can be upgraded with more expensive equip to become really OP and seriously tanky.
Meaningful upgrades include:

- Tabula Rasa: rather cheap at ~1.5 ex, provides 6L specters if used with gem swapping

- Cloak of defiance + high ES shield for 40% MoM

- Mon'tregul's Grasp: insane dps boost, use in offhand and cast 4 big zobies, then switch and cast 4 more normal ones

- Chober Chabber: great for getting more HP on your summons, on zombies too if you dont have Montreguls yet

- Sidhebreath: not to forget this one, its cheap but it helps

- Boots of Ullr: demands much better gear to reach at least 75% resists, but if you can, its great!

- 20% quality Temporal Chains, provides a huge additional slow, very powerful

- 20/20 Zombie gem, great on its own, even more with Mon'tregul's!

Important note:
ALL minions inherit and keep the stats they have when cast, therefore you can safely remove items like Chober Chabber or Sidhebreath after casting, as well as connected support gems, as long as the actual summoning gem stays in its socket, or is put back into it (possibly in a different item) before you leave town.

Skill gem setup

Helmet: Raise Zombies

(In a helmet with +2 minions, it helps A LOT!)
- Raise Zombie
- Life Leech
- Minion Life
- Minion Damage

This way they are designed to be tanky, you can as well use:
- Multistrike + Melee Splash (replacing minion life/damage)
- Remote mine: boosts their dps, but can be a hassle to use, especially when you need to recast them fast
- Cast on Death (softcore ONLY! :D) can provide some 300% MORE dmg, definatly interesting, try it if you like. Cast them on normal difficulty to not lose any exp, just lure some mobs to a waypoint for easy "summoning" and use Bloodmagic/Bloodrage to kill yourself.

Chest: EK / Specters

(Use in a 6S 5L chest, 4L can do as well with slightly less dps)

I use a Tabula Rase to cast my Specters, and then move the gem to my actual chest.

Note: If you use Tabula rasa and Gem swapping for specters, they (the specters gem) need to be in the first GROUP of your actual combat armor as it is determined by group first and then by slot number.
If you want to use this with a 6S 5L, it needs to have the single slot FIRST or it wont work!

If you use a ranged specter like Tentacle Miscreations or Flame Sentinels:
- Raise Specter
- Minion Life / Remote Mine
- Minion Damamge / Faster Cast / Faster Attacks
- Chain
- Life Leech

For Undying Evangelists, use:
- Raise Specter
- Minion Life
- Minion Damage / Added Fire Damage
- Life Leech
- Increased Duration (Important! Will keep up their shield 99%!)
- Increased Area of Effect: use with care, for difficult bosses less is more! The bigger the shield, further the range at which they switch to melee
You can as well use Concentrated effect instead of iAoE for more dmg and nigh invulnerability due to the small shield Vs hard bosses.

Buring Miscreations are popular as well, but I dont like them as they dont go well with Life Leech and tend to die a lot, there is a very exceptional guide to specters in this forum (witch forum) if you need more info on it.

Etherial Knives:
- Etherial Knives
- Faster Projectiles
- Faster Cast
- Added Fire Damage
- Life Leech

For going MoM with defiance, or for no regen maps, you may want to switch either of the following gems for Mana Leech:
- Faster Projectiles: Its far less range, but you keep the dps
- Added Fire Damage: The dps loss is considerable, but you keep your range, though lose on the reflect part due to Artic Armor
- Faster Casting: Makes you "feel" slower, but saves lots of mana, keeps range and Arctic Armor reflect synergy

Boots/Gloves: Auras/Skellis


- Reduces Mana
- Clarity
- Hatred
- Vitality

- Summon Skeletons
- Spell Totem
- Faster Cast
- Minion Damage / Blind

I prefer Minion Damage over anything else (multistrike and so on) due to it boosting the explosion dmg of Minion Instability as well.
DO NOT USE Minion Life, it will likely prevent them from exploding due to not dying fast enough and being re-summoned.
Use Blind for HC, Group play or hard non-caster bosses, though its not necessary.

Wand/Shield: Lighting Warp, Arctic Armor, Curses


- Lightning Warp
- Reduced Duration
- Faster Cast
Even though you can do without, I HIGHLY recommend using this, its enables you to keep Arctic Armor on even on low equip, and moves you with incredible speed.
Temporal Chains maps become a joke with this, dont go without it!

- Arctic Armor
- Temporal Chains / Projectile Weakness
- Enfeeble / Vulnerability
Artic Armor on as high as possible level is a VITAL part of your defence, never forget to turn it on, dont skip it.
Use curses to you liking, this is what i recommend.

I know those curses have no Increased Area of Effect or Faster Cast, but it still works.

Leveling up

If you start out brand new, thats ok, you dont need anything that cant be obtained within a few minutes.

As always, going HC, you will want more life nodes earlier, focus even more on life/resists on items, and maybe want to use Purity of Elements early on until you have 75% resists from equip alone.

Important note:
(Especially to newer players.)
Don't ever buy a rip-off, most gems used in this build will be less than 1 chaos orb to purchase, if someone wants more for it, ask someone else!
poe.xyz.is is the way to go!
Notably more expensive gems relevant for this build only are:
- Greater Multiple Projectiles (GMP) and
- Multistrike, which both are not necessary.

1.) Ice Nova:

I recommend using Ice Nova to level up until your minions become useful, which is at lvl 31, though you can keep using it longer before you switch to EK.

To get Ice Nova, start a new Templar, and kill Hillock (1st quest), thats it.

You can get it from the 2nd quest with a witch, too, but if you start out completely new, I recommend taking Fire Trap from this quest.

2.) Early Levels:

This Tree shows, how much spell/ice damage nodes you should take to augment your ice nova for leveling up faster.

You get 6 free respec points per difficulty, and therefore wont need any orbs of regret.

3.) The Magic level 31:

Aim for this tree, and dont be afraid to use some respec points that you got from quests.
At lvl 31, you can use Spell Totem!
This, linked with Summon Skeletons will make everything ridiculously easy, add Faster Casting on top of it, and you can lay back an let your minions clear the way for you.
(Though it will be faster if you actually help them.^^)

4.) Switching from Ice Nova to Ethereal Knives (EK)

You will want to do that not before the change at lvl 31, and its actually up to you, you might be still comfortable with Ice Nova in higher levels, and you might not have a 4L and all necessary gems yet.
At the lasted when you realize that you need more than 3 casts of Ice Nova to kill trash mobs when solo in an area below your level, you should switch to EK.

For a 4L EK you will want:
- EK
- Faster Projectiles
- Faster Casting

For the 4th link you can either use
- Added Fire Damage or
- Life Leech
They both use a red socket, and can be exchanged when needed, so you get more dps where it is easier, and leech where you need it

5.) Further Levels:

Complete the tree according to your liking. ;)
If you are on HC, you will want dual curses and life first.
If you dont care for the risk of dying, you may want more minion dps and aura nodes first.

More difficult than just leveling up, will be getting the right equip, to have some decent life and maxed resists you will probably need to trade, as mentioned, poe.xyz.is is the way to go, check prices with showing only those with buyouts, and dont assume something is expensive just because someone said so!

For the indecisive player, 10 lvl step trees:

note: Take strength/dexterity nodes as needed, this vary through the equip you use.

10 Points

20 Points

note: You may take Eldritch Battery as soon as you feel comfortable to do so!

30 Points

note: "Magic" lvl 31 in between!

40 Points

50 Points

note: You may want to take dual curses earlier, especially on HC, or you can wait until you do maps before you take them, your choice.

60 Points

70 Points

80 Points

90 Points

100 Points

110 Points

Current Build - Bandit Quest Rewards
101 Point Build
The remaining points can be spend to get:
- Deep Thoughts: For even better MoM, larger mana reserve for no regen maps
- remaining Aura and Minion nodes
- more life
- more spelldamage

Bandit rewards are:
- normal: help oak for 40 life (It's the best choice for most life based builds.)
- cruel: help oak for 18% physical damage (This really counts as the build has not much dmg nodes!)
- merciless: kill all for 1 skillpoint

current gear

I still miss Mon'tregul's and Chober Chabber, as well I wont be able to use Sidhebreath without gear to make up for the dex that is on my amulet.

I have about 5000 HP and 2000 mana with the spelldmg shield and no defiance,
and 4750 HP and 3000 mana with the high ES shield and defiance.

Dps with defiance is 3k, with dps gear is 4.2k.

I use mana leech instead of added fire in defiance for now, but might change this if i get deep thoughts.

Mana regen is 300 with MoM gear, and 200 with dps gear.
Life regen is 170 with vitality.


Even with no great items, you already have a decent meatshield, and with your minions and EK enough dps to get everything done pretty fast.

All you need to start is max resists, or at least good resists and some life, your minions will take most of the damage anyway.

Adding more of the expensive stuff will grant you quite awesome dps and tankyness.

I usually start with getting me some Evangelists as specters from the upper scepter of god, though you can take one level lower from the (lower) area much faster if you want to.

With specters and zombies up you just need to spam EK to get through most areas at decent speed.

Skelli totem generates additional meatshield and dps when you need it.
It is as well awesome Vs bosses and tough rares/uniques/rogue exiles.

Curses can be used to either make hard maps easier, or provide dps in groups if you need it.
You basically wont need them in most situations, its no use to cast them when you are solo and everything is gone in 2-3 casts anyway, on the other hand, they proved to be exceptionally powerful against bosses.

If you dont have the mana regen yet to walk whit Arctic Armor on, use Lighting Warp, especially when in combat.
It is a pretty fast and fashionable way to travel anyway.

Hatred provides not only a damage bonus to you, but to your minions as well, Evangelits ground target spell is physical and benefits from hatred, too.
Tentacle Miscreations deal half fire/physical dmg and benefit from hatred at least partly.

Vitality will keep your minions alive, and gives you a much needed boost to regeneration, as this build lacks the regeneration nodes that standard tank builds have.

While dealing fire/ice/physical dmg with EK, your AA will absorb most/all of the fire/phyiscal dmg from reflect, this way you dont even lose leech through it.
As well, through EB and the mana/life passive nodes and some regeneration, you can easily support AA all of the time, at least while not moving or using Lightning Warp instead of walking.

For maps, you might want to avoid "curse immune" in combination with tough bosses and mods that make them faster or harder, everything else is quite easy.
If necessary, stay at range and use your skelli totem to beat them down.

On half-recovery maps, you may want to not use AA when your mana regen is too low, and/or play it a bit more defensive, meaning you make more use of your meat shield, keep skelli totem up and stay in the back.

On no-regen maps, you definately want to not use AA, and maybe not use defiance if you already have it.
Mana leech is a must, and carry some mana flasks (otherwise I dont use any).
Besides that, it is not much harder, just keep in mind that you are a bit less tanky then.

Skelli totem is exceptionally useful on those maps, as it provides very much for the mana spent.

Maps with the combination of no-regen and chaos damage per second might prove to be tricky, but with life leech, flasks and steady movement, it is doable, though not recommended for the inexperienced player.

All other map mods can be mostly ignored as they dont effect your minions.
Even the famous temporal chains map mod can be basically ignore with this build, through Lightning Warp you move at almost normal speed, and only even realize the chains when casting EK, you minions are again not effected by that and will do a great job.
Though again, dont do a combination of hard boss + mods that make them harder if you cant do it yet.

If you have an idea to optimize this build or have a question, just tell me! ;)
Last edited by Taipion#0839 on Dec 16, 2013, 4:06:46 PM
What quest rewards do you choose as far as bandits?
Also build looks good I'm trying to figure out what I want for a new summoner witch.
Last edited by LuckyBoii#0023 on Dec 13, 2013, 1:21:07 PM
LuckyBoii wrote:
What quest rewards do you choose as far as bandits?
Also build looks good I'm trying to figure out what I want for a new summoner witch.

Good that you remind of that, I will add it to the build tomorrow.

It is, to support the EK/tank part of the build:
- normal: help oak for 40 life
- cruel: help oak for 18% physical damage (this really counts as the build has not much dmg nodes)
- merciless: kill all for 1 skillpoint

Is there anything else I could refine on the build or on the way that I wrote it up?
Taipion wrote:

Is there anything else I could refine on the build or on the way that I wrote it up?

No everything looks really good, it's a shame you didn't get much input from others on the forums.
I am in the process of making a Summoner Witch and will be using info from this build. Ill see how everything turns out.
Can you give a rough summary of where to put points each, say, 10 levels? I always find it hard to decide what to get first. I guess in norm and cruel you can focus on minions and damage, then get life and -reserved mana?

Also I noticed you get neither projectile nor spell damage anywhere, is this intentional? EK base damage is so high? Even after enemy armor?
Last edited by Jasmira#0473 on Dec 15, 2013, 12:42:04 PM
Hello Taipion,

i'd like to say thank you for this awesome Build. I'm nearly new in this game and i play this build since 3 days.. of course i start a summoner, because i played one in another game. Now i'm lvl 45 and it's running very smooth. I have no problems at all. I test another build befor and i died a lot.. but with this build it's godlike. I think this is the feedback you want to read. and let me be honest..

The start were very difficult, didn't know what to set up first, how to use Aura and so on. But after a lot of reading wiki etc. i learned to play this build with more efficiency. It's quite fun to play it like this way.. ok... i don't know other ways to play but this one is very nice ;)

Now i'm running like a whirlwind over every map.. wonderfull.. hopefully i will master act 3 in cruel also like act 2.

Andin case we have here some hater.. now, i'm not a fanboy.. But i think such a good work, need a good feedback at all.

Thank you :)

Best regards..
LuckyBoii wrote:
Taipion wrote:

Is there anything else I could refine on the build or on the way that I wrote it up?

No everything looks really good, it's a shame you didn't get much input from others on the forums.
I am in the process of making a Summoner Witch and will be using info from this build. Ill see how everything turns out.

lyralistix wrote:
Hello Taipion,

i'd like to say thank you for this awesome Build. I'm nearly new in this game and i play this build since 3 days.. of course i start a summoner, because i played one in another game. Now i'm lvl 45 and it's running very smooth. I have no problems at all. I test another build befor and i died a lot.. but with this build it's godlike. I think this is the feedback you want to read. and let me be honest..

The start were very difficult, didn't know what to set up first, how to use Aura and so on. But after a lot of reading wiki etc. i learned to play this build with more efficiency. It's quite fun to play it like this way.. ok... i don't know other ways to play but this one is very nice ;)

Now i'm running like a whirlwind over every map.. wonderfull.. hopefully i will master act 3 in cruel also like act 2.

Andin case we have here some hater.. now, i'm not a fanboy.. But i think such a good work, need a good feedback at all.

Thank you :)

Best regards..

Thanks! :-)

Yes, I like to hear that.

For leveling, well, you are not supposed to level with minions, it is very hard as they only start to become useful around lvl 30.

I will add a leveling section to the build, soon.

As a rough estimate, you get 18 respec points for free, and you wont need all of them, it's a good idea in general to use ice nova and the few spelldmg/mana/mana-regen nodes in the witchs starting area and lvl with ice nova.
You can get ice nova by starting a templar and completing the 1st quest, that is kill Hillock.
With ice nova, simply run into a group of mobs so that you hit all at once, cast 1-2 times, repeat, its quite fast and will work good until minions become useful, dont forget to already have your minion gems equipped as well, especially zombie/skelli so they are leveled up when you need them.
Jasmira wrote:
Can you give a rough summary of where to put points each, say, 10 levels? I always find it hard to decide what to get first. I guess in norm and cruel you can focus on minions and damage, then get life and -reserved mana?

Also I noticed you get neither projectile nor spell damage anywhere, is this intentional? EK base damage is so high? Even after enemy armor?

Hello, and thanks for the feedback, I just included some leveling stuff, and will probably add 10 lvl step trees in a few minutes.

To your question, yes, EK does a lot of dmg on its own.
I use the build as it is here, and the gear as you can see, so nothing really expensive or even uber, and I still do 4200 dps with EK alone, but there is way more dmg added through minions!

EK is basically there to leech life (and mana with MoM), and speed things up, but if you are lazy, you can just focus on looting and let your minions do all the work. :D
On the other hand, if you got decent gear, with just that one spelldmg node you can get EK up above 6k dps easily.
Last edited by Taipion#0839 on Dec 18, 2013, 6:40:56 AM
Hello man i finding ur build fun to play . Im still new to this game so i need to ask ur few questions.

1. Can this build do solo boss like Piety, Dominus , Vaal ??
2. Can i run more than 3 auras ?
3. What level are u ?
4. Can u make some videos doing maps or doing Boss fights ?


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