Trap targeting bug

Hi, there seems to be a problem with trap targeting when firing at very close range (in my case right under the target's feet as it is placed by a remote mine).

bug reference number: 3714838624

You can see here that the target doesn't get hit at all by the projectile fired from the trap (and no, that's not an arrow fired by the other mob as you can see by the trajectory and the triggered trap effect under its feet). This is inconsistent as i can hit mobs every now and then but becomes an issue as i plan to use this setup extensively and cannot do so if around half my traps are missing their marks.

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Cuddles' DoT trapper build:
Last edited by Cuddlepaws#1291 on Nov 30, 2013, 8:19:27 AM
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Cuddles' DoT trapper build:
this happens normally when you try to attack enemies close up, you have anything with lmp/gmp you need to aim beyond the target to keep the spread down otherwise the spread is widened , with a trap it's the same idea, it targets the mob right on top of it meaning the spread is very wide( a bit wider that what the player can manage)
Ancestral Bond. It's a thing that does stuff. -Vipermagi

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So is this an engine limitation? Then what would be the point of having the mines toss the trap under the target's feet if it wouldn't be able to hit it? I don't think this should be an intended feature if it is at all since you already have to jump through so many hoops just to get that mine/trap damage boost.

I'm still using the build and it gets frustrating that more than half of the time fighting bosses requires me to reposition traps because they're not hitting at all.

A simple workaround i can see here is that we can just drop the mine tossing targeting altogether and make it so that it spawns the trap where the mine was placed (such is the case with RoA+Remote Mine+Trap). This would make it more reliable albeit increasing the difficulty of use as opposed to the current system if it had worked flawlessly.
Cuddles' DoT trapper build:
Last edited by Cuddlepaws#1291 on Dec 1, 2013, 8:39:46 PM
Cuddles' DoT trapper build:
Cuddles' DoT trapper build:
Cuddles' DoT trapper build:
oh hello, how are you?
Cuddles' DoT trapper build:
i'm fine. nice weather we're having huh
Cuddles' DoT trapper build:
Is this the real life?
Cuddles' DoT trapper build:

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