SHARP's "The Immortal Scion" Classical Life Version


**** pls note that I mainly play with CI Immortal build and wont have enough time to support / update this build for each coming patch-expansion.. 9th of March, 2014****

Videos for CI version
Double PIETY at Shrine '77 Map vs SUBADE with "CI" Immortal Build :
part1 a short intro to new CI version and Trashes to Piety

Part2 Dbl Piety vs Subade

Double Dominus at Residence '74 Map vs SUBADE with "CI" Immortal Build :

All 73 LvL Map Bosses vs SUBADE with Immortal Build :
Pls note that Immortal Scion Build is quite over-powered for 73 lvl map Bosses..

As you already know, I developed "Steel Cannon Scion Build" first.. It was a different approach to tanking ; no shield, no block , almost nothing related with classical tanking issues.. The Build used the power of being Scion to get 5 Auras and high instant Life Leech for face tanking..
We may die with Steel Cannon build only
- if we have a serious Desync problem ; though it will be np if we use a script for desync
Sendinput {enter}/oos{enter}

- if we have serious lag during a fight , even for 3-4 secs (nothing to do, we can die with this build)
- if we are not well concentrated and lose the concentration even for a short period..

I started to think about how we could be almost immortal and not affected from any dsync + Lag + loss of concentration for a short time..
Even, if the fight is not against a Boss we could survive for hours in stand still position; yes.. "for hours" :)

I remembered an old famous Mara build named Dragon's Infernal Tank and decided to develop a new build by using the necessary parts of both builds.. Atm, my new testing Scion zBADE is 74 LvL and easily tanked Piety/Kole/Lunaris3 (at 68 lvl) and Dominus (at 70 lvl) and tested up to 74 lvl maps succesfully.. Then I got SUBADE (85 LvL Steel Cannon Scion) and applied the new Immortal Build to her to see the end result of tests at many maps.. Done necessary adjustments and here is the result:

SHARP's The IMMORTAL SCION Build 4 Aura - Face tanking - Fast Map Clearance

Immortal Scion Build vs Steel Cannon Build
- High survavilability even at stand still position on fights..
- So comfortable to play with..
- We need 3 more uniques
- The clearance speed of maps is quite fast but a bit behind of steel cannon

You can watch the vids below ( zBADE vs Kole,Piety,Dominus,72 $ 75 Lvl Map Bosses )

Vids of face tanking Bosses and lots of mobs

A stronger version of Kole is found in the Colonnade Map.; this map has the second highest difficulty in the 71 pool because of its boss. Avoid to get Vulnerability and Overlord..
Ok.. Lets test our face tanking ability by taking both of them..
Boss dmg will be increased by 70% and will attack 25% faster..

vs 2 * 75 LvL Map Boss fights (PLATEAU)$(NECROPOLIS)..

vs Kole (at lunaris2) and Brutus at Map

vs Boss Loache (at 72 Lvl Rare Mine Map)

vs Dominus at 70 LvL

vs Piety at 68 LvL

unique items needed for the new build

Besides Soul Taker and Alpha's Howl Helmet
pls find below the new uniques we will need:

Fortunately they r not so expensive as Soul Taker is :)

The main purpose in game is to have MAX DPS........ wrong
The main purpose in game is to have MAX DEFENCE..... wrong
The main goal in game is to establish a feasible equilibrium between DPS and Defence... CORRECT

The build below is developed under this understanding..

As a result our character is not a GLASS CANNON.. is not as fast as a STEEL CANNON.. but She is almost IMMORTAL

What features made her almost IMMORTAL ?

- She uses 4 Auras

- She doesnt need any mana for her main skills.. she can play with ZERO mana..

- She has quite high armor , 14k+

- Besides 77-82-77% Fire-Cold-Lightning Resists and 61% Physical dmg reduction , She blocks 56% of all spells and 66% of all physical attacks

- She has 1500 Es besides her 3100 Life (theoratically we can say she fights as if she has 4600 Life)

- Thanks to Aegis Shield , she replenishes her ES by 4% of armor for each block (14000*0.04= 560 Es/block)
She uses wisely this feature and let some tiny mobs live and attack to her during tough Boss fights; as a result, very high number of blocks keep Es almost full during the whole fight.

- She doesnt have insane dps but it is high enough to kill easily all though mobs and Bosses.. With 8.8 % Life Leech gem she can quickly fulfill her decreased Life (if any exists)

- She is also powerfull against Chaos attacks with her +41% resist

- She chooses to use one of her 2 main skills very succesfully:
...... IF Map has %x Phy. Reflect : Infernal Blow (majority dmg is elemental)
...... all other cases including %x Elemental reflect : Double Strike (weak elemental but strong Phy. dmg)
shortly she is almost immune to all kind of reflects..

I will release the guide as it is atm..


I will add the subjects below very soon:

- The stones of Build from scratch to mature, all progress.. DONE
- My stats without and with auras.. DONE
- My all items with gems inserted.. The best combo of socket colors.. DONE
- Auras.. DONE
- Some hints for fights..


Normal : Help OAK ...... +40 Max Life
Cruel : Help OAK ...... +18% Phy. Dmg.
Merciless : Kill ALL ...... 1 passive pt.
(if u wish to be more tanky u can help OAK for +1 Endurance )

MY STATS without and with auras

defense stats without any aura:

with 3 defensive auras up: Grace + Discipline + Tempest Shield

Here comes the Offense side: No Aura



thnx to passive 61% increased effect of auras and buffs coming from build..
With HATRED up :



Full Gear, Skills and Gems

we will use 4 Auras:
1 dps & 3 defence:

Gems in priority order:

when we use DBL STRIKE...
Dbl Strike G - Multi Strike R - Life Leech R - Melee Splash R - Melee Phy. Dmg R - Fast Attack G
If u have 5L : cancel MPD or FA according to your color combo

when we will use INFERNAL BLOW...
Infernal Blow R - Multi Strike R - Life Leech R - Melee Splash R - Fast Attack G - Culling G

The perfect color combo for the build is: RRRRGG
if 5L: RRRGG

The gems at boots r only for leveling, nothing related with our build.. You can use a 2nd Cast when Dmg Taken gem and a curse + a totem if u have correct color combo.. Not mandatory for this build..

and the flasks I prefer:

Important Change of the Build..

I found a weakness of the build: If the Boss casts a chain lightning (or similar) for a long time it is impossible to get our life back because of the restriction of life recovery rate which is 20% of max life per second. I am not talking about a cast like Dominus does, his chain-cast finishes in some seconds but think about any cast done non-stop for over 10 secs.. Thats the deadly attack of Boss.. The only and easy solution is to get VAAL PACT for our build. It only costed me 9 Regrets; anyway for the friends who will start from the beginning I changed all Stone of the Build section progress relatively..

Stones of The Build

You can use any skill related with what you have in your stash to give to your baby Scion.. Time to time, I used "poison arrow" , "cleave" , "dual strike" and 19 lvl onwards I only used "spectral throw" and "double strike".. Even though the build gets 1H melee dps nodes I didnt have any problem using 2H with ST which is projectile but phy. attack + Dbl Strike (thnx to low lvl but strong items in my stash)...

Please find below the progress of build ; the numbers is not related with your level but the passive points.. i.e. 1-20 shows how to spend first 20 points..

I will give the build up to 85 Lvl since I believe that all builds must be mature till 85 and after that all points should be fine tuning..

Important note: Pls get the build above as a referance only.. You shouldnt obey all nodes they have; there are many nodes related with your stats on gear and your play style.. Some needs 30 dex or Int from a node or resistances while others dont need any, etc..etc..

NOTE 1: The weapons I used at tests for new version

This was the off-hand of Steel Cannon Build.. It passed all tests..
BUT.. It has 370 pDPS and similar weapons are around 40+ Ex

Thats why I decided to test a cheap weapon:
A 200 pDPS and less than 2-3Ex..
BUT.. It failed at Dominus 2nd Phase; dps was not enough to kill Dominus :(

I think 290-320 pDPS weapon will be ok for the build. Unfortunately I dont have any in my stash to test and verify. If any one has 290-320 physical DPS sword or Axe with 1.70 min attack speed to borrow to me for 1-2 days I will appreciate and be rdy to release the new version..

p.s. For 1-2 test days I can give necessary deposit for the weapon.. np at all..

Hope you enjoy..

and feel free to ask me if u have any question/suggestion/correction..


SHARP's MODEST SHOP... something for everybody : 529678

Last edited by serlev#7732 on Mar 9, 2014, 10:24:37 AM
seems np at all at 1.0.2...
added Immortal vs Steel cannon part..
whenever I collect enough regret orbs I will start to try for CI version of Immortal Scion..
while collecting regrets,I keep testing the original immortal build : I increased Chaos resist to +24% , all others are capped , adding Life Leech (as a result dps downed to 4.2k with melee splash).. ah ahhh where is 40k+ dps when we r at Steel Cannon before 1.0.2** :)

** at new dps tooltip we see average value which is much lower than we used to see before 1.0.2
Last edited by serlev#7732 on Nov 29, 2013, 11:44:36 AM
for Dual Strike and Double Strike: If u wish to know the old dps value before 1.0.2 hitted; u just multiply the tooltip value by 2..
No idea for the other skills..


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