Please relook at the shadow class in descent mainly gems and weapons

Shadows have a melee, bow, and caster tree. In descent 1.0 and descent champions shadows are compensated for melee and caster only.

I get you want shadows to go more caster focused but they have terrible casting nodes and casters suck in races. Mana is also a huge issue for early levels of shadow because there arn't even any mana regeneration nodes to compensate for their caster abilities.

The melee gems are some what of an excuse to even keep them in close competition. If you look at the ladder theres really only 1 shadow that's even broken 23 in descent 1.0 and champs (condemned). There have already been several rangers, scions, marauders, templars that have reached atleast 23 in both descent races.

Some of the gems that shadows receive are hardly even race viable skills compared to what other classes get.

For example: Flicker strike is on a huge cooldown and requires frenzy charges to be used properly. It is STILL rewarded in descent one and in that chest there doesn't even have another award. Hell I don't even know why this chest exists.

One of the only viable aoe melee skills was also removed from shadow: Lightning strike. It was replaced with the melee splash + cold penetration award.

Most shadows race with poison arrow and that isn't even an option for them in both descent races. Hell shadows should probably get fire trap at the beginning of descent one and poison arrow off the 2nd zone chest.

TLDR: Flicker strike shouldn't be in descent one chest alone
Why was Lightning strike removed from the descent one chest.
Give poison arrow to shadow near the start
Please add bow gems for shadows in both descents
Add claws in descent 1.0 chests and bows in both descents.

Last edited by Rithz#0502 on Nov 26, 2013, 8:34:37 PM
Did the Descent champions race and theres flicker strike in this one too. WHY?!?!?!!?!?!

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