Racing Times Suck for Ppl Who Work
Man I really enjoyed the descent champion races this past weekend and have been taking part in other races since. I have been enjoying it a lot, however, being that I work a full time job and live in the US (East Coast), all of the race times for the good races (endless ledge, 1-2 hour solo, etc) are during my work hours (7-3pm).. Is it possible to add more races for people like me? Im sure there are a lot more people who have started racing since the release of the game and these new descent champion races, and Im sure that half of them have the same problem as me.. I release this is a hardcore game for hardcore gamers who dont work and make a living off of streaming video games all day, but how about throwing those other people who work a normal 9-5 a bone...? Sure, we probably aren't going to win anyways but at least we can try...
IGN Ken__Kaniff
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I actually came here to say the exact same thing. I absolutely love the descent, endless ledge, and other challenges - They really keep me interested in the game, and I'd love to do an event once a day. Could they possibly be more often which can fill in some of the gaps?
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Couldn't agree more. I came on here to say that. I've been working the past week and everytime I come home I race to the computer to check the day's schedule to see if anything was added. I have missed the "signature race" every time because it always seems to be in the middle of the night or in the middle of the day. Any working person in North America can't really do any of the fun races. I really enjoy the races and would love to take part in the season, but I'm losing interest because I've missed so many races because of the schedule that I doubt I can even get any of the rewards. Still fun to play without the rewards though.
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Yeah I guess there isnt enough working people who like to race... Idk, but after trying out that champion race, I have been taking part in all that I can atm.. I would just love to be able to do 1 endless ledge... All throughout Decemeber, I will be able to take part in 1 ledge race because they are all either 4AM or 1PM where I live. USA EAST COAST Its a shame..
IGN Ken__Kaniff
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IGN Ken__Kaniff
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Just going to add my name to this chorus. I know the primary time zone is probably not a US timezone (since everything is listed off of New Zealand time) but the lack of options in prime time for any US time zones seems like an oversight as I expect a decent amount of the player base comes from those time zones. It does seem like there are a decent number of options for most European time zones (although not always) but US timezones are pretty limited; especially for the next two weeks.
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+1, Canada Central Time here.
Having to make serious disruptions to my sleep schedule to get in any events, and I don't know how long I can keep that up. The races are SO FUN, please just LET US PLAY THEM!!! |
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There are races at all sorts of times during the week. They are pretty evenly spread out I'd say.
I work 10 hours a day, with a family. You just have to accept the fact that you can't make as many races as you would like, or start making sacrifices so that you can participate. As their popularity gains, I'm sure we'll see a more robust race schedule, or even a different system for races. The silent majority.
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Completely agree with the OP. There should be race times for 10, 11, and 12am Eastern time in the US for those of us that work and have families and don't have the luxury of playing from the minute we get home from work until we go to sleep.
Standard IGN: _DipDodgeDuck_ |
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" +1 to this, big time. I'm in aus and normally keep weird hours. But I am going to great lengths to get in a few races a day within my schedule. Often, there's plenty going on at all the right times for NZ/Aus, other times there's just two in a whole day. I'm unlikely to participate in 2hr+ events. But I really love my new-map races particularly (Descent, Ledge, etc) and would love to see your season event line-up filled to the brim - just a dash more. :) PoE's LD-50 = < 60 DMG DoT. i.e. MMO Click-em-up +2 mad millinery FTW when PVP by CAT-5.
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