1 Hour Cutthroat Party - Feedback
I don't know if this is intentional or not but i would suggest a minor change to this:
when you kick a player they become instantly hostile and can be killed, they are not notified/warned so you can more or less backstab your team 5-10 min. before the game end's thereby gaining more xp and loot. secondly i would like to advice perhaps a damage reduction on traps since you can really exploit this easily by as grp throwing 3-7x trap's same spot thereby instantaneously killing whoever walks over it, this is very usefull and effective in "the fetid pool - the flooded depts - the ship graveyard - the tidal island" since all you gotta do is spam a ton of trap's near the only exit, when the enemy come's you can attack them on range, hope they dont have portal's or even if then it takes 5-6 second's before they get active so they are more or less "trapped" walking over 2-5 trap's at the same time will cause death instantly for the prey if they did not go full tank. |
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Perhaps make player's who where kicked from the group immune to deal or take PvP based damage for 5-20 second's along with a warning being displayed for the one who was kicked.
this should also apply to players who leave the group on their own |
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It's not the nicest way but that's a thing you have to expect in public parties.
It would be better for public parties if you could only leave parties/kick players if the players is in town. I am against your second idea because trapping WPs/Exits is a valid defensive strategy. Especially in longer CT races where racers will overlevel and use higher level EQ it's the only way to kill them with crappy EQ without being oneshot. You still can destroy traps by attracking good trapspots, turn on the volume of your speaker to identify the used skills once you feel a lag or wait 30 seconds so the traps gets destroyed. |
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aside from all this although the event said Cutthroat you did not really feel the pvp since all where aiming for xp rather than searching and killing other teams so i would like to suggest that you cannot create your own instance of an area but 25% of the time's you enter you will enter an instance being by another grp.
or that the xp gain from killing other player's is increased severely or perhaps a point reward could be given to the player/group alive who killed the most enemy player's |
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lol hilbert with dem cutthroat strats XD
#1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
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I hunted you in a CT last season quiet some time but you skip way too many mobs, so I killed some other players to obtain EQ.
HilbertsbiggestFan or so was your name. In another CT you did well hiding in Western Forest.:p I think you got killed at some point by a WP camper. " It would be more effective to create a harsher penalty on mobs having +4 levels. You usually reach level 3-4 till ledge get level 6-7 in ledge level 8 in Prison. So punishing you with a harder penalty will keep you on the PVP track. It's sad when the Best CT events were LACTIF and Blamt ct because players cluster at Ledge over time since progressing is quiet dangerous(especially Lower Prison in Blamt) I wish 1h Cts also were like this prevent progression after certain point so there will be PVP. Even going fully PVP all I meet after the Prisoners Gate are slower PVM players. Since most CTs are party CT it's not adviseable to go the rush+invade route because regular racers are in a party of 6 and even you can take 1-2 racers down you will certainly have no chance against the remaining players. |
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" Helmann kills HilbertsBiggestFan and gets killed by the real Hilbert 5 minutes later. And that's why I'm your biggest fan. #1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
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