Season 5 Timings for PST are inconvenient
Well I'll start off by saying I'm no hardcore racer looking to get demis and in general my opinion will not matter much. But I will post that the race scheduling is pretty bad for me, I cannot make any of the races that they've assigned for my timezone due to family constraints and my desire for proper health.
1) Weekday races at 8 am PST. Impossible to make as a student or a worker but it doesn't need to change. 2) Weekday races at 3 pm PST. Again, impossible to make as a student or a worker, but if you pushed it back 1 hour it would be much easier for a lot of people. 3) 6 pm PST races. Right in the middle of the time period that people (like me) like to eat. You don't need to change this, but I would seriously love if they introduced 3 overlapping races to prevent multiple race attendances while also allowing people time to eat. As it is now, I cannot make the race that seems specifically targeted for the PST demographic because I need to eat food. It's pretty hard to eat at 5 considering you actually get home at 5:30 and need some time to make good. Also, not everyone in the family (parents, wives) will appreciate you deciding to skip family dinner to get race points then eat in silence at 7. 4) 10 pm PST races. Usually taking this race means that you will sleep pretty late considering that a lot of people need to wake up at 6 or 7 AM the next day and that you'll be brushing your teeth and shit before going to bed. You can make this race, but if it was moved an hour earlier then it would be extremely easy. I actually had a situation during the first few Descent Races where I attempted the 10pm, got a huge lead, ended up in merciless with lots of farming time and had to sleep in the last 20 minutes or I'd be late for class. I ended up with 3rd shadow. 3RD. So yes, I am unsatisfied with the race timings. I'm unsatisfied with the idea of race timings at all actually. A lot of races should have overlap races added so that you cannot join multiple races but can choose to take a race a few hours/minutes earlier/later to suit your timezone. Something like 6:00-7:00, 5:40-6:40, 6:40-7:40, etc. A very clear overlap prevents people from farming points but allows people to fit more flexible periods. |
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Please tell me you are trolling in #3 and #4. Please... just... do it for me, and tell me you are trolling.
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" This would completely destroy the competition. Also, you should be happy to have the 6PM slot as this slot is basically only useful for PST. The 10PM can be used for the entire US. And.. at your #4.. must be a troll. |
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" you got pretty strict schedule bro. i hope you atleast felt rested in the morning |
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" I'm curious how 6PST is not useful for other US time zones but 10PST is? |
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" So am I! Must have been tired :P. The other way around obviously :D. |
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Times are terrible for all of US. I got a 7 hour window on the East Coast of times I could make race starts. 20 plus races in a row without a single one falling in that 7 hour window. Huh.
Anarchy/Onslaught T shirt
Domination/Nemesis T shirt Tempest/War Bands T shirt |
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