Race Schedule for someone working in Europe
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![]() Lets discuss this. Any other in similar situation? Should GGG be proud of this schedule after 4 season worth of data they gathered from previous seasons? Is there a way to solve schedule-wise problems? Do Europeans left out by GGG? etc.. No longer a forum dweller, please use PM for contact purposes.
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" Do you think everyone who is not in Europe can do all the other races? It's made so it's evenly distributed for different time zones. Doesn't mean that people with more free time can't do more races than others. “Demons run when a good man goes to war" Last edited by Sneakypaw#3052 on Nov 19, 2013, 4:16:19 AM
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Europeans with an actual job - not studends :P - can't participate in 80+% of the races and do all the rest only if they ditch social life (e.g. friday night)
sad enough the overall schedule is really inconvenient, but new Descent Champions races are at particular bad dates (as i posted in the announcement thread earlier) i don't demand more races for Europe BUT i don't understand why GGG isn't more flexible on starting times. why is it that races have to start at the exact same times through the whole race season? it's always 5pm, 9pm, 12am, 3am for us in (central) Europe... don't you realize what an awful timing that is? (it's not much better for UK btw) why not switch it to 7pm, 10pm, 1am (just examples) sometimes? be more flexible! please think about it! You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life. Last edited by feuerbach#2461 on Nov 19, 2013, 4:26:05 AM
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Thinking the same , GGG remind that you get paid from people that work , not from students :D !
( Sent from work :P ) NGI RULES !
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Same boat here in South Africa - I am either same time or 1 hour different to Europe, also work full time and it seems weekend are the only time I can race. Even the 6pm slots (my time) during the week don't cut it, because I am still at work or in traffic. But we must accept its a hardcore game made for hardcore gamers by hardcore gamers ;)
IGN : Drahmin (Legion SC League)
Timezone : GMT(+2:00) South African Standard Time Legion Crafting Service thread : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2568765 Standard Crafting Thread (For Vouches) : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2207913/page/1 |
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Can we please have more races accessible for Europeans between Monday-Friday?
This work week: only 2 races! The work week after next week: only 2 races! Race Schedule in UK time (add 1h for the rest of the Europe) http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/9274928/1384851199-z9g.jpg The most of Europeans work 8/9am - 6pm (UK seams to be the same: 9am-5pm + 1 hour difference towards the rest of the Europe). |
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Well, maby they should work out a system where there are many races (so anyone can take part) but the total amount of races you can attend per season is limited for everyone. I think it might even make this more competitive since you can choose which race to take part in, so you can choose which type of race you are strong in. (solo players play solo, party players in party) would be even easier for regular people to organize a party and take part in a race.
So even a student who attends school might be very successful on ladder without sacrificing alot of time on one day. Skill to play the game matters when its competitive, not the amount of races you can take part. That way everyone has a chance to play and take part in races. The only problem would be that the ladder would change until a certain race is over, thus getting your reward points later. At the moment I work 8 hours a day and get home at 6pm, the races I want to participate in (endless late or 1 hour solo or such) start at 1am T.T |
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" Yes it's inconvenient this season for our time zone but those start times have been slightly shifted each season. Previously, people from the US east coast made the same complaints, from AUS/NZ and US west. So this season it seems to be our turn :-D Racing should be more flexible though. I see the point that just throwing in more races would skew the whole idea of prizes and/or their value. But if we could e.g. have a system that limits the amount of races an account can enter, we would have better chances for everyone to participate and keep the rewards within reasonable reach for people. :-) Exit, pursued by a Plummeting Ursa.
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Lots of timezones seems to be in the same boat this season (at least for the working part of the player base). What I don't like is that GGG have not given one response to this at all, it was more or less the same for the other seasons. It seems like they have abandond this part of the forum, and they just don't seems to care about what people think about the race schedule or that it only caters to students/streamers.
Last edited by SpaceOgre#2767 on Nov 19, 2013, 5:56:43 AM
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" What are you talking about, how did you get that from my post? This is the worst race schedule considered to previous four. In the past in the evenings there existed the probability of participating more than one race. Now it scheduled such that it is literally impossible to participate in more than one if someone is working. It could be 7PM,10PM,(12PM), it could be 8PM,11PM, it could even be 7PM,9PM,11PM but no, lets do it 6PM,10PM,01AM so that limit people who works to atmost single race per day. This was not the case in the previous schedules, it was never perfect (nobody expects to be) but this last schedule is really beyond words and can really benefit from an overhaul. Nearly forgot; also current schedule is not evenly distributed, it never been. No longer a forum dweller, please use PM for contact purposes.
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