Cheap Physical Crit Split Arrow, The Blood Dance Ranger build[Nemesis]

The idea behind this build is to use Split arrow with 100% pierce and high critical strike chance and damage. You will hit a huge amout of mobs even offscreen and freeze and shatter them.

Few days ago i played with my lvl 80 shadow critdagger shadow on nemesis and piety dropped me those awesome unique boots, The Blood Dance. I thought that those boots are so damn nice that i needed to make a build around them, and i always kinda wanted to play a split arrow build, so i thought this was the right time. :)

My ranger is currently lvl 72 and i have 3k dps on split arrow and 7100 dps on frenzy.

Besides your tooltips dps you get 42% increased damage against mobs on low life with 7 frenzy charges, thats a really nice finisher.

My gear




Normal: Help Oak
Cruel: Kill all or help Oak or help kraityn. I killed all for passive point

Merciless: Help Kraityn


lvl 1-20 I used poison arrow with split arrow.
After i got pierce and i linked and with split arrow and used it all the way to lvl 81. :)
The leveling speed it split arrow is very fast and you are also very safe by using this gem.

If you are an unexperienced player, I would suggest to get Piercing shot from the tree asap and take all the hp nodes before taking the damage ones. Everyone should now for himself what nodes he picks first :)

With this gear i have 3300 hp and 6500 armour.

The important part about this build is the 8% total liferegen we receive from the unique boots "the blood dance"with full frenzy charges , this allows us to use Blood Rage and dump lifeleech as a support gem for our dps skills.

How you can see from my gear, the gems that i use on my 5l chest are: Split Arrow, Added Fire Damage, Pierce, Faster Attacks, Power Charge on Critical. We dont need to use lifeleech as support gem as i mentioned earlier.

I use 2 auras, which are Grace and Hatred, which provide a great defensive and offensive buff. With using 2 auras we cant cast all our skills from our manapool anymore, for example my manapool is currently at 60 with a lvl 15 reduced mana gem. Thats not a big issue for Split Arrow since its manacost is verly low and we have the 2% manaleech from the minddrikner passive node. Other Skill gems like Frenzy and Critical Weakness have to be linked with a Bloodmagic Support gem to be used effectively.

I currently use frenzy on a 4l with bloodmagic, faster attacks and increased critical strike multiplier.

This build is very newbie friendly and not very expensive to build, the only part where i have concernces is physical reflect in endgame maps. If you play on nemesis be aware of rare mobs with the nemesis mods nulifier, they take away your frenzy charges and if you dont notice is blood rage will pretty much kill you.

Passive Skilltree and Updates (last update on 21.08.2014)

Updated passive tree with new passive nodes


That is a rough update of the passive tree.

IGN: ISeppukyu
Last edited by Yenicari#1974 on Aug 21, 2014, 12:27:08 PM
IGN: ISeppukyu
IGN: ISeppukyu
Im trying it, still low level but i'll let you know if something isn't good imo !
Looks like a pretty cool build. Any chance you can post an alternate Duelist/Shadow version?
Last edited by Valkoon#2278 on Nov 17, 2013, 10:46:55 AM
IGN: ISeppukyu
Ive been using tis build for the past few days... i'm currently lvl 41 farming ledge.. the only issues i have ran across is as a bow user how do you go about fighting boss's? in merciless i feel like i will just get squashed if i get hit by 1 attack
beartrap, decoy totem, frenzy offscreen hitting :D

and also you should be pretty tanky if you put up grace and have iron reflexes.
IGN: ISeppukyu
If you use a Projectile Weakness gem with quality, there is no need for your Pierce gem linked to your Split Arrow. You can run something else instead, freeing yourself up a slot.
why 2 Grace?

1 in the bow, another in the helm?

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