Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

Want to try this game got really bored of D3!
i did try the game some months ago at a open betaweekend and would like to play it again. Diablo 3 is getting really boring as of late.
Im looking for an another key to give to my friend so she and i can play this at the same time. Any support would be awesome.
veteran diablo, d2, d2 lod player here!

MAJORLY disappointed with d3 and other contemporary rpgs and would like to try the beta!!!

Please, thank you, and happy holidays!
d2 classic hc player , then tried out d3 hc all way long to diablo inferno but was very dissapointed as it was a only gear driven game.

then saw this amazing game on kripp's stream and was overwhelmed.

pls guys send me a key if you got one left :)

thanks in advance
Trying to join a couple friends who bought there way in...
Just PM me if you support friendship
If anyone has a spare key to "spare" I only play Hardcore, and I have been trying to get my hands on a key for about 2 months now. Will level hardcore with you to explore and learn the game to its fullest, and will get on Teamspeak, Mumble, Ventrilo or Skype. Message me on here
If someone have any extra key i would be grateful for sending me one. In return i can give a Dota 2 key :)
hey guys if someone have a key for a frustrated german diablo 3 gamer of the first hour this would be the best gift for me and my one week holiday :)
i look a long time at this game and it looks so awsome dark and funny to play like a necromancer in d2 with the minion army´s...

sorry for my bad english ;)
I would love to try this game! If you have spare key send me on alek_legendary@yahoo.com ! Thanks guys!

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