Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!


(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡 IGN: Bytezz
I would greatly appreciate a spare beta-key to try this game out. Thanks!
upgraded my pc, now need a key;(
10kk in d3(hc) from me
Need a key! Help a friend out :)
A key would be nice :)
If there is any kind-hearted person who want to share their key I'd be pleased. I can also trade it for DotA2 key if anyone is interested :)
Hello It would be awesome to get in this game as soon as possible.

Get me away from the constricts of Diablo 3


I will play every night and will kill monsters and do quests with you.
Want in this game like now
Hay guys, I played PoE in the beginning of the year, and I'd like to play it some more now. xD
A key would be highly appreciated. :)
plz invite this guy :D andoreso11des@hotmail.com
Al thought my account doesn't look too impressive, I'd love a key if anyone has an extra one, thanks.
Also, I may not be as likely as a receiver for a key as I will possibly end up buying the key one I get some money into the bank.

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