Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

I sure would appreciate an invite if anyone has an extra. pm me. thanks :)
Men do less than they ought,
unless they do all they can.
i'm waint for a beta key too, so pm if you can give me one.
If you want a hardcore player like me please give me two beta keys! I really need them so much! Me and my flat mate want to play this game and provide efficient feedback because we are both programmers!

Thanks in advance!

I have been reading and watching a lot of this game and would really love to try it out myself. So if anyone could give me a beta key, i would really appreciate it!
In crowd like this its not easy to stick out.
I can say how many games i played and how many betas and alphas i was in but everyone of us did things like this.
Only thing i can say is that im not a hild i will not get bored in 3 hrs or cry that its to hard, i want to go hardcore. I will play, leave feedback and share my toughts and ideas on forum. Still waiting for key (6 months) and i really want it!
i need one :(
I would love a key if anyone would be kind enough !!
Been waiting to try this game for almost a year now, probably long. I'm sure I would have a thing or two to say about it if I was given an invite ;).
Could i kind sirs please receive a beta key.

Hope everyone has a great day :D
Hi , my name is IRBoozer and i have recently joined this A.I. meeting .
I have been an arpg addict for , wel, ever really .
And as any true addict i would like to stay addicted .
So if there's anyone whith a key to spare , why not help a fellow junky out and send it my way ;) .

Thank you ,

*shambles off*

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