Want a beta key? Have an extra friend invite? This is the thread for anonymous invites!

I would also love to get a beta key, please :)
invite me pls :)
An invite would be pretty cool, Just sayin'
yo there, can anyone send me a key plz ?

please, can some1 invite me? i really want to play this and i have been waiting for so long that i already forgot my 1st account!
Hey, if anyone happens to have an extra key laying around and has nothing to do with it I'd love to try this game out. I know there's hundreds of others wanting to try the game too, so I don't exactly expect to get in but I can be hopeful, no? All I know is I loved Diablo 1 & 2 and this game looks just amazing! godsmak1@gmail.com if you wanna invite me, or just PM me :)
Games I Play:

Diablo, Diablo 2 LOD, Guild Wars, Minecraft, Terraria, Fallout 1-3, The Elder Scrolls, etc.
hows it going everyone..been watching the progress of this game for a long time waiting to play..theres a couple of diablo 2 servers i play on if anyone wants to play pm me and ill tell you which ones, i could hook you up with rushes and cow leveling and help you find gear in exchange for an invite. or if you just want to play some diablo but dont have an invite we can do the same. either way. have a good one.
I would be greatful to get an invite. =)
Kill or be killed

thank you.
someone give me a key pls.. im pregnant and i been boring these dayss..

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