Skill Suggestions, Weapons + General Suggestions

As a continuation of my suggestions in this thread I will now address what I find most important about the game besides Monster AI and Boss fights.

We already have a good number of skills but in the future I'd like to see some more skills especially since some builds are lacking in choice.

I try to order this in color:

Red Gems:

Throwing Axe/Boomerang Axe
Continuing this Cycle I thought every color needs a physical spell that's weapon like.

We already have Ethereal Knifes. Why not have a red gem that is a spell as well?

My idea is, the caster "throws" a throwing Axe at the enemies which makes a U-Turn and travels back to the caster.
It would be a Projectile, Spell with Physical damage similar to EK, it pierces through the enemies and depending on where your mouse is when you cast it it travels a greater distance.

This way we would have a ranged physical ability Marauders and Duelists as well as Templars could use without relying too much on INT or DEX.

Green Gems:

AOE for claws and daggers skill.

"The Spin"
I thought of something like this:
Your Shadow (or whoever else uses claws/daggers) stands on one position and spins on the ground, damaging everything around him in a circle. You could make this ability Mana/seconds and make it infinite as long as you can cast it.

Continuing with Claws and Daggers I thought of combo skills.

I have 2 ideas, the first one would be a combo skill based on charges, either use the charges in game or create a new "combo charge".
Based on the number of charges you have the combo does different things.
Let's say this:
Whenever you crit with combo you get a powercharge, if you attack with a powercharge you release a small explosion of ice/lightning what ever.

This way you could have a dynamic in battle + add a new AOE for melee claw users.

The other alternative to this would be, that every hit you do with the combo skill does something different.
The first blow deals 120% physical damage.
The second blow adds a random condition to everything in front of you and deals 50% of the damage to dealt to the target in a V like shape to all other mobs.
The third blow explodes again and you jump away from the enemies, and after that you have 2 sec time to attack again and you flicker back to the enemy.

Ranger Pets
Right now we only have undead minions. So I thought why not have some living creatures as well.
Ranger Pet skill summons a random pet out of maybe 3 possible ones.
1 - Falkon: (Flying + Invincible) Lasts 2 min, deals low physical damage, attacks once in a while, has a chance to blind the target.
2 - Panther: (Hellion model + different texture) Is like a Zombie just faster and has the chance to bleed/puncture on hit.
3 - Bear: (You know the Great white beast Bear) Very tanky uses enduring cry.
When you summon a Pet the skill goes into cooldown so you cannot resummon instantly.

Blue Gems:

An Additional Wand Skill
This one should be cool, it shoots a beam of energy at the enemy. It consumes Mana/time and thus you can really laser the enemies. It counts as a projectile so you can beam through them with pierce support gem.
Now the cool part about it is this:
If you carry a second Wand (dualwield) instead of a beam of light you charge it up over time. The longer you charge it the more powerfull it becomes, though there is a cap.

Low Level Charge: Shots a small energyball at the enemy similar to a fireball which explodes and deals random elemental damage.

Takes little to no time to charge up costs little mana.

Mid Level Charge: Shots a Vaal Overlord Beam at the enemies that pierces through them with a chance to inflict a random debuff.

Takes some time to charge up costs a good amount mana.

Full Charge: Shots a massive Vaal beam at the enemies that explodes and deals heavy damage to all and also inflicts random debuffs.

Takes a long time to charge up costs a lot of mana.

Templar Spirits

Besides the Ranger pets I think there should be some sort of utility Pet in the game.
Templar spirits don't fight, but are like moveable attackable auras.
You can only have one.
Those spirits could have:

> +10% max. life and Life regeneration
> +10% max. Mana and Mana regeneartion
> Increase Accuracy and Evasion
> Armor and Resistences
> Reflect Damage
> Randomly heal debuffs and Life

Enemies can skill them so they should have an AI that makes them keep distance from enemies and stick to you. They also work great with parties.

Toxic Throwing Potion
A Shadow Skill. He throws a potion at enemies which explodes in fire damage and leaves a poison cloud similar to Poison arrow. This would be the Blue Ethereal Knifes or Throwing Axe.
Simple but effective, and would lead to some cool builds.


Creating a clone of your character that uses skills linked with it. (Either as a Supportgem or as a Skillgem that interacts with other skillgems)
The clone would have 50% of your Life/ES rounded up (so that he would have at least 1 life if you use CI). And fights like a summoned minion but it as a Clone of you.
It cannot be augmented by Supportgems, but will copy the skills that are linked with it. if no skills are linked with it it will just use regular Attacks.


These are mostly all blue but some spells I think would be cool if added:

Fire - The Firebreath of the Flametotem.

Ice - A Fog that is summoned around the character and deals damage over time and slows targets around you. Similar to the hurricane of the Druid in Diablo 2 LoD.

Lightning - A lightingstrike from above (like Firestorm but single target) you can move around with your mouse on the screen and the beam follows it. It also costs Mana/Time.

Escape Skills

We already have Lightning Warp, Whirling blades and Leapslam.

I already said what I think of Lightning Warp, that it should be instantaneous and have a cooldown.

Besides that it would be cool to have some other movement skills that don't really are used to fight but to control the surrounding. Like and attack followed by a leap backwards(red). A "Shadowstep" that teleports you behind the enemy(blue), as well as a Sprint to dash through enemies (like shieldcharge but without hitting the enemies but running though them)(green).


I've already hear about new weapons from Chris in an Interview but these are just to keep track what kind of weapons should be put into the game.

Not 100% necessary but a cool new addition to bows.
They would just work as bows with more damage, slower attacks and some special mod on base whites like Daggers have Crit and Claws have Life on hit.

Spears and Javelins!
Maybe the most important weapon that is missing.
Throwing Javelins and spears would give a whole new possibility for builds and skills.
Now we could have Ranged Rangers with a Shield and Spear instead of just a Bow or a Crossbow.

Morning Stars and Flails >>>
Additionally to Hammers and Maces, these could have also a semi rang to their attacks.

Chains & Whips
Just as a thought, semi Ranged weapons like these would be a cool addition to the game, creating a different way of fighting monsters. We also could have crazy skills for them.

General Suggestions

Adding traps to chests and pots like in D2, either novas, fireballs, poison clouds or fire traps.

As I said in Monster Abilities and Bosses, some cool effects on hit or on death are cool.

The last thing would be "cast on hit" mods for weapons. Like a chance to cast a level 1 curse on hit would be a nice thing, or when you get hit to cast a nova.
Last edited by KenshiD on Nov 23, 2012, 9:06:06 AM
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