Blood Magic = no auras

I re-specced my Open Beta Standard League main Marauder yesterday, because release reset my tree without even asking me.

made a whole new build, using new skills.

it turned out quite good, and I'm having a lot of fun with this character, thanks to a tree by @Kamro, and a trigger gem which is to me the best in the game - Cast When Damage Taken.

I also took Blood Magic, just like I did in Open Beta.
not because I'm masochist. because I have 300 mana otherwise, which wasn't even remotely enough for the skills I used then, and use now.

here's the thing though: the old build used two auras - Anger and Grace. the latter was used with Iron Reflexes to give me a very significant armor boost, and later just for a good evasion boost when I disabled IR.
Reduced Mana, and the fact I remember Anger not being a % aura, helped run those successfully from the life pool.

can't do it now. not even one of them.
and I have no intention to waste valuable skill points on reservation nodes, just so running Anger won't take away half my life pool. quite frankly, it's ridiculous. those points can be used for a much more important purpose, such as life, or armor, or damage, or speed, or resistances...

please GGG, consider changing the auras again.
disabling the 5-6 aura stacking from Open Beta, doesn't mean making them impossible to use.
you can find a good median, and not everything has to be percentage-based.
also, consider adding other bonuses to reservation notables. make them worth taking.
Alva: I'm sweating like a hog in heat
Shadow: That was fun
Last edited by johnKeys#6083 on Oct 26, 2013, 12:00:46 PM
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yes I feel like attack damage auras have no need to be % based. The people stacking auras were sporkers with shavronne. RF is dead now so that build is destroyed. Make auras use less % or return to flat again. Its ridiculous. I've been ranting on this feedback section for days now and not one representative from GGG took the time to say a single word on this........ sad sad
the blood magic reserve is stupid, I tried runnign auras, reserved 1000 health per aura even with reduced nodes, its fucking retarded. Fix blood magic auras please.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
They should remake the node behind BM to make auras flat based, and adjust the values again.
Yeah, as it is now - if you are using BM keystone you cannot use auras in HC. It's strictly a SC or HC leveling keystone which is kind of dumb IMHO.


1) Allow you have have a mana pool with BM keystone, that you cannot use for spells/abilities, but are allowed to reserve auras on.

2) Make the % reduced reserve mana higher behind the BM keystone (a lot higher..) or as said above, a flat reduced rate. For example, make 30%, cut a straight 30% off of the auras - so it starts out at 30% and can be further reduced by other passives and Alpha's Howl.

3) Make all auras reserve a lower % then they currently do - or, some lower then others, etc.

Otherwise... BM keystone is only going to be used for leveling, and you will never see it in any endgame map ready builds (at least for HC.)
Mess with the best, die like the rest.
Last edited by Edzilla#0339 on Oct 26, 2013, 1:42:27 PM
I think that Blood Magic should have some power +life/+life% nodes gated behind it with the reserve reduction.
Also ES builds have the same problem. BM cant use a single aura and CI have 43% less mana with ll20 reduced mana

Pretty bad design, ye. Solutions:

1)BM should be playable so make it reserve 10% of life each aura (with lvl20 reduced mana) so its possible to use 1, yep free mana should have a drawback

2)Buff ES nodes and remove completely discipline
sanleon wrote:
Also ES builds have the same problem. BM cant use a single aura and CI have 43% less mana with ll20 reduced mana

Pretty bad design, ye. Solutions:

1)BM should be playable so make it reserve 10% of life each aura (with lvl20 reduced mana) so its possible to use 1, yep free mana should have a drawback
That's not a drawback when the average build without reservation is only going to have 1 or 2 auras in the first place. So you get a free aura (10% life lol) and have no resource management. Oh wait, if yo udon't mind being at pre patch life values you get three auras.

2)Buff ES nodes and remove completely discipline
ES has no issues.
IGN - PlutoChthon, Talvathir
As in other posts was calculated, you can reduce reservation to ~24%, which is insane even in softcore. I think it would be fair to implement some fix that would allow to use at least 1 aura without tremendous sacrifice of 1/4 of you health pool.

My suggestion would to change aura mechanic for BM completely:

A passive node behind BM would be like this:
aura reserves 5% of your HP, every next aura reserves twice as much (so 5%, 10% 20% ..., meaning running 3 auras would reserve 35% of HP). Additionally - reduced/less mana reserved mods no longer work with auras.

ps: numbers are just for an example, they might be slightly higher.

Or reduce a total reservation from 60% to some reasonable value.
Last edited by walentaz#7429 on Oct 26, 2013, 6:26:22 PM
Autocthon wrote:
sanleon wrote:
Also ES builds have the same problem. BM cant use a single aura and CI have 43% less mana with ll20 reduced mana

Pretty bad design, ye. Solutions:

1)BM should be playable so make it reserve 10% of life each aura (with lvl20 reduced mana) so its possible to use 1, yep free mana should have a drawback
That's not a drawback when the average build without reservation is only going to have 1 or 2 auras in the first place. So you get a free aura (10% life lol) and have no resource management. Oh wait, if yo udon't mind being at pre patch life values you get three auras.

2)Buff ES nodes and remove completely discipline
ES has no issues.

No issues but 43% less mana with lvl20 red mana. Which is an issue imo, ladder will be dominated by life builds until big patch(nerf)

Maybe 50% less mana reserved after BM would work too, but hey in its current status you will see zero bm builds soloing high maps

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