Race Idea
How come we do not use our current characters for races?
Now if we can use our characters, then maybe this as an incentive? For populating the races, how bout an incentive for players to compete: quests inside the races that would allow for that character to change to a different league such as from standard to hardcore or hardcore to something else? Maybe an item that can only be found in races and can be used or traded, etc. The races, could be called something else, such as a team event, or three sided warfare, capture the flag, etc... Everyone who participates, should get something. Nothing that a scroll farmer could use. For example a person who just logs in for the last 5 minutes and sits at the entrance, gets maybe a tenth of half eaten zombie carrot or something. Yet the player who is probably a jedi in real life might get the whole zombie carrot! Im sure the community could come up with something better but I think it could lead to something big for the game! Hopefully this has not been covered yet, if it has, apologies. I suffer from chronic laziness and well too tired to contin Blacklisting this website, please delete this acct.
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I like the part about using own characters in a race.
Suggestion: "Endless Dungeon" In the same fashion as the endless ledge getting exponentially harder to the point were it is "impossible". The point would not be XP but who could make it down the furthest. twitch.tv/nugiyen (Live almost everyday from 15.00 +1 GMT)
follow @nugiyen on twitter www.youtube.com/nugiyen |
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As long as it's not a race for points, I wouldn't really mind. Personally I don't care about the endgame in PoE and don't really have a solid high level character. If these races were for points I would effectively get ass raped "just because".
#1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
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You don't use your existing characters because the point of a race is a competitive environment where everyone starts from an equal position.
If you want to reap benefits with your badass existing characters, you play the regular game and acquire further wealth, and now with release you get PvP tournaments. Now a race where everyone starts with a preleveled and outfitted character is another story. Last edited by boof#2056 on Oct 10, 2013, 11:06:28 PM
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" Says who? Everyone can start from the same position, but obviously stronger characters will do better. Thats what races are usually like (in real life I mean). Whether to have rewards or not will be up to GGG, but imo including some rewards would be nice as long as it is balanced, like perhaps making the rewards have diminishing returns and overall less points than regular races. They could also include other interesting concepts, like making nothing gained from the race carry over to your characters regular league and having heavily increased drops or fixed chest drops. Last edited by Splift#4377 on Oct 20, 2013, 8:32:50 PM
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" Says common sense. The comparison you are trying to make would make sense when comparing one's skill at the game to the capability of an athlete in an actual real life race. In game, the character as well as where they start, are the real world starting line equivalent. | |
" Umm as far as I can tell you did not understand my comparison. Yes the starting line is exactly what I meant when I said "everyone can start from the same position" (don't know why you repeated it unless you did not understand what I meant). The players levels and equipment (ie his strength) could be compared to the physical abilities of the athlete. You could also draw skill into it by some degree and say running takes some skill and technique, so a weaker runner with good form etc could win, just like a weaker player with more skill could win. " What common sense are you talking about? This idea makes perfect sense. I do agree that the current race formula is the one that should have the most emphasis on it and the most rewards but I also think that this is a great idea that would greatly increase the interest in races. This would also bring about some useful info as well. Would the winners be the highest level characters? Or would people with slightly lower characters who have good racing skills win over the the people who grind one char like crazy? |
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So the people with the strongest high level characters have an inhernet advantage in these races, which is fair because...?
In other words, if I had to start with a lvl 35 character (because I don't enjoy endgame and have no high level character) and someone else got to use their lvl 90 character in the same race, the person with the lvl 90 character would have to be mentally retarded to possibly lose that race. And mental retardation perhaps wouldn't even cut it, they would have to be physically disabled aswell and have to play with their feet, irrespective of how fast I can go, if they one shot everything and get to run 5 quicksilvers its impossible to keep up. like I said, make this a fun race, but keep it out of competitive racing for fucks sake. GGG is already catering to the community of morons by making PvP competitive (even though it's broken and takes no skill) at least leave racing as it is and let the best players win there and not the person with the most time on their hands who grind endgame 15 hours a day. edit: And these real life race analogies are just silly, first of all the real world is not a computer program, there are factors we cannot control, which will always make real life somewhat unfair. However, in a computer program, everything that happens is in control of the developer, so it is absolutely possible to have a competition that is 100% fair (not saying that PoE races are 100% fair, but in theory they could be). You simply can't draw any analogies here because the two concepts (real world - virtual world) are fundamentally different. Humanity (as much as we would like to think otherwise) has very little control over what happens in the real world (Universe), however someone who creates a virtual world like Path of Exile (wraeclast) is literally god in that universe. So while we cannot expect things to be perfectly just in the real world, we can make any virtual reality as fair as we want it to be, because like I said, in a sense, anyone who creates a virtual world is to that virtual world what (a hypothetical) god would be to us. It's just a terrible analogy. No sport or competition will ever be as fair as a video game and to argue that we should lower our standards by aspiring to be just as flawed as the real world, is... for a lack of a better word... asinine. #1 Victim of Murphy's Law. Last edited by SlixSC#6287 on Oct 21, 2013, 9:38:56 AM
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Wow your post is so abrasive..... its almost as if you are personally offended by this topic, anyway.....
Who says there can't be different types of competition? GGG clearly wants to have a diverse set of races. "How is it not fair? someone who puts more time into something gets more out of it? Once again this is how things work both in games and real life. "You're example sucks. As of right now its very easy for even a casual to get level 75 and after this update lvl 85 will probably be in reach for the average player. Also someone who has never played past level 35 will probably suck at any type of race. "Don't even need to comment on this point aside from saying it shows just the type of person this opinion is coming from, someone who gets angry at people who play the game different than them. "Who says competitions have to be 100% fair? Who says real life competition has to be perfectly equal? Equal is boring, you would't watch a coin flip competition would you? People who put more time in get more rewards, the current race system works the same way, just in a different fashion. Do you actually think that the people who win regular races are casual or don't put much time in? |
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" No that isn't true at all. In competition the more skilled player should win, not the player who simply puts in more time. There is a huge difference between the two, they simply aren't synonymous. The point of races is to evaluate who is better at speed leveling, not who has more time on their hands. " The point is, players shouldn't have to spend all that time just to have a somewhat competitive race character. Races are an even playing field, everyone starts off at lvl 1 with no gear. You cannot have it any more balanced or fair than that. " Wrong. I get angry when people conflate two different things. The normal game and races. Races are competitive events, the point of races is to evaluate who is better at leveling. If you advocate for an uneven playing field, by introducing high level characters, it is almost impossible to determine who is actually better at leveling, because some characters will be multitudes stronger than others, removing skill requirement and adding an inherent advantage to player's who simply have more time to play the game than others. " Almost any sport is set up in a way to make it as fair as possible. That's why in football or soccer both sides of the field are identical. It's not the case that one team's side of the field is populated by gorillas they have to fight and the other side of the field is populated by mountainlions which the opposing team has to kill before they can score a goal. Equality is essential in competition, because the whole point of competition is to evaluate who is better and by making the playing field unequal you are only making it harder to evaluate who is actually better. Note, our inability to make competitions perfectly fair in real life, has nothing to do with the philosophical question, almost any competitive sport in real life tries to be as fair as possible, your argument that it shouldn't be as fair as possible, goes against the very philosophical nature of competitions. " That's an absolutely silly analogy. Coin fliping requires absolutely no skill, racing does. " No that's not the case at all. People who are better at racing get more rewards, the amount of time you put into it is irrelevant, you could do every single race and never make lowest bracket and get absolutely nothing in the end. This is because races evaluate how good someone is at leveling and not how much time they spent doing so. You conflate two different concepts and try really hard to make them seem synonymous but they simply are not. " Alkaizer did 5 races this season and set the number 1 record for marauder, he didn't put very much time in and still won. What this demonstrates is that "time spent" doesnt equal "skill", which is what races are and should primarily be about. You keep equivocating skill with "time spent" but it's nonsense. #1 Victim of Murphy's Law. Last edited by SlixSC#6287 on Oct 21, 2013, 11:41:21 AM
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