Melee Blood Ranger... (Updated!)

So I have always loved playing agility based tanks in games, so I took a crack at making some kind of freak of nature crackmaster build. I also am very pvp focused with this build without losing the ability to actually level and farm for equipment. Updated with Feedback

What I created... was the Blood Ranger.

Sword / Shield ranger build:
Uses Armour / Evasion body armour, and Evasion only shield


60% enemy block reduction
Lots of critical damage
(New) Increased critical strike chance (100%)
Uses life instead of mana
Very fast attacks
Gains life on attack
Avoids stun (32%)
6x Frenzy charges
4x endurance charges
Increased flask regeneration
Very high chance to avoid damage all together (shield / evasion)
Squishy, but not super squishy (some armour focus)
Life regeneration
(New) Increased life (a few nodes)
Very high accuracy / chance to hit

Skills Used / Supports:

Primary - Double Strike + Faster Strikes + Life gain on hit (optional - increased damage, life leech, added fire damage)

Cleave + life gain on hit + faster attack speed (great to fuel you when zerged with hp and ae damage)

Flicker Strike


Blood Rage (keeps the frenzy train going + life leech)

Warlords Mark (life leech and flask regen)

Shadow Run

(Flask) Granite Flask is a must have. Provides 10k armour for 4 seconds, and works great with all the extra charges I can regen from killing stuff. Perfect thing to use during the panic moments. (Absorb goes from 22% to 85% for 4 seconds.)

How this build works:
Basically, its a super fast attacking life generating build that does lots of damage and will only ever run out of power when its dead.

So far at level 47 I have the Blood Magic skill finally and I have to admit its awesome.

Double strike provides 2x the hp on the Life gain on hit gem so it works very nicely.

You'll also notice that passive skill increase for frenzy is very important, this build ramps up speed very quickly and stays at a stupid high rate of killageness.

Skill Tree

Current Build

End Build

If you have any questions or comments please let me know. If you have an idea to improve the build by all means post something.

Last edited by sonsofhorus#3620 on Oct 2, 2012, 1:42:45 PM
I notice the end build

having very few hp nodes - your target hp is 1.5k or so?

not enough for a BM build even with 150 regen - which you will not have with 2,3% regen at 1.5k health
even high leech and gain on hit will not save you

how do you expect to have 60% dmg red from armor if you have only a 40% armor nodes?
lets say you find an epic armor/eva chest with 1000 armor and 1000 eva
still you will have 1400 armor in total from it which correspond to 20% or less DR in end game
with such a little DR and low hp this char would get one shoot by many things.

I agree you will have a fairly high chance of escaping attacks with block and eva - but those that hit will be hard.

Avoiding elemental alignments is just silly loss of points - only freeze is useful and u can gain it with a single ring which you can put on in times of need.
I would invest all the points from that node in HP. But than again since you used all 111 points you will not get to that node ever.

Don't see this as viable build in end game

items shop: 364086
ign: [ICU]missuse
if you like to HLD, add me
inactive in game atm, PM me if you need something.
Last edited by missuse#0603 on Sep 28, 2012, 4:25:56 AM
I am lvl 42 in Twilight difficulty now, and I can admit that I don't have enough HP for those REALLY heavy hitting enemies.

I got a few of the health nodes and it seems to be enough to keep me alive. I think you are right in the giving up the chance to avoid nonsense and just pick up another group of health nodes would be worth a lot more.

Have to admit though this build is stupid fun.
I like the concept, makes me want to make a Blood Ranger myself :]
Thanks for the "crackbuild" ;]
Just an update on the blood ranger build so far.

I revamped the skill tree to take into account stun avoidance, and critical chance increases. I added a bit more hp as well.

That being said I am currently 47 and near the end of A2 in the 3rd difficulty and things pretty much insta die.

I do just over 1k dps and nearly 1.3k with 5 frenzy charges with my dual strike. I have dual strike + faster attacks + added fire damage + life gain on hit all connected.

Cleave with + life gain on hit works great especially when you have + attack speed support and frenzy charges up.

Current and goal build both updated. I may make a video and post it on youtube so you can see this build in action.
Another update, im lvl 52 and in a2 in Merciless difficulty.

I am doing fairly well actually, although my armour and shield is level 40ish I can kill things very well still.

Working on better gear

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