Helpful Clan Recruiting
Hi I am a PoE Admin for the clan BnR we are recruiting all Leagues, Classes and Builds for PoE! We are trying to build a strong PoE community within our clan. We plan to run events with currency rewards every week/month as our player base increases more events will happen! We are a very helpful clan, we plan on doing whatever it takes to improve the gaming experience of our members.
We have a very active TeamSpeak server and constant players online from all around the world! New to the game need help or have questions General Chat isn't answering? Tired of not being able to find a good map group!? Tired of people stealing your drops!? Need people to PVP with!? Need help making currency or item upgrades!? Fear not Clan BnR is here to help :P! Here is a little bit about us. 1. The guild is 19 years old, in May of 2013; was created in 1994. 2. We have always remained a private clan. 3. BNR has over 70,000 members over more than 19 gaming clients. 4. BNR is the oldest and largest single guild to date. 5. BNR is supported by Blizzard, Logitech, Activision, PlayStation Network, Xbox LIVE,Machinima,and Visionary Custom Controllers 6. BNR is the winner of 2005 – 2012 web awards 7. BnR is in the gaming hall of fame. 8. Clan BNR motto: To improve the gaming experience for our members by any means possible. Please don't get intimidated by our numbers if anything all players should be impressed most clans die as games change and people move on in life. This clan has stuck together through thick and thin for years with people building life long friendships! All clan members must remember this is a mature, family oriented and fun guild. Members and new recruits Please post your Gear Class and Builds so we can help get everyone upgrades! :P If you are interested in joining please post a message me here or in game. IGN: MariaQuiteria Sincerely, Joseph Julian Recruiter/Admin Of Clan BnR |
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might want to take this post down as well as the other one that you made about recruitment for poe on the 20th of sept 2013
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BnR is not bad news, and thanks to the folks who have made us out to be such, we have had to discontinue support of Path of Exile indefinitely. We used to have quite a large number of people with events and such for our members. Then the smear campaigns began and we had someone bad cause further damage that resulted in the loss of every member from that division as well as three others. We've still not fully recovered and games within which we've tried to recruit have had people read the posts on the Path forums only to be misled by the lies. The people who have posted on these forums negatively about our clan have been banned due to inappropriate behavior, plain and simple. They make themselves look all innocent when stating their case, and unfortunately, people believe them. The only thing they've succeeded in doing is depriving the PoE community of a clan that aims to help them.
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You should talk to fusionreactor.
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