A few suggestions/ideas
Just a few things I came up with while trying to think of ways to improve the game:
*A quick way to reply to the last player who messaged you by typing "/r <text>" or something along those lines. *Arrows on the edges of the minimap (full map?) pointing in the direction of your other party members who are outside of the visible map area. If you join a zone you should be able to find your friends quickly without having to scroll all over the map. *The ability to mouse over an entrance in an already-explored part of the map to determine where it leads. *The ability to make your minions avoid negative AoE areas altogether or at least when they aren't in active combat. Too often my minions decide to attack an enemy standing in fire or even worse, walk through/stand in fire when there's nothing around to attack. I realize zombies aren't the brightest critters in the land, but having to re-summon every time I kill a mob with AoE on death damage gets old. *Summoning a new creature when you have the maximum number of that creature type should replace the existing creature of that type with the lowest health. If my most recently summoned zombie is about to die, I shouldn't have to summon 4 more just to get them all at max health. *The ability to click on a player's name to reference them and draw their attention to a comment without having to type the name out. *The ability to shift focus away from the chat window without losing any text you've begun to type into that window. It's annoying to be halfway through a comment and lose it all when an unexpected mob suddenly starts hitting you mid-sentence. *The option to go /AFK so that players will know you've stepped away and aren't simply ignoring them. *An idle timer to display how long a player in your party has been inactive. Sometimes it's difficult to keep up with which players are wasting space idling in town as opposed to which players just went there to buy/sell items. *The ability to see what global chat people on your friends' list are in so you can join that chat group to converse with a particular player or group of players. *The ability to create private chat groups. "/join SuperCoolPeopleOnly" or whatever. *A toggleable option to show item level by default in the item windows. *An easy way to see the requirements for the base item without having to remove the gems. If I'm thinking of passing a weapon to a lower level character or a friend, I shouldn't have to remove all the gems to see if the second character can even equip it. *A privacy feature so you can hide from everyone if you want to play solo (or you're playing when you're supposed to be working or something else). *A support gem that allows a percentage of a linked aura gem to stack with the same aura when it is also being provided by another player. *An easier way to sell items (maybe at a reduced cost) that doesn't require constant trips to town. *A separate (keychain style?) inventory section for currency items and/or quest items. It would make it easier not to accidentally sell a currency item and would require less inventory shuffling. Another way to fix this would be to simply list the amount of each currency type the player has and not store currency as physical items. *The ability to add players by account name instead of just by character name. *A way to see (search?) the inventory of your other characters. If I'm looking for an item or gem I know one of my characters has, it would be cool if I could find it without having to log in to multiple characters. *The ability to exit to the character selection screen instead of all the way to the login screen. *The ability to limit what types of item names appear on the ground (only magical, unique, max linked, etc.) *Highlight heavily-linked non-magic item names. There may be non-magic items reserved for a character because they're linked very well, but players often overlook them because they look almost identical to poorly-linked non-magic items. If an item is good enough to reserve, it's worth highlighting so the player with rights to it will notice it. Having to sort through a sea of white names on the ground looking for a good link combination slows down the gameplay and is tedious. *The ability to bind a key or mouse button to "Move here without attacking or picking anything up" that doesn't take up one of your skill slots. I shouldn't have to lose the use of an ability just so I can move around more effectively. Ideally it could be assigned to a fourth mouse button or any other key the user desires. *A way to see what auras other party members are providing so you can quickly determine what aura you should activate. Currently to determine what your party members are providing requires chasing them while simultaneously trying to mouse over the auras to read their descriptions. Alternately, highlighting redundant auras in the upper left would also make this easier. If I'm providing a +cold damage aura at the same time someone else is also giving me that aura, putting a bright border around the effect would tell me that I probably should use a different aura. *If multiple players are providing the same aura, it would also be cool if there were a way to determine which player has the strongest (or widest?) aura so that the player with the weaker aura would know to activate another one. This thread has been automatically archived. Replies are disabled.
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