Race rewards
i`d really like to get some of the league rewards for my characters. Promblem is they are in Anarchy league, which basically means races are nonrewarding for me. I can`t even use the currency/high value items i find while racing after the normal races finished. I`d really appreciate if we could choose which league the reward goes to. Maybe it should just be sent to the league with the highest level character of that account. As a sidenote: In my eyes playig HC is masochistic aslong as i can die without it beeing my own fault. I died to desync in Act2 normal on my first char(kiting aliras adds then dieing to corpse explosions + sommoned minions at a place i was like 2 secs ago) and decided for myself that i wont play HC ever again until that shit is fixed. Had like 10 more desync deaths in Anarchy within the last 2 weeks. Glad i chose this way to go! Even in races desync is a huge issue! I died and watched streamers die to it quite often. As soon as i reach my x level reward I usually just log out. It would of course be exiting if you could only die due to your own mistakes but aslong as desync exists there should be races without hc mechanics! (just try it out or collect other players feedback). |
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u think hardcore mode means only one life per char? no. build ur char including mistake from ur own fault and also including desync or other connection issue. u right. if u go full dmg with no reserve defense stats and without heat situation plan to escape, even first act could be too much. i seen too many stupid deaths from my friends, maybe they got desync, maybe was their fault, but being too confident with lack of imagination and wrong priority on stats ending hc adventure. i never played poe on normal mode server.i started at hc and now i cant even think to go play normal mode, wheres the fun?? its like playing single player hack and slash. from first lvls i was focusing on upgrading gear and farming lvl to be few lvls ahead on new areas. also my prio was defence, health resist and instant health flask, cause u can always run out of damage needed. but when u run out of ur life? yea u move to single hacknslash. my first hc char is witch around 40, fire witch. my prio on gear that char was es hp resist and after that stats i could compare offensive stats on gear. and guess what. one fireball more or less, no biggie. ofc i have idea my dmg could be too low for merciles i guess. but i think its better to ruin character talents than get killed cause u lack fire res and massive chain of dmg with minor connection problem happend. sh it happens, its could be poe servers fault but i think ppl who cry about desync are just weak on their personality, and i dont be suprise their desync are provided by their lack of system awarness and proper internet connection. ok mate. gl on ur hcknslash brainoff mode. desync killing u a lot there? ofc it is. one reason is cos geting killed is part of that, and second reason is GO PLAY HC MODE, stop being fa ggot. be tanky, be smart, be FAST. dont rush like no tommorow. and i think no desync in the world could get u killed. or u can go underlvled with low lvl gear to new area and get one shotted by everything. blame desync. fun is on second act seoond difficulty level when u meet suicide chaos dmg mobs. my marauder with full health and some chaos res took 3 of them and they left me at 50~ health from my 2 000. so now think where my marauder would be if i didnt choose hpmax node over psyhical damage. or if i didnt have 4 lvl higher than area where that happend. or if a didnt upgrading gear every 1-3 lvls with orbs.i would be dead. now i learn chaos dmg is a bi tch. huehue i m goin play some league oflegends. EVERY +HEALTH/OTHER defstat makes hc more playable on casual lvl. with normal mistakes and any other issues. ofc i bet some poe true players lvling ten times faster than me, i bet they lvl alt chars twice as my main in no time, but my post in mainly for fresh players like me who want be amazed this epic talent tree, sell some on trade and face the risk of dieing cause u dont know what be next. yea i think this is me. or u can ruin half of the fun by playing normal mode wich spoil gameplay, and the worst its not force u to being best u can be all the time, not forcing u to be smart or careful, but helps u being reckless, being in few conwersation on facebook while watching tv. ofc when u get killed u have to clear trashmobs again and again wich leads u to situation wich u cant pass further. u get angry, u try again. still fail. maybe i doin smth wrong? me? no way i m best player in poe look my dmg!!!! lets go bum bum dead again!! wtf!! desync, god. good this isnt hc cause desync my main enemy!!!!!!! and one day u forget about poe at all. answer is simple as that. u aint best poe player and ur big dmg is useless cause ur char evolved to permacorpse. also i was playing poe last time i dont know january? maybe february. today i updated game and gonna hook in again, but gotta spend nodes properly this time, with changes awarness. also gonna lvl up my witch cause i m free of my newbie mistakes. oh and my templar!!! i dont know how but i remeber i have big time low dmg, with big time mana probles and average def. yea this is important too. i guess u cant go templar full tank from very start, i did that and i pass in 3 act, prolly bad build etc. but my marauder run full def from 1 lvl to 47 and didnt even once think i lack of dmg. also i love health regeneration, got 50~/s now and this makes heat situation a little smoother. some lifesteal and u can clear with peace in mind, dont get too comfy! chaos dmg never sleeps, chaos dmg and bad luck chains of dmg have only one mission. to suprise u, kill u. like stunlock in second diff at 1 act in cave underground. really makes u sweat, cause u run around and clearing with no problems until they start charging and stunning.
and about that races without hc mechanic. u want them to make races without a big part of the game wich is balance in defence and offense. it would makes everyone testing to the max what their chars can do, then races would be finnaly get boring, cause same offense pattern would be a must for everyone, same builds diffrent player, same game diffrent joy of playing. |
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" Tip: Improve readability if you want people to actually read it. This is as close to "wall of text" as it gets. |
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i lol'd at that wall