Newsflash GGG: There is MORE not less RNG in Descent Races.

Choice between Quicksilver and Medium flasks?

No way to get resist rings?

Leather belt in the level 17 area

The recipes and ability to buy these items were added for a reason. The problem is you as the developer has chosen for us how to play this game, which is a very dangerous precedent.

Why doesnt every class get every gem they can reasonably use? Who are you to say that a basic gem such as Freeze pulse isnt available to say a Templar?

I personally don't play this game to run a subpar build, decided for me by I don't know what criteria, in an environment you describe as "less RNG" when anyone who understands how races work would see that this is the very type of RNG that you previously worked hard to eliminate.

Playing the Roulette of who gets a resist ring is dumb, plain and simple.
"When I close my eyes, I see this thing, a sign, I see this name in bright blue neon lights with a purple outline. And this name is so bright and so sharp that the sign - it just blows up because the name is so powerful... It says, "Diamond Supporter."
Morsexier wrote:
Choice between Quicksilver and Medium flasks?

No way to get resist rings?

Leather belt in the level 17 area

The recipes and ability to buy these items were added for a reason. The problem is you as the developer has chosen for us how to play this game, which is a very dangerous precedent.

Why doesnt every class get every gem they can reasonably use? Who are you to say that a basic gem such as Freeze pulse isnt available to say a Templar?

I personally don't play this game to run a subpar build, decided for me by I don't know what criteria, in an environment you describe as "less RNG" when anyone who understands how races work would see that this is the very type of RNG that you previously worked hard to eliminate.

Playing the Roulette of who gets a resist ring is dumb, plain and simple.

I think one of the chests gives 2 of each resis ring. Other than though I agree.. this descent thing does appear to be very RNG dependent. It has honestly not been very fun for me because of the retarded gems we are forced to use. I see my self playing duelist if this thing goes without any changes.
General Racing Guide for Act 1
Last edited by Powster#4710 on Jun 29, 2013, 10:57:55 PM
Powster wrote:
Morsexier wrote:
Choice between Quicksilver and Medium flasks?

No way to get resist rings?

Leather belt in the level 17 area

The recipes and ability to buy these items were added for a reason. The problem is you as the developer has chosen for us how to play this game, which is a very dangerous precedent.

Why doesnt every class get every gem they can reasonably use? Who are you to say that a basic gem such as Freeze pulse isnt available to say a Templar?

I personally don't play this game to run a subpar build, decided for me by I don't know what criteria, in an environment you describe as "less RNG" when anyone who understands how races work would see that this is the very type of RNG that you previously worked hard to eliminate.

Playing the Roulette of who gets a resist ring is dumb, plain and simple.

I think one of the chests gives 2 of each resis ring. Other than though I agree.. this descent thing does appear to be very RNG dependent. It has honestly not been very fun for me because of the retarded gems we are forced to use. I see my self playing duelist if this thing goes without any changes.

Sure you get resists rings in the of the lvl 15 zone when cruel starts at the previous zone... gl vs the the exploders and merv daughters with -20 res... They should be given as a reward at the end of normal...
The first elemental heavy zone is number 7 - Frozen Abyss (level 13)
You only get ele res rings at the end of zone 8.
I understand that ele dmg is toned down in this type of races but thats still kinda strange.
Also leather belt at the end of zone 9 which is level 17? We can buy them at level 9 for a purpose.

Posted by Chris on February 4, 2014 1:51 AM
"When we mass-ban people for running these tools, don't say you weren't warned :P"
Last edited by cwu#2619 on Jun 29, 2013, 11:06:55 PM
cwu wrote:
The first elemental heavy zone is number 7 - Frozen Abyss (level 13)
You only get ele res rings at the end of zone 8.
I understand that ele dmg is toned down in this type of races but thats still kinda strange.
Also leather belt at the end of zone 9 which is level 17? We can buy them at level 9 for a purpose.

Especially since the corresponding gems (Sweep at 3\4, Leapslam at 9\10) occur in the right levels but the belt is +9 lvls.
"When I close my eyes, I see this thing, a sign, I see this name in bright blue neon lights with a purple outline. And this name is so bright and so sharp that the sign - it just blows up because the name is so powerful... It says, "Diamond Supporter."
I'm thinking it wouldn't hurt for rewards to be like that...
In the end of the 5th dungeon (Lvl 9) they should add a leather belt to the gem.
At the end of the 6th dungeon (Lvl 11) they should add the resist rings to the support gem.

That way u can actually try and make a corresponding strategy(that was the point of this race, right)...
Last edited by MyH4o#6914 on Jun 29, 2013, 11:18:27 PM
The devs expect you to use the chain belt before level 17.

It would be less RNG dependant if you kill every boss but killing bosses is a waste of time unless you have some big damage.
Early bosses are a waste because the chance of really useable items is low.

I think one of the chests gives 2 of each resis ring.

WTF which chest. In the level 23 area?

Irc the simian cave dropped 2 corals 1 chaos and 1alch and 1 coral 1 paua 2 alchs

I took the opposite chests from last time. It's a bummer that not a single chests drops decoy totem.....
I would prefer a BearTrap Decoy totem chest over sweep and cleave.

Cleave is only an option for me if I got double strike-->I get slow ass heavy strike.
Sweep sucks since the mara hasn't got AoE nodes.

Choice between Quicksilver and Medium flasks?

The frozen abyss got a chest that gives at last 2 medium mana and life on mara.
I found a QS in the statuechest but it was a waste of 4 min and the drops were underwhelming.

But the chests contents are more than questionable.
Why do we get Paua and Coral amus early on but rings quiet late?
2 Options aren't that much for most classes.

For example as Mara I would heavily Prefer Decoytotem, BearTrap or Infernal blow over sweep and cleave.
As Shadow/Ranger I would welcome DD.

Anger is a Game I would use far later if I have no equipment since the attackspeed and damage is inferior to a duelist.
I would prefer molten shell-->1h build.

I concur with Mors and others who have responded to this post. The elimination of town increases luck/rng factor. The vendors provide a reliable means to obtain certain important items (larger flasks, resist rings belts etc). In descent races, finding these items (or not finding them) has a greater impact on your potential performance.

In a normal race I can buy a sapphire ring before fighting mervel. In descent, I am facing freeze pulse and cold snap with negative resist and no reliable way to get resist until after the next zone.

The descent mode provides a novel challenge, which can be entertaining, but would benefit from some changes as a signature competitive event.

-> The removal of town conflicts with the stated intent to reduce the rng factor
You need at last 3 races with the same class to get a build.

My first race was a disaster and all I did was trying to skip and I got into easier zones underleveled.

Knowing this everything relies on the boss drops from Zone 5+.

After that you need several races to get a feeling for maps and you will always be at disatvantage to maphackers.
Why not reveal the map if everybody got the same seed anyway?

The best example is the frozen abyss.

D1-->North east part really easy only frenzy squids guarding a chests.
Sothern part-->Hard deadly champs, sanguine champs and a slow aura rare with crit power charges and several suiciders.

D2--->Northern part had a multishot rare right at the start and not many mobs but escaping merv the north way lead to a dead end and skipping merv without retreat was a suicidebomber suicide.

And the RNG factor is really big.
The first race I had no luck with items at all till simian cave before skeletal I rolled a good 2h staff. I found like 5 gems and most of them were blue.

This time I found only 1 gem but didn't have to use a driftwood maul till level 10.

I agree with most of whats been posted so far in the thread.

Reposting some enhanced feedback from todays descent race, as i rather doubt the devs read every single race report thread:

- Improve orb drops by a massive amount. If theyre currently better than the standard modes, no ones noticed.

- Add more gems and basic gear to the starter chest, and do the same for later gear choice chests. The amount of builds and options available atm is dismally low. Enable us to choose between flat reliability (white: flasks, rings, belts, amulets, weapons at the levels they can be used) or potential random upgrades and speed (alchs, chaos, fusings, gcps, regals, exalts, blue+quality quicksilvers) in the level end chests.

- Replace some of the mazy indoor areas with open outdoor areas, or just more open areas in general. That horrible submerged clone with chill + chains + coldsnap + exploders is a desync nightmare for short ranged classes and would be a great candidate for replacement. Its also far harder than the 3 zones after it, bosses aside.

- Require the area boss to be dead before the area end chests are available. This will create a huge risk:reward tension that would make the events much more interesting. Ive skipped far more bosses than ive killed so far, as the current reward is just not there compared to the potential risk and time lost. Whos going to try killing that insane gmp chaos spitter snake in the starting zone atm (or other high life, high risk bosses, of which there are plenty) when they can just run right past and still get paid at the chests?

- Revealed maps would be much appreciated. Removes all maphack advantage, and means latecomers to the season who play skillfully can still compete with those of us whove run many previous descent events.
IGN: KoTao
Last edited by KoTao#4717 on Jun 30, 2013, 12:44:03 AM

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