You are killing your Game (Season 3 a major disappointment).

I had a look at the season 3 changes and have to say this looks like a 1h planned disappointment.

1.The prices are horrible.
To me my motivation is already killed at 80 points. I stopped at a similar Point in Season 1.
I could go to 600 but I won't because there is nothing interesting after 80 points.
Reapers Pursuit is a worse item than Death Harp and requires more points?
You try compare Windscream to Tabula Rasa?
The rewards are distributed around 160 events: Players getting over 480 points at season had a participation rate of 65% or more.(Have fun with destructive critics after S3)

2. Destruction of the Racesystem. Because Devs like to listen to D2jsp users they killed one main reason to obtain a demigod.(They will get sold at d2jsp and it will be faked as a "Giveaway". Well done. If I complain alt Art items become worthless you gonna remove them too?)
Should I start naming and shaming?
Why are CT considered F if they could be considered C too? If good players get killed it's competive for them.

Ever had the idea to reward 3 kinds of demigods?
Descent Races reward nothing but points and random rewards and a demigod if you did good.
So what is the point in participating there for most users? Seeing new content and never participate again once there is an established strategy to get far as possible?

Fun races are more a waste of time or a source to collect some points nothing more. You might as well create random generated event 3 times a week one in each timeslot.

I wonder why you didn't come up with the idea of 3 different kinds of demigods.

3. Horrible timeslot planning. A script could do much better!

Example: 8h Turbo Party(C114) at monday/tuesday ever had the idea to move them to Friday/Saturday, where more players actually got time?
CT races 4 of 5 CT races cover 2 Timeslots.

Events of the same duration change the mode.
1 Slot is C the other one F(C14 and F18 for example)

How about following: Don't announce the Race mode and duration anymore only set a flag C F S(ignature)
Duration and Mods get randomly generated. This would prevent criticism on the horrible timeslot planning.

But if you want proper timeslots either invest much more time planning them or use a script!

4. 1 week is normal yet again(personal rant)
There was a suggestion by Xendran once to use 1 weekers for testing purpose?
What happened with that?
There are enough normal leagues imo. There were total 2 testing 1 weekers.
1 week Turbo and 1 week ResTest(-25 -50 -75 iirc)

How about testing 1 the riprate of 1 week Turbo aka extremly difficult leagues.
Or how about Statis, Multiproj, BM?
But yet again you create a who plays the most on a mainstream build wins event.
Demigods should feel valuable / special / like you accomplished something when you have them like a gold medal in the olympics.. not like playing sports when you are a kid when even last place gets a trophy. The 10 demigod ammys I won from closed beta definitely made me feel that way because there was only one race a week usually. (I also realized that only one stash spot is nice once I started getting loads of demi wreaths)


Do you really think all those demigod's triumph golden wreaths have meaning to me? I actually had more but I sold them because once I had around 25 they started taking up way too much room and they were not special anymore. I wouldve tried to sell even more in game but knowing in season 2 that even more were going to be rewarded I felt like I was scamming people. I still have like 10 of my demi wraths in the "remove-only" stash tabs because I do want them taking up more stash space than they already have. One of the reasons I stopped playing in races was because a demi wreath did not feel special to win.

Pretty much I disagree with everything you said but the one week normal thing. One week races should not be normal but also definitely not blamt or something retarded. Should be 1 week turbo, 1 week cutthroat, 1 week solo (with trading disabled), 1 week cut throat, 1 week onslaught multiprojectile, 1 week rogue ai party (not sure what that means but I think I seen that event type for short races) etc....

Personally I am hoping for something like a one week onslaught solo (with no trading) although I know most people do not like one week solo because of map rng. I think though with some of the recent changes it would not be as big of a problem... and who cares if some people have better rng so they win :/

(Showing the above 2 alt art demi wreaths just because.... I feel pro having them lol)
General Racing Guide for Act 1
Last edited by Powster#4710 on Jun 27, 2013, 8:43:52 PM
Oh cool I have them too....

Do you really think all those demigod's triumph golden wreaths have meaning to me? I actually had more but I sold them because once I had around 25 they started taking up way too much room and they were not special anymore.

Not a single Item has a meaning to me. I gave some away to friends for free who got a 2nd place of class or wanted one.
There are only 21 of them:

Do you think it has some value?

I can't see you playing on HC. Does it mean you sell them on a botterboard? Oh wait they got no value there I understand......

Or I can ask that way: How many demis would you have without muling icenova-->Zero.

There isn't much reason left to race. CB had currency and Demigods.
OB took currency away.
S3 took the majority of Demigods away and put them into mainly in the most boring modes.
The only thing remaining are dumb randomrewards for a gamemode nobody plays.
GGG learned nothing from CB.
"Let's have an economy reset league every 4 months, forget about A3 and endgameflaws"

Too many races is a poor excuse nobody forces you to do all races.
I detest normal speed races for example, but modes I like don't reward anything? Why are they even in the season then. They could be as well named random sandbox event.
Only stupid reward points for a majority of the races for a mode nobody plays?
Count me out after 80 Points. I will only participate in the CTs then and not a single stupid normal mode anymore because I detest them.

I hope many players will just boycott the season at some point so the events will only have 9 pages, so the devs will understand that this way was a no go.

Pretty much I disagree with everything you said but the one week normal thing. One week races should not be normal but also definitely not blamt or something retarded. Should be 1 week turbo, 1 week cutthroat, 1 week solo (with trading disabled), 1 week cut throat, 1 week onslaught multiprojectile, 1 week rogue ai party (not sure what that means but I think I seen that event type for short races) etc....

AI means Ancestreal Immolation and Rogue most likely means "contains Rogue Exiles" so much from an experienced racer.

Do you really believe the community would vote 1 week Blamt?

Even you put much effort into surviving there are places you are doomed to be oneshot, like Bandits or Brutus cruel.

1 week CT is pretty much the same as 1 week blamt.
At some point high players will only gang up on lows and there will be a 20-30 level gap.
Astramentis does have value lol.. Maybe not to you but to most path of exile players it for sure does.

Hilbert wrote:

I can't see you playing on HC. Does it mean you sell them on a botterboard? Oh wait they got no value there I understand......

Not sure what you mean by me not playing hardcore..? I have a level 83 in hardcore and level 80 in onslaught. Not insanely high chars but that is because I enjoy racing. I really play WAY more than most people but it is mainly spent on new chars practicing for racing. So.. although my char was only level 83 in hardcore I still had insane equip from selling my demigod wreaths when they still had value.


Or I can ask that way: How many demis would you have without muling icenova-->Zero.

No idea what you mean here also.. My last demi in season 2 was a melee shadow char. I would say at least 90% of my demi wins were from races I did not mule ice nova lol. Later in the season on witch I did mule ice nova often but that is not for ice nova but for wisdom scrolls / checking vendors mainly. Since I actually know how to race I can play any class / build and win often because no one else in path of exile takes racing even 1% as serious as I do.


There isn't much reason left to race. CB had currency and Demigods.
OB took currency away.
S3 took the majority of Demigods away and put them into mainly in the most boring modes.
The only thing remaining are dumb randomrewards for a gamemode nobody plays.
GGG learned nothing from CB.
"Let's have an economy reset league every 4 months, forget about A3 and endgameflaws"

"boring modes" aka skill based modes lol.. The real boring modes are the ones which no longer reward demis because they involve too much luck. Currency added back though would be nice. I played loads in season 1/2 races and once demi had no value to sell I could not better my main char since all I did was race.


Too many races is a poor excuse nobody forces you to do all races.
I detest normal speed races for example, but modes I like don't reward anything? Why are they even in the season then. They could be as well named random sandbox event.
Only stupid reward points for a majority of the races for a mode nobody plays?
Count me out after 80 Points. I will only participate in the CTs then and not a single stupid normal mode anymore because I detest them.

I think you should try to improve at racing. That way you can see how fun it is to play the skill based races rather than the luck based ones. The reason the "fun mode" non demi races are there are because..... they are meant to be for fun since they are luck based.

One week cut throat is still better than one week normal in my opinion. I know there would be ganging going on by high levels. In the first 3 hour solo cut throat (not sure if there was more or not) I was pretty much the only player in the league that actually still had equip in the last 30 minutes. I got so bored I just pretty much afked with everyone fighting next to me because they had no equip. Still though it would show more what it would be like in a perm cut throat league. Oh yeah.. and my experience in racing is from actual races not fun mode races
General Racing Guide for Act 1
Last edited by Powster#4710 on Jun 28, 2013, 3:02:05 AM
No idea what you mean here also.. My last demi in season 2 was a melee shadow char. I would say at least 90% of my demi wins were from races I did not mule ice nova lol. Later in the season on witch I did mule ice nova often but that is not for ice nova but for wisdom scrolls / checking vendors mainly. Since I actually know how to race I can play any class / build and win often because no one else in path of exile takes racing even 1% as serious as I do.

Oh ele/cleave shadow also such a "skill build"
Stop lying everybody knows muling icenova is essential for fast AoE kills at ledge and A2.
If you would just use it for scrolls you would take a shadow first but I am like the only player who takes a shadow first to snatch 2-4 fast points and my Hillock/Fetid/Crab rate is really high when I attempted it.
Hillock around 20% the event's I participated.
Fetid 12/16
Crab 9/13

"boring modes" aka skill based modes lol.. The real boring modes are the ones which no longer reward demis because they involve too much luck. Currency added back though would be nice. I played loads in season 1/2 races and once demi had no value to sell I could not better my main char since all I did was race.

How is this related to luck:
No Proj= Fun--->Much harder to play a Ranger or a spellbased character
1h Party is Fun but 3h Party is competition and 3h Party Ancestral is fun again? Oh wait 1h Fixed seed party is competition-->Total randomness.

30 min TI Party is Fun-->Brutus is much harder on Immolation mode....

BM is Fun--->BM is a hard race for classes not getting LoH.

Why does a minor mod like ancestral make the entire race "fun"?

1h Rogue Turbo suddenly is "fun" and 2h Rogue Turbo Competition again.

Now explain me where is the luck there?!
Several examples are heavily skill based. My progression speed is far less affected from harder mods(unless it's lethal) than other players so those settings are pissing me off.

Anything lethal fine. CT as long not balanced fine. Short time races fine. But everything else deserves a competition tag.

So basically you are complaining you can't equip characters because you don't play the way it is intended.
How about giving feedback about shitty droprates and grindfest-->I did it several times after OB and I refuse to play high level content unless it's either not a) crappy 18h to level 70 eternal grindfest(yeah was fun doing docks for 2 weeks and like 5 maps due denied endgame by decreased mapdroprates on merciless) or b) it's an overkill league which kills off 90% of the players again and again and the economy stays stable.

High level content had zero improvement since OB and gets more like and MMO every patch.

and b won't happen because GGG likes their "We just do it like in CB" track.

I think you should try to improve at racing. That way you can see how fun it is to play the skill based races rather than the luck based ones.

I have a life I certainly won't count the mobs I have to kill before progressing I have a vague estimation. I also refuse to use certain builds.

Also my main issue are loading times.
I can show you several 60-90 min examples where I was 2-3nd of class after A1 only a tiny bit behind but then loading times killed me while resetting instances and I had 3-4 instances less than players behind me aka 3-5th of class.

In the first 3 hour solo cut throat (not sure if there was more or not) I was pretty much the only player in the league that actually still had equip in the last 30 minutes. I got so bored I just pretty much afked with everyone fighting next to me because they had no equip. Still though it would show more what it would be like in a perm cut throat league. Oh yeah.. and my experience in racing is from actual races not fun mode races.

The first 3h CT was stupid because you could bail out. Same way grindis bailed out at a 1h CT race because the TP worked instantly.
And since it was Default players ganged up even without party, doing bandits was impossible because all the time I had to wait for a player and of course he bailed out.

I still had my EQ till the end but I could never finish the bandits I intended to do Oak and fight but was always interrupted by somebody. In the end I killed 2 interruptors at terraces.

Still though it would show more what it would be like in a perm cut throat league. Oh yeah.. and my experience in racing is from actual races not fun mode races

Oh don't play high and mighty I know 4 witch players who would do better than you, if they would race.

If cleave is so easy then why do you never win with it........? If a non mule witch finds portal scroll before glyph (which is not that rare) he will easily beat a muled ice nova. Not that you would know because you do not even know how to race. I have muled shadow loads.. from closed beta all the way to late season 2. The reason I switched to templar though is because it is just slightly slower for a faster ice nova. Obviously if you are going to mule templar is slightly better for witch. Do you really have to mention 24/7 how you are the greatest hillock killer in the game lmao? Gratz at fetid also no good racers do that stuff though...

I have not viewed what is fun and what is competition but from all your examples they seem like they did it right. Fixed seed for example is as balanced as it gets lol so of course competition. Ancestral can have some insane totem spots making things extremely luck based. Your progression speed is not affected compared to the players playing which are non racers only after points... Oh yeah about me not being able to win "fun" mode races I am pretty sure I have never lost a no projectile race. I have always been far far far ahead of competition.
Also not sure why you bring maps into race feedback..

Loading times are definitely a problem I agree. My loading times are terrible even while editing config file and playing on 800x600 with a restart before every race + disabling everything like antivirus for tiny bit more speed. Still though I manage to win often...

Oh don't play high and mighty I know 4 witch players who would do better than you, if they would race.

I really am curious who those 4 witch players who can do better than me are.
General Racing Guide for Act 1
Last edited by Powster#4710 on Jun 28, 2013, 2:01:58 PM
If cleave is so easy then why do you never win with it........?

Check my posts and you will see how often I use cleave.
All my shadows I played were casters and still I got into Top5 of class unless I died.

If a non mule witch finds portal scroll before glyph (which is not that rare) he will easily beat a muled ice nova. Not that you would know because you do not even know how to race. I have muled shadow loads.. from closed beta all the way to late season 2.

What arrogance and ignorance. Maybe I should borrow a SSD and play witch.
Next you praise grinding Western Forest requires skill?
In CB players took a shadow to mule Phase Run before every class got it.
And in OB you took a shadow just to mule fire trap before you saw Icenova works better.
You totally ignore the fact that PoE's loading times are horrible if you don't use a RAM Disk/SSD.
Why do you think the grace period got extended?

And you cry about luck but how come your 12min Turbo performance is abysmal(one time Top 20others out of top 20 or rip), while I got into Top 3 of class twice, once into top 10, once top 20. One time I died and one time I got stuck in upper passage.

You had no competition on no proj? Because good players didn't play witch and other players didn't know what spells to use.

Why I bring maps here?
This is a thread about GGG killing their game, with bad changes.
I consider high level content as horrible after OB and now races are terrible too.
The plan is so terrible looking at the race modes I like only 5 races of the current plan award a demigod. And 2 of them let me play deep into the night and 8h Turbo is a totally stupid timesplot for everybody but I already complained at the other thread that the guy creating the event plan has zero talent in it and never has seen how a shift plan gets created.
Is it that hard to create a shiftplan? Every slot gets 1-3 Races of every kind.
Fill the entire plan and limit the max amount of events somebody can participate to 50%.


I really am curious who those 4 witch players who can do better than me are.

IMDisppapoint has beaten you almost everytime in CB on witch he didn't die.

triada13 is a better witch racer than you but switched to shadow and never logged back in after Season 1.

vivn is a better witch racer I think regular exp is still some levels above your record exp

throzz is a better racer if he wouldn't die that often between level 8-12.

There are at last 2 good witch players from CB(they went ranger several races) which haven't played a single time in OB.

I preferred the cb race setup by far. Apparently many players did, as races then were much more populated than they are now.

My main disappointments this season are the return of the same unrewarding grindfest points system that only really pays out to 1% of the player base, the lack (yet again) of per-event tangible rewards beyond demigods and the comparatively lackluster rewards.

I also wonder why we still have no repeats of the 1 week turbo event that was such a fine challenge, nor have we yet seen a 1-2 week solo event, which was massively requested in cb and during previous race seasons. The 1 week party event this season seems pointless due to the currently fucked map system where a 6p party will always obliterate solos or duos simply due to currency pooling (lack of challenge in groups aside, as its effectively irrelevant when the soloing or duoing players cant even afford to map in the first place).

Overall i think ggg needs to greatly speed up the evolution of races (and many other aspects of the game, though i wont go into those here). Bring back orb rewards for 1/4 the events and compare their attendance to identical events without orb rewards. Run a couple of 1 week ancestral turbo events with 50% more champions and 100% more commanders, and a couple of 1 week solo notrade events to match. Have a few zero-rng events where everything is completely determined by player skill- fixed map seeds, preset monster spawns, players given a selection of gear to choose from at the start and drops disabled completely. Set up an npc who sells orbs, alt art uniques etc for race points. As everyones always so fond of mentioning, -its beta- what have you got to lose by experimenting? Descent is a good start but when i compare seasons 1-2-3, there are very few differences and i cant help but think that with even minimal effort, you could be doing a whole lot more.
IGN: KoTao
Last edited by KoTao#4717 on Jun 28, 2013, 4:26:38 PM
Shadow caster is pretty much as good as shadow cleave so not sure why you think thats special lol.

I did not mule shadow for fire trap. I muled shadow for wisdom scrolls/coral rings/vendor check like I said. I did not use fire trap for a long long long time into my racing career. I hardly ever even use fire trap now though because it is slower than just attacking.

Grinding western forest was skill how can you say its not. I am not sure why you mentioned borrowing SSD though. If it is because you believe you can beat me then definitely do it. I really have no idea why you keep bringing up loading times though. I have probably one of the slowest loading computers out of all racers. Even simple things like finding road to alira is impossible with how low my textures are set which causes me to waste a lot of time.

12 min turbo = luck lol.... You run into horrible rhoa pack with some lag = you are dead. I have never took them serious because they are pure luck.

No matter what race schedule they make there will be people upset about it. The end game is not so fun for me but racing is improving this season just like it improved season 2. I am just afraid of all the posts I see from people who do not even care 1% about racing trying to reverse a lot of the good changes.

IMDissapoint - I learned to race from his guide he made before he left to guild wars 2. I still consider him one of the best but.. he is out of practice for serious witch racing I think with all the changes that have happened.

Where is the evidence that triada13 is a better witch racer? I went through his racing and in the one race I found that he played witch I got probably the highest 1 hour solo turbo witch EXP record ever.

I agree throzz is an amazing racer. I have talked to him a lot but... I am sure he plays riskier + has a way better computer. Still though he is definitely good so I could understand him being one of the 4 like IMDisappoint.

and.. lol @ the 2 closed beta witch racers. I see a lot of CB racers talking about how they could still win. I originally thought the CB racers would be the best for a long long time. The game has changed too much now though.. it is hard to believe a CB racer can beat the OB racers without any proof. Especially when I know for a fact no one but IMDissapoint beat me in closed beta.

vivn like others did give me problems for short periods but I figured out what I needed to do to improve. Then changed the way I race to fix it. Which is the reason I am so confident now that I made a guide + answer almost any question about how I race.

I have the highest 1 hour record, highest 2 hour record (if you compare my 135min 2 hour exp to the 2 hour record), highest 135 min record, and was on track to beat the 3 hour record (which I am pretty sure was set with unnerfed silver branch + unnerfed poison arrow)

KoTao wrote:
I also wonder why we still have no repeats of the 1 week turbo event that was such a fine challenge, nor have we yet seen a 1-2 week solo event, which was massively requested in cb and during previous race seasons. The 1 week party event this season seems pointless due to the currently fucked map system where a 6p party will always obliterate solos or duos simply due to currency pooling (lack of challenge in groups aside, as its effectively irrelevant when the soloing or duoing players cant even afford to map in the first place).

As everyones always so fond of mentioning, -its beta- what have you got to lose by experimenting? Descent is a good start but when i compare seasons 1-2-3, there are very few differences and i cant help but think that with even minimal effort, you could be doing a whole lot more.

I agree with the above. One week normal seems kind of pointless to me. I like to at least feel like I have a chance at winning which is impossible unless I find a whole team of people who will play just as much using OP builds.

ONE WEEK SOLO NO TRADING please lol... That sounds so fun to me. I will be extremely sad if there is not one this season :/
General Racing Guide for Act 1
Hilbert wrote:

I really am curious who those 4 witch players who can do better than me are.

IMDisppapoint has beaten you almost everytime in CB on witch he didn't die.

triada13 is a better witch racer than you but switched to shadow and never logged back in after Season 1.

vivn is a better witch racer I think regular exp is still some levels above your record exp

throzz is a better racer if he wouldn't die that often between level 8-12.

There are at last 2 good witch players from CB(they went ranger several races) which haven't played a single time in OB.

And Kungen might have been better.. does it matter?

And please borrow an SSD and play witch! Or just either..

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