Suggestions: Loot Display & Allocation Options/Modes
A) As the title says, the way Loot-Display (Z) is handled... feels quite unintuitive. If you turn it on, you see everything... if you turn it Off however, you will NOT see your own drops in permanent allocation mode at all. It feels like unintentional "design". So what is needed now is a third mode of Loot-Display, to actually have Loot entirely ON or OFF... and an entirely new mode, which will also make only your own allocated loot visible.
This way the old options are still available. But we get a completely new "mode", which goes hand-in-hand with the new perma-allocation and removes huge amounts of "loot-clutter" on the screen, by only displaying your own loot in perma. B) Related to Loot allocation it is very annoying that if your party gets disbanded... or you have to create a new one, after trading withsomeone.. or refreshing your public party on billboard... you have to change from short to permanent allocation, over and over again. It would be nice to set your own, default/preferred alloc. setting in game-options.. for example. Or at least, make Permament Allocation default for everyone. I am pretty sure the majority prefers perma over Short Alloc. in 99% of private and public groups. C) In relation to Permanent loot allocation... I honestly don't understand, why blue, yellow and unique maps were excluded from Map2Maker. What kind of logic is behind that implementation? I spend shitloads of currency on my maps... So why the hell would I, as a dedicated map-host.. decide to open a public party.. and go like "Hell.. sure Randoms. I just made a nice map for us. Played around a bit with our next map... 4-Chiselled it, scoured the Map 3 times, alched it 3 times, chaosed it 5 times.. then I thought f*** it. I'm gonna alt+Regal it anyway... like another 2 times... to get a Maze + 50 Magic + 50 Packsize on 69 Tunnel." "But Hey! Don't forget to take your Blue and Yellow maps, boys! I dont want em, go ahead! I will only keep the white ones... since this map only cost me like 2-3 GCPs. You go ahead and just take those blue, yellow and brown maps... serve yourselves!" Honestly. I don't understand the logic behind this. All maps should be allocated to the maker. He spends shitloads of currency on maps, if it's a decent host. D) In relation to C) I think it would be amazing if it were possible to set up custom loot rules on a grid... I would already be happy if A-C) are implemented/corrected... but further down the line.. I think the new loot allocation can generally be fleshed out much more. Our group prefers to run Chisel2Maker, Map2Maker... and High-Value drops (Kaoms+Shav) are sold + split between the group, for instance. I've also seen groups run Chaos2Maker.. to cover the hosts map-expenses slightly more. So it would be amazing to have a quick-solution... quick and dirty "Mapper's Allocation" - With ALL Maps 2 Maker, Chisel2Maker and rest is like Permaloot. But more detailed/fleshed out rules, for parties to set up their own, customized rules... would be amazing down the line. Naturally it needs to be a system where people can define their own loot-rules. I.e. include a Text mask for an Item-Name "Filter", with partial matches.. so you can add your own list of items, for people to allocate their prefered high-value loot to the Partyleader, for instance... And the system obviously needs to be designed, so that people can easily see what kind of rules are set up, when they join a party. Also: A function to choose someone else to become party-leader, would be quite useful too. Last edited by ozram#3086 on Jun 15, 2013, 9:55:51 AM
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yeah lemme just set up this party so that i get every type of important loot
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yay lets just be sceptical and afraid of the ninja-mentality pre-dominant before the latest patch... and just ignore any possible improvements because someone might try to allocate all loot to themselves.
there are private and public parties, you know.. each with their own needs. As long as the loot-rules are clearly visible to anyone joining the group, there shouldn't be a problem, isn't it? |
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+1 (A-C)
+1 (D) if the custom rules are visible to anyone in the party. |
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Good to hear I'm not the only one. ;)
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