Map Management - Quick Reference Guide

Hello once again, POE community.

I'm rather new to POE and have been using Liralei's Map Management Guide to quite some extent now. I really appreciate the work he put into that guide, and it has always been helpful. The only thing bothering me, was readability and accessibility. So I decided to create some sort of quick-reference for myself and my own POE-parties/teams.

I decided to polish this document for the community. And release it for everyone. So people can print it out, have it on a second screen, or simply tab in and out. To quickly glance at information for map-enchants. I am in no way taking credit for the original data/work, only this (hopefully) improved quick-reference guide.

Feel free to contact me or reply in this thread regarding corrections, complementations or improvements.

The document currently only contains maps up to lvl 71. The missing map-levels are work in progress. (If some experienced mappers would like to list indoor/outdoor status for all the 72+ maps, that would be more than welcome.)

Quick-Reference PDF can be found here:

Working out the layout and structure for this guide took time and effort.
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Original Guide:
Lyralei's map management
Last edited by ozram#3086 on Jun 2, 2013, 9:36:37 AM
Thank you for investing your time in making this. Will be much used :)

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Some advice? Leave your opinions out of it.
I would add Twinned mod as desirable for Arcade map. With 4 easy boses my screen is full of rares with my MF char.

Shagsbeard wrote:
Some advice? Leave your opinions out of it.

Can you clarify? Because from what I see, that statement isn't much more than a rant.

"I would add Twinned mod as desirable for Arcade map. With 4 easy boses my screen is full of rares with my MF char."

Even though Rares aren't really important... Twinned on Arcade and the like works really well, that's correct. Remember getting 2 Maps from 2 of the 4 Bosses.

Also "Tunnel" isn't good "with + without maze" at all IIRC. It needs a maze. That's something I transcribed from the original guide.. and I don't think it applies. So will have to remove that.

Also I think Multifarious is underrated. It works amazingly well on maps which dont need massive/maze anyways.

Been No-Lifing Maps hard the past few weeks. Could learn quite a few things. There is still room for corrections/improvement in the guide. Will update up to Map-Level 77 and correct up to 71 when I have the time.

Thanks alot for your feedback, much appreciated.

Pretty please!

Thanks for the guide, it's much appreciated.
I've seen this in the original and in yours "The only thing that directly influences the map drop rates is it's IIQ . Magic-Find has no influence"

I very much question that as I constantly see groups where IIQ or IIR is a requirement or just IIR. It saeem half the population believe it and the other half doesn't. Where is the original source for this claim? What are we basing it on?

I myself, _really_ think that at least IIR makes a difference, because I've run the same level 66 maps around 30% quality over and over with IIR gear on at ~200 and with my highest defense gear on at ~20. With the former, I had more than 10 rares drop in the same room, and almost always have a rare from each magic or rare monster, while with the latter, I don't seem to have to make a portal back to town at all. It could be in my head, but it really seems to make a difference. I cannot argue IIQ, because I simply don't have enough IIQ yet to make what should be a night and day difference.
By MAP drop rates, it is talking about the drop rates of new MAPS. It is not talking about Item drop rates. IIR+IIQ affect ITEM drop rates on maps, they do not affect MAP drop rates on maps - except for the IIQ rolled on the actual map. It's in one of the old patch notes. If you want to see it, you'll have to search.
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