Unwavering Stance and Iron Reflexes - Do they work together?

I've searched this up and couldn't find a definitive answer and as such I'm asking it here. If I have both of these skills does my unwavering stance cancel my evasion rating before it is converted to armour rating, effectively leaving me defenceless? Or do the two skills work well together with no downside?

Below are what each skill does if anyone needs reminding:
Unwavering stance means you cannot evade enemy attacks but you also cannot be stunned by enemy attacks.

Iron reflexes converts all evasion rating to armour.

They work fine together. Unwavering Stance doesn't remove your evasion rating; it just removes your chance to evade. Your evasion rating still exists and can still be converted to armor.
Closed Beta/Alpha Tester back after a 10-year hiatus.
Kiwi pets and Spark spam FTW.
Your Evasion will be converted to Armor and you will be unable to evade(every character still retains a minimum 5% evade). Essentially, it's the same as if you chose to wear STR Armor in the first place.
Last edited by FaceLicker on Jul 25, 2012, 12:15:46 PM
whiteBoy88 wrote:
Unwavering Stance doesn't remove your evasion rating; it just removes your chance to evade.

So should you take unwavering stance (and not iron reflexes) on a built based solely in evasion rating gear you'd undo all the good of your gear?

Apologies if this is a daft question, I played PoE right at the beginning of closed beta as a templar and haven't really come back since the first stat reset!
Piggy wrote:
whiteBoy88 wrote:
Unwavering Stance doesn't remove your evasion rating; it just removes your chance to evade.

So should you take unwavering stance (and not iron reflexes) on a built based solely in evasion rating gear you'd undo all the good of your gear?
Yes, you would have tons of useless evasion rating.

That's why Unwavering Stance isn't in the dex part of the tree :p
Closed Beta/Alpha Tester back after a 10-year hiatus.
Kiwi pets and Spark spam FTW.
Last edited by WhiteBoy on Jul 25, 2012, 1:09:34 PM

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