Past Diamond Supporter Newsletters

You'll notice that I've linked to reddit posts for these. That's because Diamond supporters have chosen to post them on reddit and I couldn't find all of them on our forum. We will probably post them (after a few days) to our forum in the future and I'll try to make sure to include them in the news.

We don't mind people sharing newsletters like these around the community. While they started as a way to communicate the progress of custom Unique items, they've turned into quite a useful piece of communication. Because of this, we're considering starting a real (larger) newsletter that is sent to anyone who is interested. I don't plan to investigate that deeply at the moment because we're working on other important stuff, but it's on the cards for later.

As for an update on the 0.10.8 patch, it's looking like it'll be ready by either tomorrow or the next day. I'm guessing the latter so that we have time to test the new features fully to avoid bugs slipping through.
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Good stuff in those newsletters. Read 'em up folks! :)
Unique flasks "only a few weeks away" as of roughly a month ago? Sounds like they're in this patch :)
Last edited by Dreggon#7708 on May 8, 2013, 1:25:13 AM
Good stuff!
Intressting letters you share with us Chris =).. Thanks alot to the Diamond Supporters who share that cool ideas and help GGG - path of exile!!

Poe veteran! Have been here sense November 2010.
Interesting things I noticed in the Newsletters:

  • Several players who have multiple Diamond supporter packs have multiple uniques in while there are still quite a few players who have only bought one who do not have any in game. I'm guessing this has to do with amount of direct communication to the team. So, my recommendation for any Diamonds who don't have their uniques in is to just make sure you are being proactive in communicating with the team!
  • Mark is finally taking a vacation soon (or is taking one presently, I'm not sure). Enjoy it Mark!
  • The Green Skull microtransaction looks great on paper, but it might run into the same problems I see with that weird Spirit Charm. The placement of having the effect in front of the mask is not particularly great, and having it raised above the character's head is also strange. If you're going to make something that appears to be a mask, it should simply cover the face area, as close to the face as possible, removing possible piece of the helmet in the process.
  • You mentioned balance changes potentially to certain uniques like Pillar of the Caged God and to Darkray Vectors. I have never had either of these items yet, but I've read a lot of the theorycrafting around them. What is your current opinion of their power level in game, as I have heard quite a few players complain about their underpoweredness?
  • I am wondering both where you get that many phonebooks to simply use as monitor stands and if you have actually ever opened any of them and used them for their regular purpose.

I really enjoyed reading these. I hope you keep on posting links to these on the forums.
Alteration Orb Union Local #7
I'll smash your nose with 20 Alterations before I'll sell them for 1 lousy Chaos. 16:1. No questions.
Interesting, thanks for sharing the newsletters.
“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”
—Leo Buscaglia

Contact to report issues relating to the game or forum. Thanks!

My beloved pets....
CharanJaydemyr wrote:

To be honest I was surprised when Sleek's second unique went in so quickly, and that Zahn's got a few more due, but it really does boil down to what can be done and when.

That said, I made clear to the GGGang that after my first one was in, they should do other people's first, so I'm definitely in the camp where a person's 2nd+ unique should come after everyone else's first. But like I said, they do what they can and when.

My next few are really demanding, so I wouldn't expect to see them in a hurry. One cost me two packages, for example.

Why don't you have a Diamond Supporter tag on your account, yet you still have a custom image?
IGN: Iworkeout
Last edited by cutt#5066 on May 8, 2013, 3:14:48 AM
cutt wrote:

Why don't you have a Diamond Supporter tag on your account, yet you still have a custom image?

Supporters can choose to turn it off/on in their account settings.
Ascension tied to Lab is the worst thing GGG has done...apart from GGG's philosophy on Trading. Oh and Gambling Loot boxes. And selling out to tencent.

I used to love GGG. I supported to ensure GGG remained independent, now I just wish I could get my money back. -_-
Some new bugs that i've noticed:

1. the text on item tool tips will sometimes be "twitchy" or "spazzy" as if the text is shaking.

2. When you make a public party, it sometimes wont show in the public party listing for the correct difficulty. For example, i made a party in cruel ledge, but it was showing on the list in act 1 normal

ill post this in the bug section too. Just hope you guys are aware. First one isnt an issue, but second one makes playing with random people difficult.

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