my problem with the race system as it stands...
My main problem with the race system in its' current form is...
really rewards people who can play off and on all day long... I've only been online for a full race start to finish three times, first one I was new and knew nothing, second two I raced and died. I'm almost never on when they start, and almost never still have play time available when they do. I was wondering why some races are not just available to be started every 24 hours? so every 24 hours they have a list of 1-6 events or so that will start at random times, why can you not just leave the league open for 24 hours and allow people to start at any point in the day. so if they have a 12 minute race I can do it at 5 PM when I get home from work while some other guy did it at 2 AM when he was still awake... my problem that I want fixed is that I really want to be interested in racing, but if I can only get to 8-9 races over the course of a season what is the point? if it were easy to get to race I would man mode a new man on HC everyday to practice, but right now I just don't even see the point in trying to beat kripp's play time of 25/8/366 |
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Only people with literally no life at all, have a chance at being consistently important in races. Important meaning, even close to winning.
Kripp and his team have the top spots on lockdown, it's driving people further away from racing imo. I've said it before and I'll say it again. We need seperate leagues for the tryhards and people who actually do something else in life beyond racing. GGG gives me Diablo 2 Teleport? I give them 50 bucks. No questions asked.
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if I could come home and do the 12 minute race, then the 1.5 hour race and then get work done and then wake up and do a 3 hour race before leaving for work I would, but the times never match up right and I'm not gonna change my life just to race in this game....
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" Tell me any Game that is different to this? Just one that if you play less you improve more and get more rewards. Why you should try Harcore
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" what? I don't think you understand, I mean this system rewards people that can conform to GGG scheduled and people that HAVE to work x-y time get is not about total time, it's about when you can spend your time... |
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it's also hard to get started racing because you are bad at first invariably. and there is no real point in practicing unless you are going to commit to racing at pre-laid out times, if you don't feel like playing when the race comes around then we don't care about you, you get left behind, if you stay 30 minutes late at work and get home late because of rush hour then fuck you, you don't get to race.
do you see what I mean? that is how I feel, it is like GGG says fuck you to people with responsibilities, fuck yeah I would trade lives with kripp and play all day everyday, but I can't and have to live with GGG giving him stash tab and stash tabs worth of valuable rares and I get nothing, not a single point... |
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I don't mean to pick on krippers for what he does either, I think it is great that he can play as much as he can and he makes an awesome stream that is very informative with his time, I just wish I had a chance to get on the board at least, you know?
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watching kripp's stream one night he passed by his piles of "Demigod's Triumph" and I was just, "I just want one... he is just the best Templar, I could be known as the best...something else"
and I went and did a man mode duelist and instantly saw that it would be seasons before I could be the best in a race, simply because it is different when the pressure is on. I don't want to put all the work into being good in a race setting only to get the 40 points from the few races I can manage to make.... |
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It just kind of really upsets me not that I don't have a chance against kripp and crew, that is fine, they are boss and good for them, but to be unable to be the slightest bit of competition sucks...
I guess I just needed to get that out... all in all I love this game even if I do have qualms... |
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