Currency Rewards
One reason events in CB had far higher competition were currency rewards.
Beside pre 9.12 rewards which were too generous I liked the idea of random currency rewards. Basically there were 2 forms of currency rewards after 9.12 A small pool of exalteds and divines(iirc chris posted once 3 exalteds have been given out) and completely random. So why don't you bring back the first form at last. You got a pool of for example 5 exalted 10 divines 50 GCP and infinite amount of other orbs. Lower valued currency should be given out in bigger packs. For example: 10 TransmutesScraps/Whetstones,8 Augmentation/alterations/Glassblowers, 4 Jewelers, 2 chances and 1 fusing/alchemy/chisel/chaos/blessed/regret/scouring. On the other side the amount of points for reaching certain levels must be raised to prevent players playing on multiple accounts to the lowest level. Each point reflects one currency item. Higher valued currency is limited so it doesn't affect the economy. This way it will be far more apealing for players and the competition gets bigger again. |
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I don't yet have a strong stance on this issue, but for the discussion this is what Chris had to say about currency rewards in the season one announcement post:
" ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
PocketMonsters, ElectronicArts, CommandAndConquer, CaptainFairgraves, AgentTanya, OcarinaOfTime |
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" Are you saying the prices now are high? You get nothing unless you create several accounts reach 7 points and generate level 100 onyx amulets..... |
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We have no current intentions to return currency rewards to races. There was no lack of complaints about currency rewards when we had them.
We would prefer not to force people into racing if they don't enjoy it. Making races rewarding to players who are solely economically minded means they do something they don't enjoy. Whatever level we set currency rewards to we always got complaints from a majority of players. | |
I think criticism is fairly valid on the Kurai reward at seven points; those are turned into ilevel 100 Onyx amulets from the vendor recipe which is easily equivalent to several chaos, so a diligent player could create several accounts and do them all up to seven points. This is in contrast to the last season where the early items could not be transmogrified into top-end white items.
PocketMonsters, ElectronicArts, CommandAndConquer, CaptainFairgraves, AgentTanya, OcarinaOfTime |
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You saw how low the participation on interseason races was?
The point is the majority of players races for onyx amulets and with that I mean 7 points. And the biggest critisized points about currency was that you didn't gave out chisels for a long time. And now you get complaints that the rewards are extremly low. That's why races lack competition. |
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