Different League?
I am using Poe Trade to try to buy an item. Of course a listing comes up with possible 'helmets', etc. I copy and paste the sell request.
The seller responds that he is in a different league. He says that when he sends a party invite it tells him 'that character is in a different league'. We are both playing Settlers Default!! what is the problem? And why is Poe Trade listing items that I cannot buy? What a waste.... Last bumped on Nov 28, 2024, 1:14:49 AM
Make sure that when you search an item, that you search it in the league you’re playing.
You're requesting to the wrong league. Your fault, not theirs. Easy mistake to make, I did the same today when trying to buy an item from a league I hadn't been playing for a while. Check what league you are searching in.
In the off chance that you were in settlers, searched settlers and he was in settlers, don't know what to tell you, but that is the message the seller gets when the buyer is in the wrong league. Any chance you were logged in to one of your standard characters at the time? Any chance they were in necro/settlers and not just settlers? The only other thing I can suggest is maybe it is something to do with the copy whisper. I've only been using Direct whisper recently and had no problem. Even in the past when using Copy whisper I've had no problems, but it's interesting that was part of the process. Any reason to not just direct whisper? (Apologies if that was rude. In fact it is the system GGG have created. I've made many posts on the forum about in needing improvement. Seller and buyer should be receiving all information about the trade, not just one person. Amongst other things. Some times people do actually want to request from a different league, so that is why it is allowed. It's a big problem in ruthless standard where a small amount of trading occurs but a large amount if incorrect trade requests get sent. I guess it is also possible that there was a bug or the seller is passing on incorrect information. In most cases this is the buyer simply not selecting the right league on the trade site though. If it happens again, I would suggest you check and document the league you are searching in on the trade site and the one you are logged into. If that checks out you will be able to report as bug. I've never encountered that doing many trades though, only the other way around where the other party or I as the buyer had searched in the wrong league.) Last edited by Belegur85#5784 on Nov 28, 2024, 2:29:19 AM