"Order completed" but not filled?

Anyone know why on the currency exchange sometimes orders "complete" without the full amount of the order being received? Sometimes orders get partially complete and remain listed, but sometimes they complete when the full amount has not been reached.

Also, when this occurs, what happens to the portion of the Faustus fee that hasn't been filled? Is it reimbursed, because otherwise he is ripping me off? Seems like he might of had a few too many beers to be handling the money.
Last bumped on Aug 19, 2024, 7:10:33 PM
Pretty sure what happens is that your order has been undercut by other players and the system wont complete your order cuz there are better ones available.

If you wait long enough the market might recover and your offer might be back on the menu again but until then the exchange wont be completed.

Thats at least my take on it.
Belegur85 wrote:
Anyone know why on the currency exchange sometimes orders "complete" without the full amount of the order being received? Sometimes orders get partially complete and remain listed, but sometimes they complete when the full amount has not been reached.

Also, when this occurs, what happens to the portion of the Faustus fee that hasn't been filled? Is it reimbursed, because otherwise he is ripping me off? Seems like he might of had a few too many beers to be handling the money.

If you dont know already: You may want to read this: https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1evsqyu/currency_exchange_and_you_or_how_not_to_have_your/

Disclaimer: I dont play trade league and have no idea if anything in the link is true.
No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
Thanks, exactly what I was looking for, I'll put the relevant part up for any one else that has this question. Long story short, they have a problem with fractions, but I thought it would be implemented better than that, and the gold is returned apparently.

"But don't I lose gold when this happens?"

You don't. You get back gold equal to the % of your fulfilled trade when you pick up the chaos you received from the trade. Here, we wanted 65c and got 36c from our sale, so we're expected to get 1625 / 65 * (65-36) = 725 gold, which matches what we received.

This is the main point. It's less of a problem if this is the case. I was trying to notice if it was happing at the time of trade and couldn't see it. If it is being refunded at the time of collection, that will be pretty easy to see and I will check next time it occurs.

Good news: I get picked. I'm selling at 399:65, so I get 36c out of this (this number is better than my ratio, so presumably I'm happy with it). Bad news: what happens after the trade goes through?

Well, I'm left selling 179 alts and I'm asking for 65c for 399 alts. But I don't have 399 alts to sell, I have 179. Can it sell a portion of my remaining alts, maybe? Well, 65 and 399 have no common divisors, so there's no way to say for example "yeah 170 alts would sell for [integer amount of chaos]". So the trade can never be completed. The trade is closed, and I can get my 179 alts back.

Yep, so it is occurring and that is the reason, decimals of currency.

"But couldn't they just continue the trade and change your weights?"

Well... yes, they could, but what should they change them to? A lower ratio? Then you're selling at a lower ratio than you wanted, which is a big no-no. A higher ratio? For my alt example, that's not a big deal, but at smaller ratios this has its own problems : imagine an extreme example where you're selling 6 scarabs for 5 div and there's like 100000 offers at 6:5. Someone comes in and buys a scarab for 1 div, amazingly you get picked for the trade. Should it relist at 5scarabs:5div? Well, if it does, you're now locked in a trade above market rate with thousands of people competing with you for that 1:1 ratio. You'll have to wait for someone to want to buy 1 scarab (because if they wanna buy 5, they're gonna get it from the 6:5 guys above you and make +1 scarab of profit) for 1 div, and then you're ALSO going to need to beat the thousands of people at 6:5.

There's other solutions to this. It might be more complicated than what they want to implement, but you are putting in a valid trade, it can be fulfilled. It might be that they think the current system is cleaner than anything else, but there is a downside to what has been implemented. That being, what you have requested is not being fulfilled, and requires a second action, or restrictive pricing that avoids the pitfall. I'm sure it's fine for the scope of the game, but I'm also sure they could come up with a superior system if they wished to do so. Basically though, you cant have decimals of currency in the game, other than some currencies which have shards, and you cant have fractions of shards, except in some nieche case where it may exist as a div card. In which case it's now a currency conversion and the game doesn't deal with currency conversions because they fluctuate. They do have some estimates on the trade website, but they will often be inaccurate.
Last edited by Belegur85#5784 on Aug 19, 2024, 7:16:50 PM

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