Old account has 4 defaults stash tabs

I play POE for alot of time and my account is really old , and i have the default 4 STASH TABS , why don't i get the default 6 stash tabs that the new players get ? shouldn't we old players get the default stash tabs updated as well ?

Last bumped on Aug 20, 2024, 1:26:23 AM
Don't new players get 4 tabs?
seaman wrote:
Don't new players get 4 tabs?

Checkmate in two.

(Google says 4 but I don't really know tbh. Was there an update or something OP?)
Last edited by Belegur85#5784 on Aug 6, 2024, 9:24:23 AM
Lately from what i saw new players get 5-6 tabs , i dont know what changes this
Kazzuke wrote:
Lately from what i saw new players get 5-6 tabs , i dont know what changes this


You can test it yourself by create a new account and test it on standalone client anyway

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The wiki still has it listed as 4.
By default, the stash has four tabs.
. I don't know if this has ever changed though, like for platforms or a promotion or anything. Where did you see that someone had six? Could also be someone who has bought some having a lend of you.
It could be that my friend that had 6 has made the account in a promotion period i dont know but it felt really confusing

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