Hey has the loot been nerfed in this game?
I play 12 years. This league I have 1 exalt drop and 0 divine drops in almost 300k kills. Never played without drops before. This is weird right?
Last bumped on Aug 5, 2024, 3:48:15 PM
no it feels just "weird" after the previous two leagues with boosted drop rates.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun.
Mash the clean
Alright was just curious as I had seen some conspiracy theories about gold replacing drops. I will just keep grinding. Thankfully I know how to craft or I would be probably giving up, 300k kills is the worst ever for me to get so little loot.
Drop mechanic was changed in general.
From what I saw it's the same drop rate as Standard, maps aren't buffed by the league mechanics. If you want stuff you gotta interact with the Farmville sauce POE...
loot was nerfed to oblivion imho. I play standard, different strategies, some MF gear. twice less items in general. good divination cards - extinct. enjoy your bramblejack lol:)
Insert "(its fine fire meme)" here.
loot feels even worse than it did in kalandra. i also have 0 divine drops and i'm almost finished with the 500 map boss challenge. thats 500 mostly t16 maps with altars
Yes, dramatically