Shipping destinations have no favored resource showing after migration
I just migrated from Steelmages private league to Settlers SC and all my shipping destinations have no favored resources.
I also had to re-assign all of my people. My cousin migrated at the same time and he didnt have to re-assign and has no issues seeing favored resources. Also, i had to remove all of my essences/uniques/etc from (remove only) tabs and then push that back into the tabs for this cousin also did not have to do this. Last bumped on Aug 7, 2024, 11:32:30 AM
Now that im thinking about it...this might be because I made a character in the Settlers league first and then made someone in the private league while my cousin only had someone from the private league.
So since these tabs from the private league are duplicates as opposed to the tabs not already existing for my cousin...i have to do these extra work. |
Also having this issue after migrating from steel's league. Did yours ever come back?