Locus mine + Power siphon frustrating bug

I've always enjoyed playing with mines, in almost all variations and builds.

In this league I decided to try Power Siphon + Locus Mine and... the build is excellent, but it clearly has a bug that makes the gameplay not weaker or stronger, but CLEARLY more frustrating than it should be for a reason I honestly don't understand: When mines are thrown close to the character (and not that close), they simply don't activate. You need to move away from the mines for them to activate or throw them very far away.

To make matters worse, I decided to start playing with the gamepad: The problem gets even worse, it becomes even harder to control where the mines will fall (preferably far enough away), making almost all of them... simply not activate.

Can you please evaluate this type of interaction? The mines not activating based on the distance they are from the character is an interaction that makes no sense at all. They already need to be close enough to enemies to attack, having to target with the mouse as far away from the character as possible is a very frustrating "solution".
Last bumped on Jul 26, 2024, 11:43:59 PM
I believe the build guide I watched for this build specifically mentions that you have to throw your mines pretty far for the build to work, and that's part of the assumed playstyle.
Yep, jungroan assumes that: but it's a interaction that makes the build unplayable with gamepad.

Theres no text that indicates that you need X range from yourselft otherwise your mines can't detonate. Clearly a bug.
Its written in the locus mine support gem:
Mines from Supported Skills can't be Detonated while within 3 metres of you.

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