Shipment does not start if you max resource bars/no risk

When I click "Done" then "Set Sail", it resets the materials and doesnt start the shipment.

Also, I find it hard to believe that all of these materials = 0 risk on the meter.

Seems bugged. This would be my 4th or 5th shipment, the others worked fine.
Last bumped on Jul 27, 2024, 5:22:22 AM
Relogging did not fix the issue. Holding my resources until this is fixed.
Shipping the requested resource works.

Had plenty of gold in my treasury, shipping rank 4. Still can't invest a lot of resources.
Confirmed this is still a bug. If you select max resources for shipping then click ‘Set Sail’, the mission doesn’t launch and the resources aren’t taken from your stash. You can re-add the resources and try again, but it still won’t work. Sailing with less than max resources does work.
Make sure you've got gold in your town treasury.
v4r14c1k wrote:
Make sure you've got gold in your town treasury.

Read the thread

Also, this kind of isn't an issue in maps. The threat level doesn't allow you to sink a maxed bar of materials with level 4 sailors anymore.

Still worth fixing.

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