Kingsmarch map has UI overlap making some elements unreachable

When in Kingsmarch and opening the map (for example with V) that shows the jobs and the resources, depending on the screen/window dimensions some elements will be hidden because they end up being behind some panels.

For example, with the game fullscreen on a 3240 x 2160 screen, some of the mining jobs are eclipsed by the Town Resources panel on the left of the screen (the brown button is partially hidden, and after clicking it some of the smaller circles for some of the tipes of ores are also behind the panel).

If the game config is changed to play on a window, making the window wider allows the mining jobs to be reachable. In general the job nodes will "move positions" depending on the height/width ratio of the window.

The eclipsing occurs because the bounding box of the map is the full screen, and not an area that excludes the panels on the sides (Town Resources on the left, list of employees on the right).

Last bumped on Aug 15, 2024, 2:28:32 AM
Is this getting looked at at all? I'm not able to reach some of my options to assign workers at this point it seems.

There are multiple places where the Kingsport UI (due to being adaptable to the screen size) ends up with different elements piled on top of each other and unreachable by the user.

One more example is, on a 2400 x 1600 screen, when opening the recruit window, the "Show Idle Only" checkbox on the bottom right is occluded behind the Toggle Town Map [V] that is always visible at the bottom right area of the screen (above the skills buttons, above the green Shop button). Oddly, the word "Show" can't be clicked, but "Idle" can.

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